First, there was a brief brown out around dawn so my radio clock respawned with the wrong settings, and then, while I was watching The View while gobbling down lunch, Whoopi Goldberg, who I still have a crush on from the time she brightened the otherwise LIFELESS Star Trek TNG by doing a much better job than Counselor Obvious in counseling people...well, she defended Polanski(who fiddled a kiddie after piling the 13 year old with drink), because of what he pleaded on before he fled,
It wasn't rape rape.
Dude, I thought you were cool.
...and France can go fuck itself. Countries is included on my Bad Travel list, not only on what their laws do to women (such as stoning for wearing a short skirt), but also on justice systems that fail to protect a women (such as not prosecuting rape when she's wearing a short skirt...or he's famous).
Bad day, got worse once I was on the bus. A bumblebee landed on my jacket, normally this will be a cheerful thing, it must have been a pretty picture (but I was wearing sunglasses so I couldn't see). Before I could get over my surprise, the lady who pointed it out for me, killed it with her shoe. I thanked her because what else was I suppose to do? Not everyone knows that bumblebees almost never stings, especially when we must be so far from its hive. It landed on my jacket because it was purple with groves, it thought I was a flower. Alas. I don't think she even know it was a bumblebee until afterwards. Just before I left, I did spray a spider that LOOKED like it could be a black widow, not going to risk trying to catch and release if it is.
Now, back to cheerful Billie Piper music, she's so CHEERFUL, it's completely different from Brittany Spear's pop, which was centered almost entirely towards playing seductive virgin sex kitten for men...
ETA, 4am and I'm still up: I love bumblebees, they are so industrious and they make honey! They don't sting you like wasps, mostly because they'll die cause one sting will pull out their guts, they save it for defending their hives. I think bumblebees are actually more beautiful than butterflies. Butterflies have beautiful wings, like jewelry, but close up, the body is Not So Much. Bumblebees just looks so, cheerful, bright happy yellow, and black, looks great when they are feeding on red clovers, must have looked great against my royal purple jacket, but I don't know what it looks like because I had sunglasses on so it was in black and white. I really wish I was faster, I would have lifted up my jacket from a corner to trap it there, and let it out when I'm out of the bus to get to another bus. When I was younger, I've had a horridly long car ride that was cheered up by a bumblebee that stayed on my shirt for a while before it flew back out the window.
Reminds me of a great night in Hong Kong that had a Downer Ending. My brother is great at finding neat nature stuff. Like, we were walking down the concrete steps at one uncle's place, when suddenly, he paused, and picked up from the steps, a Chinese Longhorn Beetle with powder blue spots. That night we went to the beautiful west harbour, and had a delicious seafood dinner. Then Ice Cream, the best soft serve ice cream, it was so cheap from a truck but it was so rich in milk. While we were waiting for a taxi, my brother spotted a toad on the traffic island we were on. He was about to pick it up when my mother told him to leave it alone, at which point it ran out onto the road. A mini-bus just drove over it, happened in a second, I crossed my fingers it got between the wheels, because it was close, but we could see its insides being breathed out of its mouth. My brother was cross the rest of the night (before we separated), he wanted to pick it up and put it far away from the road. It just seem more tragic because this was Hong Kong, it didn't have much toads I think, especially in that area. A little like finding a toad in the land of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
ETA: Oy,
Eternal Ianto recs