Well, it's the end of November. One more day to go. Where did the month go? I mean I swear it was just Labor Day yesterday. Hehe. Before I know it, Christmas will be here. That's good because I hate waiting for things. Especially since I've been forbidden to buy anything else from my Christmas list. Hehe. At least I know I'm getting my 3 Doors Down CDs. Hehe. Dad left them on the counter in the kitchen. Is it my fault I saw them? Hehe.
I have half of my Christmas shopping done. Yippie! I still have my bro, Grandma, Aunt, Uncle and my cousin Adam. Next paycheck I hope to get that taken care of. Want to get something for my co-workers, boss and the Major, plus a few others... but can't think of something that won't cost alot. There are about 20 people I'd like to give a little gift to. I was thinking maybe something homemade? I saw a recepie for white chocolate dipped pretzles with holiday sprinkles. That sounds pretty good yeah? You'd get your sweet, salty and crunchy all in one! Hehe. I'll think of something.
Saw Harry Potter. I LOVED IT! It wasn't long enough in my opinion. Scenes were shortened. Felt like they were done before they even started. But overall I give it two thumbs up. I'd pay to see it again. One thing I can't get enough of is the actor who played Vicktor Crum. OMG! That boy is begging to be fucked. Hell, all of the guys from his school were drool-worthy. It's a good thing I don't live in the Harry Potter-verse. I'd be the Hogworts Whore. Not that that's a good thing, but there are too many damn hotties. I want them all!
Speaking of hotties... don't know if I've reviewed it yet... but I've also seen JarHead. OMFG! I wanted to cream my panties it was so hot! I mean Jake Gyllenhaal in Marine dress blues. *pants* I wanted to hump the movie screen so bad. That man is the empitome of a sexy ass Marine. *sigh* I got to get me a Marine. If you haven't seen it yet... you REALLY need to. I still need to read the book though. Someone said it was a lot better than the movie. Hard to believe since it doesn't contain pics of Jake in his USMC uniform... but there's only one way to find out.
Well, guess that's it for now. I'll leave you all with a meme I got from a friend...