May 30, 2011 14:41
Months ago I wrote and submitted a totally stupid satirical vampire story. I submitted it to an online satire mag and promptly forgot about it.
I guess they liked it. Or are hard up for submissions. I kinda did a double take at the email.
This would also be the first time I've submitted something that required a contract (I think? It's been a while). (Nothing spurious, just first electronic rights, etc.)
The whole thing is basically a send-up of Twilight. Because words cannot express the burning hatred I have of Stephanie Meyers. Meyer. Whatever.
Die sparkle vamps. Die slowly and with much squealing.
(I also got two rejections this week. Now I have to go back and look for mags to submit to for those stories. Again. Blah. I enjoy the writing, I just get tired of the submission part.)