SB3 Bloody Angel Volume 2 Chapter 6 Translation

Jun 30, 2013 00:25

A light-hearted chapter to help us recover from the harrowing events of the last one. Plus flashbacks!

Haha, Ayumu thinks Yoshitsugu is a good person, he's gonna get killed.

Sengoku BASARA 3 Bloody Angel is written and drawn by Ryu Itō with the supervision and cooperation of CAPCOM.

-SIXTH DESTRUCTION-AYUMU: Now that Hideyoshi-sama and Hanbē-sama are dead…

AYUMU: The Ishida Army has been formed.

(here "countdown" is written as "quickening")

IEYASU: I see…so Mitsunari killed Hanbē-dono…
MAGOICHI: Why the long face?
Wasn’t it for the sake of fighting Ishida that you summoned us?

IEYASU: ….That’s right.
Magoichi, for the sake of fighting Mitsunari’s despair, please lend me your power.
YOSHITSUGU: …Mitsunari, the preparations to depart are in order.

YOSHITSUGU: If you are to compete with Tokugawa, you will need Mōri’s power.
AYUMU: …Mōri?
YOSHITSUGU: “Mōri Motonari.” During the Toyotomi’s heyday, in order to maintain leadership of Chūgoku…
He refused to submit, and refused to fight. He is a man who chose to hold his breath.
From here in Ōsaka, we must go west, and aim for Chūgoku where Mōri is.

MITSUNARI: …A man who clings to one tiny speck of land means nothing to me.
YOSHITSUGU: Of course.
However, in the midst of war with Tokugawa in the east, an attack from the rear would be fatal.
We must become best of friends with him.
MITSUNARI: …Understood, Gyōbu. Do as you please.

AYUMU: H…uh?
Normally, Mitsunari-sama would…
YOSHITSUGU: …Mitsunari…
Is this all right?
You haven't bid farewell to Hideyoshi-sama and Hanbē-sama.

YOSHITSUGU: It may be a long time before we return to Ōsaka.
Did not come here to say goodbye.

MITSUNARI: Without fail, I'll fulfil my vow…
And return with Ieyasu’s head.
MAGOICHI: You damn crow.

MAGOICHI: I said you’re all “stupid crows”.
But isn’t the Saika Faction’s emblem a crow?
MAGOICHI: That which we take pride in is the three-legged crow.
Don’t confuse it with the rest of them.
Though I…
Do not hate such crows.
(In folklore three-legged crows are divine messengers representing guidance and rebirth after death)

MAGOICHI: I’ll only say it once. We are masterless, thus we don’t identify you as our master.
We are our own master.
This way of life is our pride!
IEYASU: I know…
The new bond formed here will no doubt be of great help.

IEYASU: With this fist…! I’ll show you proof of the power of bonds!
The contract has been established.

MITSUNARI: What are you waiting for, Gyōbu?
IEYASU: Now for the next contract. Tadakatsu! Everybody!
MAGOICHI: Show it to me…
A crow's way of life!

MITSUNARI: Let’s go!

IEYASU: Let’s go!

IEYASU: We mustn’t stop walking…
Isn’t that right?
(A reference to the pun Ieyasu made on Ayumu’s name in Chapter 1)

AYUMU: It’s as if my feet, which until now felt like they were weighed down by chains…
Are unbelievably light.
Surely, beyond his back, despair is waiting…
I no longer have any doubts!

AYUMU: Take good care of me, okay?
PHYSICIANS: What’s wrong, Yamadera-sensei?
Normally you say you don't want to go to war and are reluctant to enter the carriage…
AYUMU: Gyōbu-sama!
YOSHITSUGU: Sorry, but I have a request.
AYUMU: Of course! If there’s anything I can do, please tell me!

YOSHITSUGU: I want you to treat this guy.
YOSHITSUGU: The wound Mitsunari gave him is quite serious.
For now he's an asset. It would be troublesome if he became a burden.

YOSHITSUGU: The other physicians will ride in a separate carriage.
You should have plenty of room.
AYUMU: Please…
Please wait a momen-
YOSHITSUGU: Well then, let’s get going.
AYUMU: No…no way…

AYUMU: It takes a galloping horse one day to reach Chūgoku.
With this man, for that long…
You gotta let me off this carriage!

AYUMU: *eeeeek*
KANBĒ: Your name's Ayumu…or something…
AYUMU: I…I’m sorry, I’ll treat you right away!
KANBĒ: I refuse to accept pity from the enemy.
KANBĒ: Besides, this wound ain’t no big deal.
AYUMU: But…Kanbē-san…

AYUMU: There's an awful lot of blood coming out, you know.
If it really hurts, then…
KANBĒ: Sh…shut the hell up!
We’ll get to that! I have something I wanna ask you!
AYUMU: A…ask me…?!
KANBĒ: You’re gonna cough up the whereabouts of the key to my shackles!

