Brothers and Sisters slash (one shot ficlet): Hurt, Kevin/Chad, Kevin/Scotty

Feb 12, 2007 11:33

Title: Hurt (fic-let)
Author: pikapika217 AKA homo_genius
Pairing: Kevin/Chad
Rating: PG
Summary: After basically breaking up with Kevin, Chad has some second thoughts
Disclaimer: Brothers & Sisters and all the characters therein belong to people who are not me, dammit XP
Author's Note: Spoilers through 1x14- "Valentine's day Massacre" and takes place after the fight between Kevin and Chad at the end of the episode when Chad hangs up and tells him not to call again. This was written in around two hours or so, so if it's crap, I'm sorry :/ Also, Chad's apartment is probably OOC, but I don't think we’ve ever been there, so heh. I can’t remember the girlfriend's name, so I’ll just come up with something if I need too.


Paiiring: Kevin/Chad, Kevin Scotty
Rating: PG


Two things were apparent after hanging up with Kevin:

1: He had made a mistake in stringling him along, only to get....jealous? Was this jealousy?

And 2: Why did he lie like that at the end?

Sure, he would like to talk to her about it, but would he really? Or was that just to hurt Kevin a bit. Perhaps it was a bit of both: get him back by hurting him the worst way possible. It was only fair. How dare he sleep with someone else!?! He's....he's my.....your what, chad? Boyfriend? Ok, not that but....He thought it meant something, this thing they did. But just imaging him with that Scotty had his blood boiling. When did he become so important to him?

"We're both your prisoner" Kevin's words from the day before haunted him. That wasn't really fair for him to say. Things were complicated. It's not that he didn't want to be out, it's just that he couldn't right now. But he at least wanted to try with Kevin. He wanted them to, eventually, have a life together. But really, he though, what kind of life would that even mean? It would definitely mean hiding, for one, which sucked since Chad wanted to be proud of them, but it would mostly just be hiding. For how long? 10, 20, 30 years? He sighed to himself. No one deserves that. Especially not my Kev.

So perhaps he had done the right thing. While he wanted Kevin to have a rich, full life, Chad knew he wouldn't be able to if they stayed together. Kev shouldn't be hid away, but shown off for everyone to see. He just.....wasn't the guy who could do it, which he could learn to deal with in time. Until then, he’d just have to care about him from afar.

This was sad, but not really that hard to write. I sympathize with both, and I completely believe that the statement about talking to his girl was a defense mechanism. Poor Kev just cannot keep a man can he? I want him to find someone again soon. And a real relationship, not just something like Chad again XP

Anyway, that’s all for now!

Till later,

Bye Bye Boo!

b & s slash, ficlet, fic, one shot, kevin/chad

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