
Dec 11, 2016 21:20

TITLE: Comfort
AUTHOR: honor_reid
FANDOM: Hawaii Five-0
PAIRING: Danny Williams/Kono Kalakaua
SUMMARY: Kono is having a bad day.
NOTES: Many, many thanks to my beta for this story lanalucy. They are awesome!  This was written for the comm
older_not_dead prompt: Secret Ingredient, and for hc_bingo prompt: Wild Card (Hugs) table here

Kono shut the car door with more force than strictly necessary.   It had been a god-awful day and she was just thankful to be home. Trudging up the walkway, she jammed the key into the lock, twisted the knob, and let herself in. She was immediately hit with the scent of cinnamon and vanilla. Kono felt her mouth water as she placed the huge stack of files in her arms on the entry table.

Moving down the hall, Kono followed the delicious smell into the kitchen, where she was greeted to the sight of her husband. Danny’s back was to her as he shimmed to the beat of the lively music playing in the background. The sight managed to bring a smile to her face.   He had bowl in one hand and whisk in the other as he stirred the batter whilst swaying to the music. It was quite the sight to see. If she wasn’t mistaken, he was making his world famous vanilla spice cake, which was her absolute favorite, even though he refused to tell her his secret ingredient that made the cake to die for.

Leaning up against the center island, Kono continued to admire her husband’s rhythm (and backside) as the music played. When the song was over and the announcer started jabbering about a sale on tires, it brought a halt to Danny’s dancing.   Kono started clapping to show her appreciation for his dancing.

Danny turned, his face the picture of startled surprise which turned sheepish at being caught. He placed the bowl and whisk on the counter before walking over and drawing her into his arms, “Hey babe.”

Kono answered with a tired, “Hey,” of her own as she sunk into his embrace, feeling the bad day drain out of her as they continued to hold each other. They even started to sway slightly as the radio switched to a slow love song. Kono burrowed herself deeper into his arms as she tucked her face against his neck, breathing in the scent that was distinctively Danny. The subtle cologne he wore along with the slight scent of the cake he that he was baking. She placed a kiss on his pulse point before reluctantly disentangling herself from his arms, knowing it was going to be a long night and she needed to get started on the files she bought home.

She didn’t get very far.

Danny grasped her hands in his and asked, “What’s wrong?”

She looked into his blue eyes and saw the concern shining through and said, “Do you remember the McCarthy case?”

“Vaguely. Wasn’t that the case that you guys handled while I was in New Jersey?”

Kono nodded, remembering the phone call in the middle of the night that had called her husband to his father’s bedside in what at first they had thought was a stroke. Danny had flown out immediately and Kono was to follow the next day after she finished testifying as the key witness in a trial. Then when the doctors said it had not been a stroke but a T.I.A., she and Danny decided he would stay the weekend to make sure his folks were okay and then fly back on Monday.

“Well apparently the search warrant didn’t cover the shed where we found the gun, because technically the shed was owned by his mother-in-law,” Kono said, starting to pace as she got wound up, “It was the materiel piece of evidence for our whole case. Without it we have nothing and that murdering bastard is going to get off scot-free. He killed two families - over eight people - because he thought they stole his drug money.”

She gestured towards the hall as she continued, “I brought home a bunch of case files so I could go over them with a fine tooth comb to see if we missed something the first time around. Hopefully we can find more evidence to nail his ass to the wall.”

Kono felt tears prick her eyes as she took in a ragged breath, “I can’t let him get away with killing all those people four of the victims were just children.”

“Hey…hey,” Danny murmured as he gathered her into his arms once again, running his hands up and down her back in a soothing motion, “It will be okay. Let me put this cake in the oven and then I’ll look over the case files with you tonight. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes will help. Okay?”

Kono felt the warmth and comfort of Danny’s words and his embrace, so she nodded and blew out a shuddering breath, clinging to him tightly. When they drew apart she cupped his face and kissed him deeply pouring all of her love and thankfulness into it. It would be a long couple of days but she knew together they could do anything.

older_not_dead, hawaii five-0, fic challenge, danny/kono, h/c bingo, fic

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