rise and shine! it's 7AM! ( open | incomplete )

Sep 09, 2010 21:00

Characters: mrcharlatan and you!
Setting/Location: All over the Caravan
Date & Time: Day 16, starting around 6AM~7AM
Warnings: PG-13 for a foul mouth?
Summary: The transportation has arrived! So your local mechanic checks them all out and goes to rouse the Caravaners to get them moving.

There was an awful lot of noise that morning, what with the small waves crashing on the shore of the lake and mechanical fish coming to rest on the shore, nose pointed to the center. But if you thought that was bad? It got about ten times worse when the head mechanic headed out and gave each fish a swift kick, followed by the ratcheting of gears and creaking of hinges as he unlocked and opened the hatch in the back. The ruddy-haired man would stick his head in, have a look around, and maybe tinker with a few jammed gears and lubed them properly before moving down the line. All in all, he made quick work of it, and was soon boarding the Caravan once more.

And proceeding to go down each rooming tower, banging loudly on every door and hollering for the occupant to get their lazy ass out of bed and get breakfast, because they had to leave. Right now. 'That's okay,' you might say, 'I can sleep through anything.' But then I ask, can you sleep through a mechanic picking the lock on your door and ripping the covers off? It's best you not let it get that far.

So rise and shine, early birds! Wakey-wakey eggs and bakey! You have fish to ride to an underwater palace!

#incomplete, #style: action, *day 16, templeton peck, #style: prose, ty lee, !event, gau meguro, npc: charlie charlatan

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