Living the Wild Life

May 05, 2005 11:48

Our yard attracts all manner of wild life, which I love.

In Whitby the apartment was the raised basement of an up-down duplex, so there were nice big windows, they just happened to be at ground level. One morning I opened my curtains to see the tiniest of baby bunnies about a foot away from me, eating the grass that grew up between the patio stones. It was the cutest thing. It looked at me, then hopped away. We had tons of baby bunnies. They held the cats in rapt attention (behind glass) [edit: the cats were also visited by another cat whom we called Handsome. He liked being able to walk right up to the window and look in at Zasker and Tempest while they sat on the inside ledge. This system of silent companionship worked well until one day I decided to give them all cookies... after which he was no longer considered welcome by Z and T] . The yard was big and had lots of trees and scrub brush along it (we were the last house on a one way street), as well as backing onto an undeveloped patch - few and far between these days - that we affectionately referred to as "the back forty" though it was more like "the back four" acres. It was in that small meadow that I saw my first and only (so far) male Northern Parula Warbler in breeding plumage.

Such a beautiful little bird even this amazing photo (not mine) doesn't do it justice. When the sun shines on his feathers the colours are incredibly vibrant.

We haven't seen any baby bunnies but there was an adult in our yard yesterday. He crept in to check the bird seed dishes and graze in the garden. A second one followed and at first I thought they were going to fight, but no, instead they went at it like, well, like bunnies. A third bunny interrupted the tryst and soon we had three bunnies chasing each other madly around the yard. It was hilarious.

I think we will have some baby bunnies soon.

images, birds, life_in_general, the_kids

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