May 02, 2006 07:34
So last night I went and got the mail... Big mistake. I should have just left it for Chet to get, because there was nothing but bad news in it. Our phone bill that is supposed to be on average $30 was $247 because apparently "our equipment is faulty" and keeps dialing 411 direct service at $1 a time without us actually getting any directory assistance. I don't see why We should be charged for these calls since A) We kept calling because when we would pick up our phone there would be no dial tone.. (first clue that the line is stuck open.) They continuously told us that it was nothing to worry about. Just to unplug it for a few minutes, and it would be fine. B) We received no directory assistance. The number was called ever fucking minute. Do you really think that they gave me my directory assistance 207 times in a minute apart every single time? Come on!!
Then I opened up another letter that appeared to be "safe"... no deal. It was the Home Owners Association telling us that our front yard has too many weeds in it, and we need to pull them in 14 days and let them know in that time frame, or we will be fined. I'm pissed. Come on people, we just moved in!! Give us some time to settle the INSIDE of our house before you tell us that we need to do YARD work! Grr.
This morning I called Chet because last night I asked him if I was going to see him before I had to go to work today, and he said, yes. Well 7:00 rolls around and he's not home, 7:15 comes and still no Chet. So I leave, on my way out he finally calls me and tells me that they had a meeting and he was JUST leaving work. Fine that is fine. I was not mad at this point. maybe a little peeved, but not at him, at his job for keeping him from me all the time... So I remember that he didn't know about the HOA's warning, so I decide that I should tell him, and he responds... "You know maybe I should just get the mail from now on, so that I can know what's going on. Whenever you get it we only get bad news" I felt very belittled by this remark. I mean I understand that he was joking about the bad news part. I was more offended by the fact that he implied that I could not relay the goings on to him by getting it myself. So i said. "Fuck you" and then the conversation got muffeled and he hung up on me. I called him back thinking his phone died, and after 2 rings he put me through to voice mail. After the second call he just let it go to voice mail. So there are 1 of a couple things that could have happened here. 1, his phone died, and for some reason there is not a set amount of rings before the phone sends you to voicemail.. 2, his boss came up and he had to get off the phone, which would also mean that he lied about leaving work.. 3. he was angry at me, and hung up on me. And now doesn't want to talk.
I am so fucking pissed off at him. Today is supposed to be a happy day for me. Because I'm going to see Martie about that modeling opportunity, but he didn't even say good luck. He just made my day start off badly. I hate him for that. Because when someone is mad in the morning it seems that day just goes to shit afterward.
Things were going so well too!! I am not sure where I went wrong. I probably overreacted, and him being sick, just means that he has no patience to deal with my pissy mood, but still. Try to resolve the situation, not avoid it. That only makes things worse. That is one thing about Chet that I've been trying to helphim with. He needs to face his problems not avoid them. What if I had gotten in a wreck and was calling him for help. His pride would have been too much for him, and I would have been stranded. I mean I'm sure I could call someone else, but still. You're boyfriend is supposed to be there. I am begining to think that we should just sell this house, and go our seperate ways. I'm only 21, I don't need to be tied down to someone who's going to make me age faster, and cause me so much greif.
Love Or at least what i THINK is love, sucks.