So managed to rewatch the episode with subs... tho not sure who subbed it cos using those streaming sites to watch this.
To be honest, I'm trying to not judge the anime a bit too early. I mean, it's still only just the first episode. We still have a long way to go.
Still trying to get used to the new setting, Medieval. And I suppose this is the appropriate time period to use considering the need for a witch hunt scenario.
So we begin at a witch execution, to which a woman being accused to be the one who sent a curse to the king was to be executed. Then, as the pyres are lighted, she gave birth to a child who apparently protected from harm as some magical barrier surrounds it. Then come a Makai Knight to come rescue the child (leaving the dying woman with heavy hearts), before being pursued by the armies. We learn later this knight is called Zoro and the kingdom was called Valiante. (Whatever the spelling will be)
An okay starting point I suppose... but then been a while since I watched any other animes of similar genres so not sure of the current standards. I won't say it's was so awesome... cos I'd be lying to myself if I did. But it's... okay, far better than my initial first few minutes of Yami wo Terasu Mono. (I try to not be overcritical or overdoing it to try say something good about this.)
I don't like the opening montage. The song is nice YES but I don't feel like listening to it with the OP sequence. Because it is JARRING. And out of place. I was like nope nope as I skipped the OP. I wished it was filled with Horror imageries (the kind like in the series) but seeing how the anime Horrors differs from the non-anime series, NOPE NOPE NOPE also! If I had to choose between that I rather chose Zedom's butts.
Then we time skip to the present, as German Luis narrates what happened in between in that timeline. I suppose it worked to explain stuff, esp for viewers that never know about Tokusatsu Garo before this. And set up/elaborate the whole witch hunt thing. But I'd prefer German not doing this while he was naked and spending sexy time with this prostitute girl. I mean, while seeing sexy stuff in series was nothing new while watching Garo in general, I rather not have it being forced like that. I felt exactly like this when Takeru was first introduced into Yami wo Terasu Mono.
I guess I can't help it. I'm still 'traditional' regarding that.
Anyway, prostitute turned up to be a Horror... yet because we're introduced to the character in mid story and suddenly go back a bit and being revealed her 'other' secret identity (without being shown at what point the prostitute was being possessed), that particular sequence was a bit disconnected (as well).
Meanwhile back in Valiante, scheming advisor found out the whereabouts of the missing 'father and son'--Oh yes, it turned out German is Zoro and his son was said magical baby--and sent troops to kill them. In which those troops end up stalking their house as Luis the main character comes home alone while daddy play hooky. Then we got the first Garo fight scene! As the leader of the troop was yet another Horror in disguise. (Kinda obvious to ID anyway). But... rest for sure, daddy don't exactly doing nothing. Prostitute!Horror attacked in the middle of sexy time and daddy finished her off. Since that was the real purpose he went to the brothel as rumors of people not coming out of it went around.
And with the horrors defeated we end the first episode! YAY! That aside, ED sequence is pretty I LOVE IT! Who the Eff spoke in the preview?? And oh, there's also some other scenes happening at Valiante but I just gonna cover that down this post.
Hopefully I don't sound too sarcastic there.
Now that I managed to watch this with subs... I kinda can tolerate it a bit. Cos without the subs I had to end up focusing on naked Herman and that's too distracting.
So seeing that they set the whole witch hunt and the conflicts with Valiante as the main plot, I suppose there's a point of focus there. Like wondering how this persecution of the Makai community started, and how the Kingdom of Valiante was involved in this. It's something that we (hopefully) can focus on throughout the anime series.
But it stilll brings about the question, how did Garo was involved with the Kingdom of Valiante? And why, despite of this... the Makai community was hunted down and being accused of being witches and demons? Since this is the first episode, hopefully the rest of the series would explain stuff... while not keeping it to be too messy. Because yeah, that last scene with Prince Alphonse and the king and the queen and that obviously Garo amulet just screams lots of complicated questions. And the king CALLED Garo their kingdom's hero. Kinda ironic, right? Given the earlier circumstances. And a part of me wonders if the advisor was a horror, or even a mado horror. Can't be just hatred on Makai community that drove the advisor to actions... right?
And since this is starting to be too long I'll post up the rest of the word vomit on another post. I'll be mostly posting the meta on Tumblr I might as well have this be a masterpost for all the meta.
Ep 1 Thoughts Part 2
Ep 2 Thoughts Part 1Ep 2 Thoughts Part 2Ep 3 ThoughtsEp 4 ThoughtsEp 5 ThoughtsEp 6 ThoughtsEp 7 ThoughtsEp 8 Thoughts part 1Ep 8 Thoughts part 2Ep 9 ThoughtsEp 10 Thoughts part 1Ep 10 Thoughts part 2Ep 11 ThoughtsEp 12 ThoughtsEp 13 Thoughts part 1Ep 13 Thoughts part 2
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Kaleidoscope World.