Last Books of 2022

Dec 29, 2022 22:03

Just three days till the New Year and time seems to be moving quicker the closer we get. Christmas actually went really well. There was no family drama and for the most part politics were left alone. So, it was pleasant, and we got to just enjoy each other's company. This New Year's we are just going to stay in and play board games and watch movies and try to make it to midnight. It seems to get harder every year. lol
I am also cruising through the various book challenges for next year.  I already have a few I want to do, but I want to check to see if I can find some new ones as well.

This week I read one romance, two cozy mysteries, and one middle grade fantasy:

Amari and the Great Game by B.B. Alston

I am still loving this series and I can't wait for the next one. Unfortunately, the third book as of right now doesn't even have a title only says it is being published in 2023 so I will have to be patient. Which is going to be difficult because the book ends on quite a spectacular cliffhanger. Amari and the Great Game was such a great sequel to a really good book. I loved Amari and the group of friends she gathers around her. I am not one usually for stories set in magical schools but Mr. Alston, who is such a great writer, manages to pull me in and really care about all of these characters. I so want to read the third book now. All in all, an awesome amazing story. I highly recommend the whole series!

The Malt in Our Stars by Sarah Fox

I am continuing to love this series. In the third book in the Literary Pub Mystery series, we find Sadie hosting a famous mystery author's Q & A at her pub. Eventually, the author's assistant is killed and Sadie who was on the scene feels the need to investigate. Sadie is an interesting likable main character and I love her low-key romance with Grayson. The mystery was interesting and kept my attention. The side characters are engaging without being annoying. So, all in all, this series is perfect for me.

Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne LIndsey

I really enjoyed this. I was very into the whole premise of an apple farm that is struggling so the granddaughter of the owner decides to open an apple cider store to bring in more business. I also really enjoyed Winnie's pov and I loved all of her supporting characters from her adorable grandmother to her best friend Dot. Even her potential love interest newly elected sheriff Colton was a good addition, (once he figured out that Winnie and her grandmother were not murderers.) The hitch in this book's giddy-up was the addition of the ex-boyfriend who decided to move back to town and try to reconnect with Winnie. I hate love triangles and I hate insufferable ex's who are only in the book to get on everyone's nerves and slow down the romance between two characters. Other than that, I really loved this book and plan to continue on in the series.

Advanced Physical Chemistry by Susannah Nix

Susannah Nix is such a good writer.  This is the second book by her I have read and I have really enjoyed them both.  In this one Penny who has been cheated on by her last four boyfriends decides to change things up and just have a no-feelings-allowed fling with an uber-attractive barista.  Caleb the aforementioned coffee maker is a handsome, very shy, and all-around nice guy who agrees to Penny's terms.  Of course, the no-feelings clause in their relationship does not last long.  I liked that both Penny and Caleb are good people who have been hurt and so they both have walls put up to keep from being hurt again.  I love how slowly but surely, they let each other in and in the process fall in love.

Reading Challenges 2022:
TBR: Advanced Physical Chemistry
Cloak & Dagger Challenge: Apple Cider Slaying, The Malt in Our Stars
50 States Challenge: Apple Cider Slaying (West Virginia)
The Jellybean Challenge: Amari and the Great Game, Advanced Physical Chemistry
Do you guys have any plans for New Years?

book rec, books i'm reading

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