Brothers and Sisters slash (one shot ficlet): Thinking about you, Kevin/right hand

Jan 30, 2007 09:21

Title: Thinking about you
Author: pikapika217 AKA homo_genius
Pairing: Kevin/right hand
Rating: R
Summary: Someone's lonely and horny......
Disclaimer: Brothers & Sisters and all the characters therein belong to people who are not me, dammit XP
Author's Note: Spoilers through 1x7 'Northern Exposure'. This takes place right after Kevin and Scotty break-up. Our poor guy, Who still hasn't made up with Tom at this point and is kind of taking a break from the family, is all alone with nothing to do on a rainy weekend day. You get the picture.
Warnings: Masturbation, fingering

~~~~Thinking about you~~~~
Kevin/his right hand

It was raining outside. And not just the average pissant rain that California usually. Oh no, this time it was raining buckets. Perhaps it reflected his feelings, or maybe it was just a sign that it would be a crappy day. It certainly hadn't started well.

While sorting clothes to do some laundry this morning, just guess what he had found? Some of Scotty's old things. Specifically one of his sweatshirts and a pair of his boxers. "He's not getting these back," he thought tossing them in the closet and continuing on with his day. But it seemed to effect the whole day, as it started raining right after.

Dammit! He didn't want to be depressed anymore. He'd done all that. Y'know: cry, eat ice cream,cry, have insomnia, cry. It was done. he should move on. Why couldn't he? It's not like he's ever been that good with having a boyfriend. despite the best beginnings, the relationships, always ended badly. why?

But no, he was tired of wallowing in sadness. Mostly he was horny. Eager to get laid again. before Scotty, he hadn't had any in a while, but he was suddenly in withdrawal. By now, they would have already been at it a few times, and it still wouldn't have been enough. You can't just quit cold turkey after something like that. But he needed something. there were no exes to call since most of them were in relationships, and the single ones were across the country. Nope there was only one way to solve this. He thought he out grew it, and had, but in a situation like this, what else was there?

He first shut all the curtains, and, in a paranoid frenzy, Unplug all the phones and bolt locked the door before walking into his room. Now, what else? Then came the getting naked part, right? That was easily achieved as he nearly tore off his mesh shorts and boxers. he got comfortable in the middle of his bed and just looked at the ceiling, trying to think.

Was he really going to do this? right now? did he really need.... Inhaling, he couldn't help but notice the pillow to his left. It had been Scotty's pillow. or rather, the one he took out for him. It still smelled like him too: the mixture of his sweat and cologne intoxicating and quite nice. He opened his eyes to find that his lower half agreed as well. Another sigh escaped. He might as well do it now, what with him ready and everything. Quick, where's the lube?

Clumsily, he retrieved it from the drawer in his nightstand, and squirted some out into his hand before placing it on the bed within arms' reach and rubbing his hands together and closing his eyes. First, he started at the head, rubbing it just a bit, before moving lower and encircling the shaft. yeah, that's it, just like before. he had barely started before Scotty popped into his mind, in all his naked glory. Yes....that was it. the strokes began to pick up, a bit now, and he began to use his other had to finger himself. Sure, he could have used the dildo that was in the nightstand, but he had already started, and it never really felt as good. Ahh....yes, this was it.

Next, Scotty seemed to be there, only this time he was sucking him off frantically, and it was his fingers below. Yes, yes! he started going faster, needing completion as much as he wanted to hold off a bit. But by now his mind had ran away with his freewill and it was only this. He started going faster still, the fingering picking up and going deeper. Yes! oh god, YES!!! it was out of control now, had a mind of its own. He just couldn't stop yet, no please don't be over yet...just a little longer.

He only lasted a few more minutes before success! His moans were loud enough to wake the dead and when he opened his eyes, his entire mid section was a sticky mess. Aah. that's better. He propped himself up a bit, sighing contently before he started to calm down. By now, Scotty would have licked him clean, if he hadn't already swallowed it all. Crap! horny again. already? yes, already. he playfully lifted up his cock and let it hit his stomach. Allright, round 2. Only this time, he went ahead and got the dildo out before re apply lube to his hands and spreading on the fake dick and his own before starting up again, this time concentrating on the device, rather than past experiences with Scott.

As he began to rev up once more, he soon forgot about everything else. hmm: perhaps this would be a good day after all.


Whew, That was getting me hot. Needless to say that he spent the rest of the day literally enjoying himself. I've always thought that Kevin was just a really horny guy, a complete sexpot just dying for some sexual attention. In walks Scotty and voila, he's up and running.

My next BS fic, though it may not be the next one posted, might be a crossover with Desperate housewives. I like Ryan Carnes's Justin for kevin. they would fit very nice, don't you think?. Anyway, this was all kinds of fun. Can you believe I just did this in an hour and a half?

Til the next update,

Bye Bye boo!

b & s slash, ficlet, fic, one shot

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