Fancy Meeting You Here

Oct 01, 2010 17:20

Characters: Uther and Kilgarrah, and possibly Arthur later, if the mun chooses
Setting/Location: Somewhere around the Carvan
Date & Time: Day 20, evening
Warnings: Not much, unless  Uther yells a little. But he tends not to swear much
Summary: An encounter of old enemies

Uther was trying to get used to life around the caravan. He was still constantly bombarded with nightmares of being underwater, of his body transforming as it had. It was terrifying to him, and he detested the loss of power and control, the knowledge that someone else was moving against him in that way. He'd had to get new clothing because his breeches and boots had been destroyed, and even his upper garments, his doublet, hauberk and cloak, were either soaked or outright ruined because they were leather. He was hoping his armor wasn't going to rust on him from being immersed. He didn't think so, it was worn in all conditions, but nothing would surprise him now. The garments weren't quite the expensive quality he was accustomed to, but they would do, for now. He had no choice.

He'd been concerned about Morgana after her communication over the strange device, but had been reluctant to test using it again. He knew that many in camp were sick, and he wanted desperately to help her, but he was no healer. He hadn't even been able to make contact with her after the time in the boats when he'd seen her. He had not yet seen Arthur yet either, and did not know if the boy was here or still at home, wondering where they all had disappeared to. He would not stop worrying until he was certain of everything, he knew that.

He was currently riding about, glad that his horse had apparently made the journey to this place with him. Or, one of his horses, at least. He could not venture into the forest alone, gods knew he'd tried and regretted it due to the danger one ran into almost immediately.  He had no choice but to remain here, in camp, and he almost felt a prisoner.

His mount shied, spooked, pawing the ground and refusing to move forward. He struggled to reign in the creature as something frightened it into rearing. It was only when he noticed the large shadow above him that he looked up and saw what it was.

kilgarrah, uther pendragon

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