Reading Challenges for 2023

Dec 30, 2022 17:03

 Once again, I am signing up for a variety of reading challenges because they are so much fun.  Plus, I don't have anyone in my offline life that reads a whole lot, so it is nice to be able to talk to a community about the books I read.  This post is so I can keep track of all of them because some communities ask for a post and for myself as well because I have some goals I want to accomplish.

Here we go! :D

1. I signed up for Mount TBR again.  Basically, it is where you try to read a certain number of books from your shelves first before seeking other sources.   I have signed up for the last two years and was very successful both times.  It really makes me focus on the books, both physical and electronic, that I already have.  This year I moved it up a level to Mt. Kilimanjaro, which is 60 books.  When I counted all my books, I realized that 60 should not be a problem.  lol (I may have a book hoarding problem)

2. I am also once again signing up for the Cloak and Dagger challenge. This challenge is all about mystery/thriller books.   Since mystery is one of my main genres it shouldn't be that much of a struggle.  This year I am going to try the Sherlock Holmes level which is 56+.

3. I have a few open-ended challenges from The Lost Challenges Group that I signed up for mid-year that are due whenever I get them finished.  (Also, you should check out Lost Challenges if you are looking for some fun reading challenges there are so many different challenges both short and long term)
  1. 50 State Challenge: 17 States left
  2. Jellybean Color Challenge: 14 colors left
  3. Series Only Challenge: 26 more series books left.
4. While I was over on Lost Challenges I found another one I want to do. lol  This one is a spell out challenge for a Mary Oliver quote.  (She is one of my favorite poets so I could not resist.) A spell out challenge is one where for each letter of the quote you need to find a book where either the title, author, main character, or series, starts with the same letter.  Here is Mary Oliver reading A Summer's Day which is where the quote is from:  "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

image Click to view

5. One of my own personal goals is to read Little Dorrit by Chales Dickens.  I have been wanting to read this book since forever but at almost 1,000 pages I have been too intimidated to start but I think if I put it as an actual goal then it might get done this year.

6. I am continuing one of my goals from last year which is to continue on in the series I have started.  I have a bad habit of starting series and not finishing them.  I am not even talking about series I don't like anymore these are series I am actually enjoying but for some reason I tend to wonder off and never get back to them even though I really want to.

7. Joining ljbookbingo 2023 challenge.  12 books within 12 months all books that have been recced by your friends in RL or online.

Cloak and Dagger Challenge:


book rec, books i'm reading

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