⪢ 4

Dec 30, 2010 14:46

[since he'd woken up, Harpuia had been wondering where Master X was. But the Twin Blade had heard nothing from their Master... While they had been reassured that the older Reploid was around due to the fact that his bunk always appeared to be slept in, that fact had changed too. Shortly after the snowfall, all traces of their Master had disappeared]

[which left him here, shivering in his normal armor outside the Dome in Mac Anu and wondering if that last flight around the town was a good decision or not (his jets didn't freeze, did they?)]

B-blasted cold!! Of all the th-things that would greet me after that fiasco... [now if only he could get his teeth to stop chattering!]

(okami) amaterasu, !action post, (megaman) sage harpuia

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