Apr 16, 2009 09:02

Hey guys, get ready for a surprise tomorrow (although im sure you can figure it out). I'm not off of hiatus yet, who knows this could just be a fluke of frustration (cuz i havent been writing for so long and that needs to, you know. stop.) But I'd like to know what you're hoping or not hoping for next chapter or who you're confused on or who is falling by the wayside (i can figure some of them out). I've made two polls. The first poll determines who you want to see more (first choice) and the second is who you would like to see after that (second choice). If you could do this, that would be great!

Plus, i just like polls.
**EDIT**: i forgot kyumin but theyre on there now. also, please choose two different pairings XD if i get a landslide of one, ill make it one big chapter for them, but 2 parts would be preferable.
**2ND EDIT**: alright since no one is following directions if you pick two in a row from now on im going to void your votes. got it? jimminy crickets.

polls are fun. ♥


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