SB3 Bloody Angel Volume 2 Chapter 7 Translation

Jul 04, 2013 17:07

Concluding Volume 2, Motonari and Mitsunari hurl bitchy comments at each other for an entire chapter. Enjoy.

Sengoku BASARA 3 Bloody Angel is written and drawn by Ryu Itō with the supervision and cooperation of CAPCOM.

KANBĒ: “Mōri Motonari”…
Rumour has it he’s the most cold-blooded man in all the Land of the Rising Sun.

("conductor" is here written as "cold-blooded person")
YOSHITSUGU: Apologies Mōri, we were delayed by all this extra baggage.
KANBĒ: Baggage, huh…
You can’t be talking about my humble self...
MOTONARI: Ah…I believe I saw him once before. That idiotic man cast out by Toyotomi…
(Funnily enough Yoshitsugu said the exact same thing back in Chapter 5)

MOTONARI: Kurada Kanbē.
(The first character of Kanbē’s name was replaced with one that means "dark" or "depressing")
KANBĒ: It’s not Kurada, it’s Kuroda!
YOSHITSUGU: That's right. We have come to close the deal.
KANBĒ: I’m being ignored!
MOTONARI: …Indeed, I recall skimming the letter you sent.

MOTONARI: You must be Ishida Mitsunari…
AYUMU: Though his gaze was fixed on Mitsunari-sama…

AYUMU: I felt something I’ve never experienced before.
What is…
This feeling…?
YOSHITSUGU: I hate to be abrupt, but let us discuss the alliance…
MITSUNARI: There's no need for discussion.

MITSUNARI: Submit to me, Mōri Motonari.
Resistance is futile.
YOSHITSUGU: Apologies Mōri…
That’s just how he is.
MITSUNARI: I won’t take no for an answer.
And if you mention Ieyasu’s name, I will strangle you.

YOSHITSUGU: Mitsunari…Mōri stands neither above nor below us. We came to confirm an alliance.
Mōri has one desire, and that is the safety of Chūgoku.
That's all he wants.
Right, Mōri?

MOTONARI: Hmph…come back when you’ve learned to watch your mouth.
I’ve never been particularly interested in you or Tokugawa anyway.


MITSUNARI: Don’t make me repeat myself.
YOSHITSUGU: Mitsunari…!
MITSUNARI: Submit to me!

AYUMU: This feeling I’ve never experienced before…

SOLDIER: *screams*

KANBĒ: He…he used his own soldier…
As a shield…!
MOTONARI: Soldiers are nothing more than sacrificial pawns after all.
AYUMU: That man’s eyes…

AYUMU: Hold no light...
Let alone the darkness of hatred.
MOTONARI: Ishida…I have no time for conquest.
As long as Chūgoku is mine, it matters not if the remainder goes to you or Tokugawa.
AYUMU: Nothing…I feel nothing…

MOTONARI: I take orders from no one.
AYUMU: Nothing at all…

KANBĒ: I…I heard the rumours but…
What…is that guy…?

AYUMU: Mitsunari-sama…?
MOTONARI: What’s wrong?

MOTONARI: Are you reminded of Takenaka?
Ishida Mitsunari…
No…you have another name…

MOTONARI: “Third Generation, the Dark King”.
(Perhaps a more literal reading would be "King of Misfortune", but the SH translation flows better. Obviously, the title carries on the theme of Nobunaga, the Demon King, and Hideyoshi, the Supreme King, suggesting Mitsunari is their successor, a third tyrant. "Third Generation" is also a homophone of "Three Saints", the Chinese trinity of enlightened sages; however it’s written as "Mitsunari" instead.)

AYUMU: Dark…King…?
MOTONARI: "Ishida Mitsunari." The man who, just when the country was finally won, failed to protect his master Toyotomi…
And then, with his very own blade, took the life of Takenaka Hanbē.

MOTONARI: You invite disaster in all its forms, and now throughout the land they call you “Dark King”.
AYUMU: Wrong…
You’re wrong..!
KANBĒ: …Ayumu?
AYUMU: Mitsunari-sama is…!

I don’t care how you people think of me.

AYUMU: That’s right…

MITSUNARI: Mōri Motonari. If you won’t submit, your life is forfeit.
AYUMU: Even if Mitsunari-sama blames himself…
Even if he's made a fool of…
MITSUNARI: You have one last chance to answer.
AYUMU: He can’t afford to show his emotions.
MOTONARI: …hmph.

MOTONARI: What pitiful men the Supreme King and Takenaka were…
To be betrayed by their own pawns.
AYUMU: The thing that Mitsunari-sama won’t forgive…

MITSUNARI: Take that back…
MOTONARI: Take it back?
Does being called a pawn upset you that much?

MITSUNARI: Calling Hideyoshi-sama and Hanbē-sama pitiful…
AYUMU: Is slander against the two dead men he idolised.

MOTONARI: Hmph…I’d heard the Supreme King was in possession of a particularly devoted pawn, but you’re even more pitiful than I expected.

MOTONARI: Aren't you just aiming to conquer the country on the pretext of vengeance?
MITSUNARI: I don’t care about conquest…

MITSUNARI: My only goal…
Is to take everything from Ieyasu and then kill him…!

MOTONARI: *screams*


MITSUNARI: Hideyoshi-sama…Hanbē-sama…
Grant me permission…
To annihilate this one…!

YOSHITSUGU: Wait, Mitsunari!

Why did you stop me…?
YOSHITSUGU: If you kill Mōri here…
The war with Tokugawa will prove difficult.

YOSHITSUGU: This too is for the sake of justice…
And for you…


MITSUNARI: Mōri Motonari…
I’ll only say this once…
To betray me is unforgivable.

MITSUNARI: If you do…
I'll kill you along with Ieyasu.
MOTONARI: …hmph.

MOTONARI: So be it…
As long as Chūgoku is mine, there’s nothing more to say…
I’ll lend you my power.
However, I'll do things my way...!

MOTONARI: Everyone, make ready!
Before marching east we must strengthen the rear!
SOLDIERS: As you command!

MOTONARI: You understand, don’t you…?
Chūgoku belongs to me…
YOSHITSUGU: Mitsunari…
In order to strengthen the rear, Mōri must first request a ceasefire with "Chōsokabe Motochika", who inhabits the Sea of Setouchi which divides Chūgoku from the southern lands.

YOSHITSUGU: Fate has not allowed Mōri and Chōsokabe to settle their dispute yet.
So unless you're here he could jeopardise Chūgoku's safety.
There's nothing to worry about.
Do you have faith in my plans…?
MITSUNARI: You give me no reason to doubt you…

Huh?! Huh!
YOSHITSUGU: From now on I’ll have you and Mōri act as one.
Why do I gotta go with that jerk?!


AYUMU: Ieyasu-sama…
Mitsunari-sama is moving forward.

AYUMU: To the battle with you…
Between bonds and despair.

KANBĒ: Dammit!
Lemme outta here!
Where the hell are you taking me?!
I won’t do as I’m told, you know!

KANBĒ: Just wait and see!

Hopefully next week we'll move onto Volume 3. Thank you for reading so far!~

translations, sengoku basara 3, sengoku basara, manga, bloody angel, emo kitty, why are all guys prettier than me

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