† Bring to life everything that you fear.

Dec 11, 2010 17:54

Characters: lovethyfather and likeagoodson
Setting/Location: Beta N-206 (Johnny's room)
Date & Time: Backdated to some time after this.
Warnings: Blood, sexy sex, magic. IDK. Johnny's homo sparkles
Summary: Father and son reunite.

It was a cruel, despairing joke.

The actual thoughts in his head were not the ones in his heart, and Charley found himself unsteady at the prospect of pursuing what he was thinking. Twice already, he had stopped to wrap his fingers around the rosary he kept in his pocket as he silently repeated a prayer. Whispered for strength, for God to guide him in his time of need. They went unheard, Charley's own disposition magnified by the truth of it: Master had returned.

From what he had been able to gather, the majority of his memories from before were intact; though he was hesitant to believe all of them were there. It had been difficult enough to actually listen to his voice through the Junogam without emotions overwhelming him. After so much time alone - Link did not count; nor Nodoka, though he missesd her cheery smiles terribly - it was bound to become a matter of sanity sooner or later. Had he finally lost his mind in the midst of his sin? Still, it had been remarkably easy to convince him. Charley fooled himself into considering Master's realness, a solution to the misery welling up inside him and beginning to fester. He was no longer the same man he had been, and it was ruining him.

Stiffly, he forced his way toward that room. N-206. N-206. N-206. His body hadn't been sated in so long, and the very thought of Master's blood-- Charley bit down hard on his tongue, standing before the door with a sour expression on his face. He would remain calm. He would not immediately attack Master and touch... He wasn't going to cry. Desperate feelings consumed him as he knocked once, allowing himself a moment before stepping inside. Charley didn't know what to expect, could barely get his own mind to process the situation properly, and he waited in the doorway, gaze focused on the contents of the room.


*style: prose, charles j. chrishunds, johnny rayflo

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