Brothers and Sisters slash (one shot ficlet): First time, 'R', Kevin/Chad

Jan 28, 2007 17:13

Title: First Time
Author: pikapika217 AKA homo_genius
Pairing: Kevin/Chad
Rating: R
Summary: Their first time
Disclaimer: Brothers & Sisters and all the characters therein belong to people who are not me, dammit XP
Author's Note: Spoilers through 1x12- "sexual politics" and takes place after the kiss between Kevin and Chad at the end of the episodes. This was written in around two hours or so, so if it's crap, I'm sorry :/ Also, Kevin's apartment is probably OOC, but I couldn’t remember the layout ^^

~~~~First Time~~~~

"So... is this your place?"

They had just arrived back into town when, while dropping Kevin off, Chad had asked if he could come up with him. While he usually was more apprehensive about sleeping with someone, and that was after a good date; he didn’t even know what this was, He was frankly horny as hell. And Chad was cute; so what if he was a little sexually confused?

"Umm, yeah. I know it's probably not as nice as your place, but I like it enough" 'Don't make this awkward, Kevin' he thought, reprimanding himself. 'he probably didn't mean anything by it'

"Oh, I like it. It's cute, really it is" Was that...nervousness in his voice? Or was Kevin just hearing things? He just assumed that Chad did this all the time, but could it have been the first time with a guy?

"So, do you want something to eat or....because I've got a few things I could...mmf" Kevin, who by then was nervously pacing in the mid sized kitchen, was caught off guard by Chad, who somehow snuck behind him and started a deep French kiss. Kevin completely forgot about the kitchen, his nervousness, everything, as his mouth surrendered to the kiss and his mind turned to mush. Damn: where exactly did Chad learn to kiss so well?

He's not sure how long they were at it exactly, but they stopped for a moment to catch their breath. Kevin's mind was spinning and when a few moments later he heard him talking, he couldn't respond at first.

"Hmm...?" he said finally after a few seconds when his brain began to function again. He noticed a smirk of amusement on Chad's face as he spoke again, his mouth near Kevin's forehead.

"I had asked where your bedroom was, unless you just want to do it right here"

"Uh. It's the second door down that hallway." He barely said coherently. Had it really been that long since Scotty? Well, besides that really cute army guy, it was, unless you counted his right hand. They had reconnected in a way unknown since Kevin's first crush on a guy during 7th grade. Kevin pointed and Chad led them there. By now, his mind was back with him, so he was ready when they initiated round 2.

Chad wasted no time in undressing them both and pulled out a condom and some lube from his pockets. 'Were those always there?' Kevin thought, laughing a tiny bit as Chad all but ripped the condom in half. Chad noticed him and reached down to kiss him with one hand, while the other expertly applied the condom and some lube. By now, it was obvious to Kev that this wasn't his first time, so why the nervousness? Over him? Nah.

Soon after, Chad was fingering him just a bit so he could enter a bit more smoothly, and made a mental note to tell Chad about his vibrator later on, since he was.....enjoying it before they went out that night. By now, Chad was fired up and began thrusting frantically and full of power, his eyebrows knitting together in concentration.

"Mmm!" "Aah!" "uh" "fuck!" "guh!" "Oh god, Kevin!" They traded moans back and forth for at least a half an hour, Kevin now pushing backward to meet Chad thrusts. His eyes had closed ages ago as they were both lost to the pleasure of their act.

"I'm close Kev"

"You too, eh?" he was surprised that he could even make such a flirtatious statement while they were doing 'this', especially since Chad was the best he's had in a long time, maybe even better than Scotty. They didn't last much longer though, and both soon spilled their loads: Kevin's landing in-between their stomachs, Chad's in the condom. They stopped soon after, and Chad pulled out and got out of bed to get something to clean them off with.

"The linen closet is right across the hallway" Kevin blurted out as he watched him with a smile. He hated to see him leave, but he loved to watch him go. And that was completely corny, even in his head. Chad trotted back in, a warm washcloth in hand and a smile on his face. Kevin smiled as well, and let him wipe off his stomach, a comfortable silence between them.

"Well... that was nice" Chad started, kissing the back of Kevin's neck after placing the washcloth on his nightstand.

"Just nice?" he replied, fake upset. What could he say? He couldn't help but tease Chad. He was so easy. Sure enough, the payoff came with Chad's mild look of horror and shock before he kissed him. "I agree. It was nice. So," by then, Kevin had to pause as a yawn escaped from his lips. He wish he wasn't as tired, but after that, who wouldn't be? "if I were to, say, fall asleep right now, should I expect to wakeup alone?" Chad sighed for a moment and bit his lip before answering.

"Well, not this time, since I don't have any scenes tomorrow, but next time might be different because...what?"

"There's going to be a next time?" Kevin had slept with several closeted 'straight' guys before, and they usually were one time deals, (except for that football player in college) So this was completely unexpected.

"If you want there to be. I'm usually not one to sleep with a guy more than once, but I don't know: this is different for some reason."

"Oh, I definitely want there to be a next time..." he stopped and mentally slapped himself for accenting the 'definitely'. He had been trying to play it cool, but who was he fooling? Certainly not himself. "I mean, uh, sure; whatever's cool" Ny-ce one, Kev.

"Good." He kissed Kevin's forehead, before pushed back the covers and pulling Kevin close to him. "Shall we get some sleep then?"

"I guess" Kevin added, yawning again and get making himself comfortable as he was grabbed again from behind. Chad was kissing his neck again, and as much as he wanted to enjoy the moment a bit more, his body was slowly surrendering to sleep.

'It was definitely nice' he thought again to himself. And while he knew that it was definitely not as solution to his lack of a boyfriend, for now, and as long as it lasted, it was good enough.


This was nice. I really love Brothers & Sisters and while I was at first a bit heartbroken that Scotty and Kevin broke, I'm glad that Kevin's getting back in the habit again., especially with Jason Lewis. It’s a one shot, so while I might do slash with Kevin again, it may or may not be of Kevin/Chad (I'm actually thinking of doing a fic of Kevin spending some 'quality time' with himself, if you catch my drift ) and it definitely won't be a continuation of this.

Well, that's all for now, I guess

Till the next update (which will be the uncensored version of the last Chapter of my fic on 'The boy is mine')

Bye Bye boo!

b & s slash, ficlet, fic, one shot, kevin/chad

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