Jan 03, 2011 21:25

[Today there is one very lost and confused Blade Brandier wandering about, Relic clutched in one hand as he tries to figure out just where the heck he is and what's happened to him and his other companions.

After a while he'll look down at the Relic, shake it a few times, and then try addressing it, not really expecting to get any responses... after all, strange machines can't answer back, right?]

Um, hello? I hope I'm doing this right...

Has anyone here seen a girl with flowers in her hair, or a creature that looks kind of like a floating black cat? Or... maybe he looks more like a dog. Colette did call him "doggie"... Um, anyway, if you've seen them, could you please tell them that Emil is looking for them? I'd really appreciate that.

[... and then a very loud beep as Emil accidentally presses the wrong button. Whoops.]

(tales of symphonia) emil castagnier, (okami) amaterasu, !action post, (tales of symphonia) richter abend, !journal post

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