thebooksaysso &
outandproudboySetting/Location: Orvshire, out around the town!
Date & Time: Day 36, noon-ish
Warnings: Potential abuse of Disney tunes, among other songs
Summary: Shopping: The Musical
Even when she cursed it still came out in the same soft, sing song tone that had suddenly taken over her voice since they arrived at the town, and eventually Anathema had finally decided to give in (though not before she coughed her throat raw in the process) and try to make the best of whatever little curse this one was.
It wasn't so bad when she was alone, honestly. She hummed a little tune to herself as she trudged through the snow on her way to the village, singing small snipets out loud on a whim. It was singing at other people that was embarassing; having to carry on an entire conversation in song was unbelievably awkward.
But she had said she would find that boy. Anathema listened closely as she walked, trying to pick up the singing voice from the Junogam as she walked. She was getting supplies anyway; it wasn't too out of her way to help a new passenger gather a few things, too. He was going to need it.