The Best Chicken Broth Ever // [ closed; incomplete ]

Sep 28, 2010 22:58

Characters: idkmywarlock & onedayaqueen
Setting/Location: Gwen's room!
Date & Time: Backdated to Day 18 and mid-morningish?
Warnings: Chicken.
Summary: Arthur gets news of Gwen falling sick. So like the amazing and dashing prince charming that he is, he clearly only has one thing to do for his ~damsel in distress~. Make some chicken.

As surprising as the initial appearance of the people he had known from Camelot had been, Arthur was one some level glad for it. Sure it had brought along problems as well (Morgause, being one, he thought quickly), but he supposed destiny was far too fickle to allow only good things to happen to him. At least he wasn't alone any longer and he was at the very least, thankful for that. Guinevere -- and Morgana, of course -- had indirectly been able to help him get his mind back on focus. His focus being of course, to get them all back to Camelot somehow.

As he thought of the young woman in question, he thought back to the last time he'd spoken to her and frowned. She hadn't sounded too well. Judging by the various declarations of illness on the magical box which he had yet to completely figure out, he could only assume that some sort of sickness was spreading through the Caravan. He himself had been fortunate enough to avoid it thus far, but it seemed Gwen had not. Arthur pondered upon this for a moment before getting up off his bed with new found determination.

If Guinevere was indeed not feeling well, was it not up to him to make sure that she was alright? That she was comfortable and resting so that she may be able to fight off whatever it may be sooner rather than later? His concern was purely platonic, of course. Merely a prince caring for his subjects in an unknown place. He would have done the same even if it were Morgana -- although, that might be considerably more difficult considering how overprotective Morgause seemed to be of her. Nevertheless, he thought, his extension of goodwill to Gwen was nothing more than just that. He would check up on her and once assured that she wasn't suffering, he'd be on his merry way. That would be all.

With a nod to himself, Arthur left his room and began making his way towards Gwen's.

arthur pendragon, *style: prose, *day 18, *incomplete, guinevere

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