[Closed] -- Always falling for these bad boys, such a challenge~

Dec 13, 2010 16:41

Characters: Neil and Blaine
Setting/Location: The lobby.
Date & Time: Day, 36. afternoon?
Warnings: Teen shenanigans and Katy Perry songs
Summary: Neil and Blaine decided to meet in person.

Blaine was curious. He always has been, and this new place wasn't helping his curiosity. He was mostly curious about the people that inhabited it. Some where human, but mostly weren't, and any of his friends or family was here either. It was a good thing that Orvshire proved to be a much better place than his old school, the one before Dalton. He was worried that because he didn't fit in, because he was an outsider, things in the caravan were about to be the same as before the Academy.

He needed to be careful and yet he couldn't help to be as friendly as he always has been, and get drawn to new people. He was not sure how he was going to recognize Neil, he never saw his looks after all. The only way seemed to be asking around and trying to recognize the boy's voice. As lame as that plan was, it was the only thing he could do when he finally arrived to the lobby.

*day 36, neil mccormick, blaine, #style: prose

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