With Every Passing Second Comes the Death of a Thousand Possibilities

Apr 14, 2009 00:51

but I've taken mine.

guys, i took a shot in the dark. i was invited by a friend to audition for the forensics team at my school. its sort of a medley of artistic and intellectual performances, speeches, interpretations, what have you. i went and i couldnt find the place and i gave up. after fbooking the friend, he told me they had moved, and to come try again. so i went and 40 minutes til the end of auditions i took my shot in the dark. it was a monologue i did from class, didnt really practice it before i went. i forgot the opening line and stood there for a good 2-3 minutes looking at the floor thinking oh shit oh shit oh shit what the fuck is that line oh shit. i took a shot in the dark and they asked me questions and said id hear from them on monday. well, i checked my mail again and again and finally, on a technicality making it tuesday, i hear from them.

I'm on the forensics team.

but you know, its more than just going across the country competing on a national level. its more than defending the top title we currently hold. its more than possibly, maybe finding people i can bond with to give me a reason to stay at this university.

its a shot in the dark because i took it and somehow, somehow despite all my imperfections and shortcomings, my awkwardness and appalling work ethic, my lack of self-discipline and my constant yearning for sleep yet work so i can have my own money to spend and despite all of those things that will make me awful for this team, i took a shot in the dark and i didnt miss.

God, for once i didnt miss.

and now i have a scholarship paying in-state tuition costs in full.

i took a shot in the dark and i lit a fire.

(sorry to shamelessly quote from black_goose's rockstar!au fic)

omfg, are you serious, ramblings

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