I just finished up the 3rd season of True Blood. I read all the books so I wanted to see what the show based on them was like. I know I'm way late to the party... but anyway I like it! I like how it's not exactly the same as the books but many of the plotlines from the books were used as jumping off points. I abslutely love Alexander Skarsgard, who plays Eric. That is one sexy piece of man! He's right up there beside johnny depp and robert downy jr, in my book! haha so fangirly! I can't wait until season 4 starts in June. And the next book in the series is out next month so I don't have tooo long to wait. Does anyone else watch/read?
oh, Lily has been much better on the potty. She wanted toy story underwear but they didn't have them for girls, so I bought the boy ones! hahah she looks super cute in them, though! She stays dry throughout the night and goes every day in her little potty, so we're progressing. Still no poo on the potty but she's thinking about it more hahah Hoping by her birthday in May she will be good to go to Disney with no pull ups/ wipes or anything.
I had more to write about but I forget now!
my brain is all scrambled... um . yeah.