AYUMU: Tha…that…
I don’t know.

KANBĒ: Seems you don’t understand the circumstances…
KANBĒ: Want your mouth to stay stretched as long as you live, huh?!
AYUMU: I…I really don’t know though!
KANBĒ: Liar! Gyōbu makes all the soldiers and doctors round here uncomfortable, but for some reason you’re an exception!
Plus, since Gyōbu seems to like you so much, I bet he told you where the key is hidden!

KANBĒ: Say it! Just say it! Otherwise I’ll…
AYUMU: Thought I was a goner…
P…please believe me, Kanbē-san, I really don’t know.

AYUMU: Truthfully…Gyōbu-sama is a mystery to me.
Aside from when I treat him, I know absolutely nothing about his private life.
KANBĒ: …You really don’t know then?
AYUMU: At first Gyōbu-sama scared me too, because I was all alone.
Please show me your wound and I’ll treat it.

KANBĒ: Didn’t I say I won’t take pity from the enemy?
AYUMU: Are you absolutely sure it doesn’t hurt?
KANBĒ: I’ll lick my own wounds…
AYUMU: That’s no good. Hold still, please.

AYUMU: Kanbē-san.
May I tell you a story from around the time I entered Toyotomi’s service?
It happened…maybe six months ago.
At one of their gatherings, the men of Toyotomi held a tea party.

AYUMU: That was during Toyotomi’s heyday.
Many generals wanted to curry favour with Hideyoshi-sama, and talked loudly about how delicious the tea was...
But when Gyōbu-sama’s turn came…
A “cursed drop” of the corruption eating Gyōbu-sama’s body…
Fell into the teacup.

AYUMU: Even now, I remember the onlookers’ faces.
Those who a moment ago had drank and called it ‘delicious’…
Not one of them reached out their hand.
I was among them…

MITSUNARI: I’ll have another cup.

AYUMU: Mitsunari-sama calmly drained it to the dregs.
I was ashamed of myself.
No matter how much I try to erase my past self, who treated Gyōbu-sama like that…

AYUMU: The only one Gyōbu-sama has truly forgiven is Mitsunari-sama.
Sorry, that was a pretty gloomy story wasn’t it?!
I’ve finished treatment. The wound isn’t properly healed, so please don’t overexert yourself.

KANBĒ: You know nothing about Gyōbu.
Kanbē-san…what do you mean by that…?
KANBĒ: Hmph! I hated Gyōbu from the start, but…
What I saw that day were his true colours...!

KANBĒ: That day…
The day Mitsunari stabbed Takenaka Hanbē.
He pierced my side and I fell the ground.
Mitsunari…you couldn’t have…

KANBĒ: Raising my head despite the pain…
Gyōbu came into view…
He was…

KANBĒ: He was laughing.
AYUMU: …Laughing?
Gyo…Gyōbu-sama wouldn’t laugh at something like that…!
KANBĒ: You interpret it however you want.

KANBĒ: But I’ll say this...
Watch out for that guy.
I’m gonna take a nap.
MITSUNARI: I’ll have another cup.

If that story is true, then…why…?

KANBĒ: *zzz*
AYUMU: *zzz*

YOSHITSUGU: We have arrived…hm?
Ayumu…are you okay? Well now, let me see your forehead.
AYUMU: …I’m fine, Gyōbu-sama.

AYUMU: Thank goodness…Gyōbu-sama is the same as ever…
YOSHITSUGU: If it hurts, why don’t you rest a little?
AYUMU: Thank you very much.
YOSHITSUGU: What are you doing, Kanbē? Pull yourself together.
AYUMU: Surely Kanbē-san was mistaken.
KANBĒ: Son of a! Damn Gyōbu…

AYUMU: To build a fortress on the surface of the sea…!
KANBĒ: Huh…just the sorta place that guy would live.
AYUMU: Kanbē-san, you’ve met this Mōri person?
KANBĒ: …I’ll never forget it.

KANBĒ: Before I was shackled and thrown in that hole in the ground…
The Mōri Army’s ship happened to pass by…
That day, he…
Had this look in his eyes, the kinda look you’d give an insect…

KANBĒ: Seems like…
He’s come to welcome us.

MOTONARI: You’re late, Ōtani…
KANBĒ: “Mōri Motonari”…

KANBĒ: Rumour has it he’s the most cold-blooded man in all the Land of the Rising Sun.

Thank you for reading! Final chapter of Volume 2 coming shortly~

need sleep, basara, translations, sengoku basara 3, sengoku basara, manga, bloody angel

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