info request

Nov 21, 2010 19:37

Okay, so I am working up to a fic I've been thinking about for a while, based on a request made in an earlier post. Problem is, it's going to probably involve a hospital, and my experience with hospitals is severely limited. I don't want to base it off media I've seen or cliches--that does me no good and gives me nothing to work with. Does anyone have, or know of, any good resources for the hospital experience? I want to avoid the pitfalls of just assuming "that's how things are everybody knows it etc."

I don't need a wealth of detail, just some things to help me sketch in a framework, get a feel for a setting. Films, TV shows, books, youtube vids? I don't want to get involved in a drama, I just want raw data, if possible.

request, writing, fic

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