Well, we might be absolutely fucked. I never apologize for cursing "out loud", do I? Well, I won't not in this case.
A short-circuit has shut down 90% of the house's electricity. The only working-circuits that are currently servicing: the couch side of the living room, by the stove/microwave/fridge (thank fug), and the outlet by the other side of the kitchen. The ones shorted: the outlets on the OTHER side of the living room (no TV, phone, Pan's comp--I managed to drag the DSL box, phone cords and adapter to the couch side, hence my ability to post this), Gavs' room, bathroom, bedroom. Oh good fuck, I ain't busy, here's a grid:
However upset I am, to have a father who is an expert in anything mechanical, electrical, HVAC, industrial-artsy-anything, etc. is to be eternally grateful. He dropped everything he was doing when Pan called him and shot on over. Meanwhile, I was trying to entertain one of my BFF's I hadn't seen in ages, who brought along her two daughters, one of which brought her BABY of who I hadn't met (cutest baby girl evar, btw). When your POS house can barely house a family of three...
He got to work straightaway and began testing the fuse box with his volt-meter and various tools. At first, I had hope because he found that the main circuit-breaker was deader than dead, and he could just run up the street and pick me up another one. Yayz, right?
Wrong: he put it in and nothing happened. Seeing as the job was now complicated as hell, BFF and fam left, seeing as they were starving and we'd been planning on lunch. That went out the window in a shot. They wished us well, left, then I became flashlight!girl for dad, all while going on gmail chat with Pan to discuss what was going on, since there's no phone (PS--sorry,
moit, didn't mean to panic you with my Custom Message--Having emergency, talking to Ilya, sry cant talk, lol--but I figured if you guys came on you'd think I was avoiding you or summat in my non-responsiveness :P).
He DID do a lot of diagnostics, me giving him the info as to what worked and what didn't. Though it's not a definite, he deduces that the short circuit lies in the wall where the computer and TV are plugged in. He had a looooot to say about how the wiring and fuse box is constructed... "I've never seen such a fucked-up, botched job.", "Ohh no, we're taking this piece of shit off *removes outlet cover holding SIX outlets from the TWO outlets underneath*.", "*after removing main outlet where he suspects the trouble is* Holy shit, this is... look at these wires, they give you an INCH of wiring to pull it out! Someone wanted to rush through this shit", "You have a fire extinguisher, right?"
The outlet he took apart but couldn't replace is exposed but made safe through his putting electrical-plastic-cap-safety-thingees on, and all the fuses are shut off besides the ones working. We managed a laugh when he near-yelled, "You're tearing me apart, Veronica!" which led us into 'The Room' talk. So. He's coming back tomorrow to see if he can do more. With the state of the place, Gavs went to his grandparents. He had a hard enough time during the horrible power outage at Halloween; he'd be a raging mess with the crap going on.
I'm hoping Dad can fix it, but he's already advised us to do a complete re-wiring of the place in the summer. There are recent developments that may save us from that (another tl;dr, positive, but I'm soooo tired of talking about this), but until then, I'm currently covered in blankets, jeans, shirt, sweatshirt and socks, FREEZIN without the aid of our space heaters (the oven works, but the hot air rises), and the second Pan gets home, I'm going out to buy out a candy aisle scrape some change for a candy bar or some shit. Comfort food.
But gotta be grateful: computer's on, Dad's expertise and safety precautions, at least THREE light sources and the fridge is up and running. I got my mind off of it by making a banner for the new facebook timeline I was forced into (sigh, getting used to it, but still)... then decided to use it for my journal. :D I was due for a serious re-design. It's not fandom'ed, but purdy. I used photoshop with images of nebulas, a smudge-tool assault, 'sandstone' texture tool, text and text effects. Tell me it's beautiful, make me smile, yea?