Fic: Variations on a Theme

Sep 18, 2012 04:11 not 100% sure this goes here, because it's mostly hurt and not much in the way of comfort, so...if it doesn't go here, it can come down. But here it is. *is nervously babbling*

Title: Variations on a Theme (or five ways it might have been)
Rating: A hard PG-13, if such a thing exists
Pairings: Sam/Jess (sometimes), mostly gen
Words: ~8,000
Spoilers: For pretty much all aired episodes
Warnings: Descriptions of violence and physical/emotional child abuse, discussion of suicide, lots of language, mental illness, major character death, gratuitous hurt!Dean and a little bit of hurt!Sam, hardcore Biblical geerkery in part four. John does not come off well in this story, which was not my intention (though I'm no great fan of John so I'm not too fussed). 
Summary: Maybe the Winchesters fight monsters and prevent the apolcalypse, and maybe they don't. Five places the Winchester boys might have ended up.
Neurotic author's notes: This happened because I was sitting in my religion class thinking about parallel universes. And also about how fun/weird it would be to contemplate the addition of new books to the canonical Bible, because I am a huge nerd. Therefore, this happened. Also, the cut text is from Richard Feynman's The Character of Physical Law, because I am an incurable dork.

every theoretical physicist who is any good knows six or seven different theoretical representations for exactly the same physics.

[genre» other: au/ar], suicide/suicide attempt, death, psychological issues, emotional abuse, childhood trauma, [genre: gen], [genre» other: apoca!fic], hypothermia/extreme cold, child abuse, schizophrenia, [» what is and what should never be], daddy issues, &fic, vessel!dean, mental illness

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