Fanart: It's Good For You [G, Sam&Dean, gen]

Sep 19, 2012 10:13

Title: It's good for you.
Artist: badbastion
Pairing: Sam&Dean
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Misc: I had so much fun drawing older!Sam&Dean. And I think I might have grown a crush on this Sam, I just can't help it, lol.
Summary: Dean never expected to live past thirty. Neither did his arteries or stomach lining. And breakfast used to be so much fun, too.

Lives lived, we lived together

[genre: slash], [character: sam], illness (misc./other/uncategorized), .mini challenge (curtain!fic/art week), old age, [pairing: dean/sam], [setting: post-series/future-fic], &art/graphics (digital), [genre» other: domestic/curtain!fic]

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