Dec 26, 2008 10:26

(okay so technically im posting this a day late but we're just going to date out of order and cheat and say that im not, okay?)




wow. okay so....where do I begin. I'm not sure if "ironic" is the right term for this, but ironically I can't write a long DBSK post because i have to get ready to go...er...well, lets just leave that a secret to keep so i dont embarrass myself further when i fail harder than yesung yunho.

*deep breath*
DBSK...is what got me into this whole, huge, complicated mess. They followed AAA with a video that kinda sorta blew my mind: PURPLE LINE. Now, like all music videos, and artists in general, i didnt really take to them at first. I was all "eh. theyre okay". (idk why i do this, i just do). So, of course, schm0use worked her magical band promoting powers and BAM i fell HARD.

The first time I ever set eyes on Yunho was when we watched him dance to sexyback on a talk show. He was all in white, we had no idea about korean music, we had no idea who he was or how to find him (or those other 4 people sitting behind him who are they....), and we were all about Jpop (er...well, one jpop band, really...).

All I knew was that his freakin mouth was driving me crazy and I had to, had to see more, find him, and claim him for my own (or prepare to share because i thought maybe she would want to "call" him too).

dont ask me about the mouth thing either. i really dont know.

and so, after a few hundred more sexyback replays, and a few hundred more purple line and balloons and other mv replays, we were like:


and thus we had found Dongbangshinki.

and thus my life was inverted.

They continuously blow my mind. I can't even comprehend how much I've missed, only having found them in their 5th year. I can't even comprehend how long it would take to catch up. But of course, I will. Thats what a crazy devoted fan does, right?

And then came one of the most sickening, gut-wrenching, heart-stopping realizations I've had in a while.

SM artists have a general lifespan of 5 years before (the dreaded word), disbanding.

I pulled up every article, every mention of "DBSK disbands" "SM curse" "5 year curse" and anything related to it. H.O.T. and Shinhwa, some of the biggest kpop bands before DBSK, all disappeared, disbanding after exactly 5 years. And SM was starting to become known for dropping bands while siphoning off fans onto similar bands to keep the profits loyalty alive.

I was scared.

I was scared for Yunho (who, yes, i eventually was able to "call" and secure as my own), I was scared for Jaejoong (again, "call"ed as mine), I was scared for Micky and Junsu and Changmin and most of all I was scared for DBSK.

But how could SM be so stupid? How could they get rid of their biggest band, the band with the largest recorded fan club (not including unofficial members) of all time, the best thing they had? And then came the theories, that Super Junior was surpassing them in popularity (and really, i cant choose between the two so I'm in limbo on this subject), that SHINee, who resembles them in so many aspects that its scary are their look-a-like fan-siphoning replacements, that all their activities in Japan were to secretly fade them out of the Kpop popularity and spotlight, that putting out an album too close or too far from award season would cause them to be left out or forgotten...the list went on and on. The list of reasons for SM to kill off their biggest stars and take their winnings while they were ahead.

I was furious. How could they do that, those slimy, sneaky, money-grubbing, fan-manipulating bastards?! I had thoughts of surprise news exploding over the internet, soompi, livejournal, fans in complete disarray, distraught that dear God, its finally happened, theyre gone.

But today (er...yesterday) they are still here. They are bigger than ever. They have not lost any fans, they have only gained more. They are thriving and growing and burning up because everyone wants a piece and nobody can deliver like DBSK.

So I have hope that they will still be here, at least a year from now if not more. I have hope that they will continue to make me almost pee myself laughing at their crack/stupidity on talk shows. I have hope that they will continue churning out chart-topping singles and records and videos because that is what they do best. I have confidence that they will be able to survive, and break, this curse, because DBSK survives and conquers and shatters anything in their way.

I am so proud of my boys. I am so proud of what they have accomplished.

Yunho and Micky have grown exceedingly as singers, Jaejoong has improved tremendously as a dancer, Changmin is acting like a 20 year old should act and I smile because I know how much fun he must be having and how much more there is to come because he is still very, very young, and Junsu is, well, Junsu.

They take on so much. They get so sick, and they still perform. They hurt themselves, and still perform. Others hurt them, and they still perform. They bleed and they sweat and they cry, and they still perform.

When we call for them, they will still perform.

The gods are rising in the East.

Happy 5th year anniversary, DongBangShinKi, and may you have many, many more.
I love you ♥ more than words, and more than this silly post. You have my heart.

anniversary, fandom: dbsk, ramblings

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