This is one of the best articles I've read about a subject most infertile couples want to ignore or are too emotional to really think about. I am very proud of the fact that Brad and I distanced our emotions as much as we could and agreed on what we would do before the procedure was done. I am happy to say that we have no regrets about what decision we made. Even if the outcome had been different with us, if the success or unsuccess had been different I believe I would still been happy ethically and morally with my decision - things could have been harder or easier for us but we made the the decision that we are able to sleep with at night. Would we have done what Octomom had done? No, but there is some element of her story that I sympathize with and I think to few people really look at the possibility of what could happen when they are so desperate. I think a huge part of what we went through is that we did research, we did go with ethical experts and we made as educated decisions as possible that helped us be as successful yet low risk for ethical challenges.
I would NEVER discourage anyone in finding their own happy ending, but this article really looks at an issue that really needs to be taken seriously BEFORE you sign on the dotted line, before you spend the money and before you create a baby.