A Look Back at 2022...And a Look Ahead at 2023

Dec 31, 2022 10:57

Happy New Year's Everyone!

This Year's Auld Lang Syne is Dougie MacLean. I thought it was beautiful plus liked that it was in the original Scottish and then translated:

image Click to view

This year like any year had its ups and downs. I am ready for 2023 to begin and I am still hopefully next year will be better. My family is mostly doing well. We are talking about maybe moving in 2023 but a lot of things would have to go a certain way before that could happen. I am so tired of where we live now that I am keeping my fingers crossed, we actually get to.

Once again reading was my main hobby. I read a lot this year you can see most of my books read in my book's rec tag here. I read some really good books this year and I am so thankful for having so much access to books thanks to my local library and their participation in various reading apps like Hoopla and Libby. I also got back on the horse as far as my writing goes. For stress reasons had given up on writing for the most part but once I actually sit down and write I realize how much I love it, so I do wish to write more this year. I am not going to list what I wrote like I usually do but if you want to read anything you can read in my fic tag here.

I have a few goals for next year. All of these are very loose and no pressure goals if I make them great if I don't, I am not going to beat myself up about it.
  1. I am planning to continue writing and will probably sign up for h/c bingo again as that seems to be about my speed
  2. I have signed up for various reading challenges which I made a whole separate post about here.
  3. Refocus on my exercise routine. I did so good for so many years but then these last few months it has been so hit or miss. I feel better when I exercise on the regular, so I need to start that up again.
  4. Manage my finances better. I have to readjust mentally to the higher prices of everything here lately. My mental tally is still on how much things cost before inflation so each month I am shocked by how little I have left over. I am planning on writing everything down until I get a clear a picture of what our money situation truly is in our new economic reality.
I'm sure there are other things but I can't think of them so I will update this list as needed.

I know this is the third post in as many days but after this I will slow down, I promise. lol

To end on a good note here is my annual Cas picture where she is "helping" me do a puzzle:

year in review, personal

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