(no subject)

Sep 10, 2010 03:20

Characters: lefeys, badtouchking, failmaleficar
Setting/Location: On the lake, in one of the canoes.
Date & Time: Day 16 - when the newbies wake up.
Warnings: Fire, explosions, demons, witches, magical battles, madness, THIS IS WILLAKNAP, boats getting flipped. Something along those lines.
Summary: Why you don't put a witch, a mage, and a demon in one boat together.

Jowan was nnt feeling exactly good when he came to. Not that he had expected to - he had not quite expected to wake up at all, or he would not have, if he could remember how he had lost consciousness to begin with. He remembered the rest fairly vividly; vividly enough to jump when realisation came back to him, half expecting rotten dead hands to reach for him. So when he opened his eyes wide with - well, honestly with fear, actually being hit by sunlight instead of the dim darkness of a dungeon rendered him blind for a moment.

He closed his eyes again instantly, shielding them from the light with his hand (it was just a bit too unfamiliar and too bright after all the time spent in that dark dungeon cell). His joints ached. He hadn't noticed that in the cell, not this much at least, but now, there weren't really any undead around to distract him from it, he realised when he slowly got used to the light and began to take in the scene around him.

He couldn't quite find words or thoughts to describe it. Water. That was the first thing he saw, and the first thing that came to mind. Water in all directions, everywhere. Then, the boat, and the others around him. Then, the people in them. He'd never seen any of them before, and the way they were dressed only strengthened that nagging feeling that something was very, very wrong. More wrong than all his plans having failed. More wrong than how it had ended. More wrong than the walking dead in the dungeon of Redcliffe Castle.

Pulling himself up, so that he could at least kneel on the boat more or less comfortably, he looked around again - cautiously and suspiciously, face pale, robes hanging on his shoulders heavy from dirt and blood stains. He was beginning to have an idea about what had happened. At least, there was only one place that he could with some certainty say he might be.

"The Fade?" he muttered to himself, voice peaking in shock, and a little shaken.

morgana, tyki mikk, *day 16, jowan, #style: prose

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