Writing Woes

Dec 07, 2016 22:06

(I wrote this on my tumblr but I wanted to say it here as well so I will be held accountable to complete my writing goal.)

I have seriously been slacking on the sequel for Marching On. I have 20,066 written but for the past month nothing. I’ve maybe added a paragraph at most. I have it planned out. I know where I want the story to go but a few minor points are keeping me stuck.

Honestly I have lacked motivation. The first story was so well received and I personally loved it so much that I am worried I won’t be able make this story as good or as interesting. So I feel frozen in my worry.

So to kick myself in gear and get past it. I am going to set a goal between today and New Years of at least 5,000 words. I know that’s not a lot but with RL being as busy as it is I think it is a realistic goal.

So hopefully by January 1st 2017 I will have at least 25,066.

Wish me luck!

EDIT 12/31/2016: \o/  I did it.  I am very excited because I wasn't sure if I was going to but I did.  I am going to take a break for a few days and hopefully when I reread it I will still like it. ;)

tim mcgee, personal, ncis, fic

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