01 ♊ | (action/text)

Jan 03, 2011 21:43

What thort of plathe...?

[Where ever Sollux was now it wasn't the Veil, that was for sure. On one hand it was a good thing since he was getting tired of messing with all those shitty broken computers. On the other hand where ever he was looked like some sort of really lame game, maybe a bit like FLARPing? Man he was too cool for this sort of game, but whatever he was here. He didn't exactly agree with his new set of clothes though or what was with these humans around here.]

[He didn't get much of a chance to even go anywhere yet though before his Relic started beeping at him prompting him to fish it out to shut off that noise and inspect the gadget.]

Thome thort of communicationth devithe?

[Yes, yes indeed it was and it didn't take long at all for Sollux to find out where he could text people either. Here's to hoping he could get a reply from someone he knew. ]

ii'2 anyone el2e here?
iit would be niice two know ii'm not the only one who got taken two thii2 weiird place.

!action post, (fragile dreams) sai, (homestuck) sollux captor, !journal post, (homestuck) eridan ampora, (megaman) prometheus, (homestuck) bro strider, (homestuck) karkat vantas

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