Yesterday, I was hanging around my old work, the corner store, when I paused to admire the Zippo lighter I've coveted for months and months now. No one picked it up over all this time, surprisingly. Because it is teh pretteh. My precious.
Now the new people, an Indian man and his fam running the shop know I used to work there and run a tab no problem, always paying it back, having been told by the former owner/my former boss. Because of that, he lets me carry my tab for cigs and stuff, and is generally a super cool guy. He tells me (and everyone else, lol) "You're the best!" and such. So I sighed and said, "Man, I gotta save up to snag that lighter." It's only $25, but still, dropping *that much* on a LIGHTER is almost beyond my comprehension. I've only done it once before, and it broked. But he turns to me and says, "What, I'll let you take it! No problem!" I'm a bit jaw-droppy, replying, "But--tabbing that, that's not what I can do, is it??" "No, no, I like you! You want? Which one?" Pointed it out, he boxed it up and even let me tab the lighter fluid I needed to get it working. Small installments to pay back, per usual.
So now, I has the precious. See?
I'm so used to cheap-os that I keep my finger down at the base where usually there's the little tab to keep it running after sparking it up. But now, nope, I'm one high-class bitch.
Yes, I just devoted an entire post to a new lighter.