SB3 Bloody Angel Volume 3 Chapter 10 Translation

Jul 30, 2013 20:29

I should probably be slightly disturbed by how much I'm in love with Tenkai.

Sengoku BASARA 3 Bloody Angel is written and drawn by Ryu Itō with the supervision and cooperation of CAPCOM.

(here "smile" is written as "false charm", and "priest" is written as "instigator")

TENKAI: Hehehehe…
AYUMU: Wh…who is that man...?!

AYUMU: Gyōbu-sama didn’t call attention to him either…!
HIDEAKI: You…you’re late…
TENKAI: Goodness gracious, I'm terribly sorry. I was immersed in the study of prayer.

TENKAI: After all, prayer is essential for priests.
AYUMU: He’s a monk…?
YOSHITSUGU: …Tenkai, you say. Why would a so-called priest…
Be carrying a scythe in each hand?
TENKAI: How rude of me. This…

TENKAI: Was the perfect means to help Kingo-san gather ingredients, or so I thought.
I have only just met these good people, and already made such a terrible blunder.
AYUMU: How can he say that with a smile?

AYUMU: But, even though he may be a monk, Mitsunari-sama will…
MITSUNARI: If you’re another of Ieyasu's followers, then I’ll execute you too.

TENKAI: That is troubling indeed.
However, my beloved Kingo-san, who has taken me in, needed help…
I shall beg forgiveness in his stead.
If anything, won't you at least spare his life…?

MITSUNARI: It’s already too late for that…!
There is only one future awaiting those who betray Hideyoshi-sama…

HIDEAKI: Te…Tenkai-samaaaaa!!
AYUMU: As I thought…
Nobody is capable of stopping Mitsunari-sama…
YOSHITSUGU: …It would appear…

YOSHITSUGU: That Kingo has another reason to be confident…
TENKAI: Hehehehe…

AYUMU: I…don’t believe it…
He got behind Mitsunari-sama?!
That man is no ordinary monk!
(Wow, someone give this kid a gold star)
HIDEAKI: Waaaah! You’re alive, right? Tenkai-sama!
TENKAI: There, there, Kingo-san. It’s dangerous, so please stay back.

TENKAI: Now then…Dark King...
Why don’t you and I have a little chat?

YASUBĒ: *panting*
Aniki…I’ll definitely get this letter to Ieyasu-san…!
PAPER: ‘Tokugawa Army, Ukyō Army, Utsunomiya Army, Anegakōji Army, Amago Army, Satake Army, Saika Faction, Mogami Army.’
KAKUNOSHIN: And the addition of the Mogami Army…

KAKUNOSHIN: Means that now only Kobayakawa have yet to reply.
According to our intelligence, Mitsunari has drawn out the Mōri Army…
But even added to what remains of the Hōjō, we still hold an overwhelming advantage.
At this rate we can win, Ieyasu.

KAKUNOSHIN: Hey. Are you listening?
IEYASU: Hm? Ah, sorry. What is it, Ukyō-dono?
KAKUNOSHIN: …Lately I’ve noticed you sit there all spaced-out, just staring into the distance.
If you’re tired, get some rest. Having you fall flat at the crucial moment would be a bother.

KAKUNOSHIN: I intend to get revenge for my right arm…!
That's the reason I followed you.
SOLDIER: Pardon the intrusion.
Ieyasu-sama, there is a visitor waiting at the gate.

IEYASU: A visitor?
That’s…can it be?!

YASUBĒ: Ani…ki…

MOTOCHIKA: So that’s Crow Castle, where Ishida Mitsunari is…huh?
TENKAI: Dark King…

TENKAI: Tokugawa-dono has adopted the word bonds as his dogma.
Yet I am interested in this despair you speak of.
HIDEAKI: Tenkai-sama…?
TENKAI: What is the nature of despair…?

TENKAI: To be torn limb from limb, or skinned alive…
Hung on display from a rope, made food for the crows, and slowly hunted down…
The torment of being unable to run from death…the pain…the fear!

TENKAI: Is that it?
I want to know more…

TENKAI: Of your despair…!

YOSHITSUGU: Perhaps there was nothing to worry about…

TENKAI: *ungh*
That’s not it...

AYUMU: Not it?

TENKAI: *ungh*…More…
*agh*…That’s not it…
Ahh…! Nor that!

TENKAI: I’m afraid, Dark King…that you are incapable of granting me despair...
Why? Because my despair does not come from death.
MITSUNARI: What…was that…?

TENKAI: You have yet to understand the true meaning of despair…
HIDEYOSHI: Mitsunari…

HIDEYOSHI: My dream…

TENKAI: It’s all right if you don’t understand. I’m here to help…
HIDEAKI: Tenkai-sama!


AYUMU: *agh*…
MITSUNARI: Why…did you protect me…?

MITSUNARI: I didn’t ask for your protection!
AYUMU: I wonder why…I was scared, but I couldn’t help it…
My body moved on its own…

AYUMU: Mitsunari-sama. Pain and suffering…
That’s not what despair is all about.
Sometimes, despair changes the way we live.

AYUMU: Like you, Mitsunari-sama…
After losing Hideyoshi-sama.
TENKAI: That’s exactly it.
AYUMU: …huh?

TENKAI: Dark King, I have a suggestion.
Just as Tokugawa betrayed you…
What if Kingo-san were to betray Tokugawa?
HIDEAKI: What are you saying, Tenkai-sama…?
TENKAI: Kingo-san. If you are to survive this, then there is no other way…

TENKAI: The choice is yours.
The despair of death or the despair of living…which path will you choose?
MITSUNARI: Which is it, Kingo…?
HIDEAKI: *eek*
MITSUNARI: I’ll give you one second…

MITSUNARI: Answer me.
HIDEAKI: *whimper*...
MITSUNARI: Answer me!
HIDEAKI: Waah, I’ll do it!
I’ll betray Ieyasu-san!

MITSUNARI: Discussion over.
Gyōbu, you handle the rest.
YOSHITSUGU: Understood…
We'll be taking the hotpot.

YOSHITSUGU: Everyone, relax here a little while.
TENKAI: What a relief, Kingo-san.

TENKAI: Your life is all that matters.
HIDEAKI: *whimper*

HIDEAKI: Waaaaaah!

MOTOCHIKA: Sure are…an awful lotta crows today…
AYUMU: Since when were there so many crows…
Gathering round the castle?

Next chapter concludes Volume 3. Hopefully it will be out by the end of the week~

basara, sengoku basara 3, sengoku basara, manga, bloody angel, hopeless fangirling, translations, emo kitty

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