*puts on HP gear*

Nov 17, 2005 09:00

Squee! Harry Potter comes out tomorrow. Yippie! I can't wait to see HP:GoF! I want me some hot, dark, angsty Draco. I have a thing for bad boys sometimes. And Draco is 69 different kinds of bad. Hehe. I plan on seeing it tomorrow. Yep. Yep. A late showing. Nothing ruins a movie more that stupid little kids who have to talk through the whole thing. They should have adult only showings. Yep. Hehe.

I would love to see a midnight showing tonight, but I have to work tomorrow. Grrr. So I'd only get like 3 hours sleep if I saw it tonight. Means I have to wait and see it tomorrow. Hopefully torrance44 can see it with me. Probably see it down in Roseville. I want an unobstructed view of the screen. The theater in my town doesn't have stadium seating. Grr on them.

Anywhoo, think today is going to be a really slow, boring day with nothing to do. My boss has been out sick the entire week. So it's just been me and Karie. Tomorrow is Karie's normal day off. And if my boss is still sick... means I'll be at the office all by myself. For 8 hours... means I won't have shit to do. I'll get to read my book more. Hehe. A part of me hopes I'm by myself... and a part of me doesn't want to be. It will be a really long day if I am.

I'm pretty sure my boss won't be in. She's pretty sick. She went to the Doc and they didn't give her any medicine. They swabbed her throat for strep, she's congested, sleeps a lot, runs a fever when her Tylenol starts to run out of her system... so I'm pretty sure I'll be by myself. *sigh*

Still haven't started on my Christmas shopping yet. Has anyone else? I need to. Watch, I'll be one of those people who wait until the last minute this year. Maybe I'll just get everyone Target gift cards. You can find everything at Target. And all my shopping is done at one place. LMAO. Although, for my cousins I'll have to get Best Buy cards... never seen a Target in San Rafael. Hmmm... and my grandparents (mom's side) will be here this Christmas. Oh joy! No. Not really. They bug the crap out of me. So I try to make myself as scarce as possible.

I think Tom Cruise belongs in a mental ward. Yep. I think Tom has this new super power where he can brainwash people. Why? 'Cause I guess Katie is quitting acting so that she can stay home with "their baby". Not that she really had much of a career anyway... but still. It bugs me. You know? She's even switched to the same religion has him. I mean she didn't even wait until they were married to get pregnant either. I just have this feeling that she's going to regret it. I'd be VERY surprised if she doesn't.

Then there's Britney Spears... really WTF was SHE thinking? She married some ugly, white-trash home-boy who likes to spend other people's money. They had a kid. While Kevin still acts like a kid... spending his wife's money. I've always hated Kevin. To me, he's a free-loader. Just used Brit to get famous and try and become a rap star. He sucks. No amount of money will help that. Brit would have been better off marrying Justin. Justin seems like he'd be a great father. Not to mention... he's soooo much hotter than Kevin. Kevin always dresses like a white-trash pimp. Justin... he has class.

Hmmm... what to babble about now... have you heard about those people who won the $315million lottery? Could you imagine winning that much money? I can't even fathom that much money. What would you buy if you won? What would I buy? Hmmm... in no particular order...

-Have someone design my ultimate dream home. I want it to have this Greek, Tuscany, Moroccan feel to it. Hehe. I'm sure there's some designer out there who can combine all that. Each room has a different theme.

-Have my mom and dad quit their jobs and travel the world. When they find a place they want to stay... I'll buy them a house there.

-Take Orlando Bloom out to lunch. Maybe throw in Jake Gyllenhall(sp?) as well. Hey, I'm worth $315million... I'm pretty sure I can make that happen. Money talks and all that. Hehe.

-Buy enough clothes to last me 6 months without wearing the same thing.

-Guess that means I'll need a larger closet...

-Buy me a fully-loaded Jeep Liberty.

-My bro should probably get something too huh? Well, I'll buy him a car or house of his choice.

-And I'll invest quite a bit of it too. That way I can live off the interest I earn.

*sigh* Wouldn't that be so nice? Of course... you can't win if you don't play. Hehe. What would all of you buy if you won that much money? I want to know.

Well, Karie left for the day. The little baby isn't being too nice to her. She's not sure if she's cramping or if it's contractions. So she's going home to rest and to try to get into see her Doc. So it's just me for the next like 4 hours. With nothing to do. I wish I could go home too. I mean they're paying me to do absolutly nothing. Guess I could read my book. But chances are I'll finish it before it's time to go and I didn't bring another one. Doh!

Guess I'll just stare off into space or something... I'd surf the net... but you have to have something to search for. And there's only so many places a government computer will allow me to go. I'm glad I'm able to update this and read all of your LJ's. That would suck donkey balls if I couldn't.

Well, time for lunch.... time to be bored.... I'll try not to die of it. Sometimes I swear it's possible to die of boredom. Someone just has yet to prove it... hehe.

boredom, $315million, lottery, harry potter

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