The Daily Prophet is hiring! The following positions are open:
Gryffindor Correspondent
Flourish Correspondent
Comics writer
Pinch writers!
If interested, please sign up here!
Term XXVIII, Issue 06 March 24, 2014
Welcome to hogwartsishome! You will find many great people and many, many fun things to do. We hope you'll have a great time with us at Hogwarts!
Common rooms:
gryff_lions the_puff_house
ravenclaw_house cunningfolk
Activity: Human Interest, Part 1
Participation Points: Participation Only. 10pts/5kts (+5 bonus points with a Daily Prophet subscription
Deadline: Saturday, April 5, 11:59pm UTC
Details: Pitch 5 different kinds of human interest pieces that the Daily Prophet could cover. 2pts per submission.
Submit your solved puzzle here!
Activity: ABC Puzzle
Details: Solve an ABC Path Puzzle.
House Totals:
Gryffindor: 30
Hufflepuff: 45
Ravenclaw: 70
Slytherin: 15
By xonceinadream
► Have you noticed any bugs with the new System? If so, the mods would like you to let them know what's wrong here.
► Term XXVIII's Month Long Adventure is underway! The teams are listed here and you can also get matched at the individual activities if you don't have a partner. There are nine activities and each will be open for one week.
►Tiffany/fangss would like you to check out beacon_hills.
►Krystal/autumn_mist posted about a new Trio era RPG.
Just for Fun
► There's been a disturbance in the Ministry of Magic. Ministry officials haven't given much details on what's going on, but it appears that there are multiple people running through the Ministry heading in a specific direction … We'll keep you updated.
Don't forget to check out HIH on twitter and tumblr. @hihnews and fromplatform934.
Apply to be a:
Registered Animagus
HP Character
Writing Communities:
Icon Making Communities:
Sponsored Shops
Attention Shop Owners!
Would you like to see your banner here? Then come over to this post to find out how!
By slumber
"Dear Professor Dumbledore,
I have been searching every speck of grass at Hogwarts to try and find a four-leaf clover. There is a certain someone I would like to give it to on St. Paddy's Day, but as hard as I look, I can't find one (and I'm beginning to fear my classmates have begun to think I've gone crazy as I'm always outside staring at the lawn). Do you have any idea where one might be hidden? Or how I can make my own?
Needs All the Luck He Can Get"
Dear Needs All the Luck,
While the intention behind it is indeed very thoughtful, perhaps you should know that four-leaf clovers are incredibly rare and even harder to find. You might have better luck drawing one to give to someone. Or asking Professor Slughorn how to make a Felix Felicis.
"Dear Dumbledore,
Do you know where the Giant Squid came from? I heard it's been around for more than a thousand years. Was it ever a normal-sized squid?
Water-creature lover"
Dear Water-creature Lover,
It came from a Mama Giant Squid, of course.
"Dear Dumbledore,
Do you think there will ever be a way that magic and technology can coexist at Hogwarts?
A Muggle-Born Reluctant to Leave Her iPhone Behind"
Dear Muggleborn,
You will be surprised at the number of times this has been asked in all my time as Headmaster of the school. Unfortunately, our world's best and most intelligent wizards have yet to find a means to allow magic and technology to co-exist, but that's not to say the door's completely closed. Who's to say that an enterprising Muggleborn wouldn't one day understand magical theory so perfectly they're able to manipulate how it interacts with technology or vice versa?
"Dear Professor Dumbledore,
I think one of my classmates has gone crazy. He is wasting all his time sitting outside just staring at the grass! He's been skipping meals and homework and I fear he may even be sneaking out in the middle of the night. I don't know what is going on, but I am worried about him! Please help!
A Concerned Friend"
Dear Concerned Friend,
I think he may just be looking for a little bit of luck.
Write to Dumbles
You can write to your headmaster here; Dumbledore will try to respond to all letters, but there may be some delay before he gets to yours. All letters dealt with in strictest confidence.
If you would like to write an article for a future issue of the Daily Prophet, please comment at the signup sheet.
Term XXVIII, Issue 06 Page 2
By la_loony
By wasureneba
Hello all, and welcome again to the fanfiction column. We hope that you all have kept well since our last edition (much like pickled newt eyes).
We have several news items from the last few weeks. First, the members' cut for this term has been done here; if you have been cut and shouldn't have been, please contact the Sugarquill mod (Anie/wasureneba). Author signups for the Reverse Mini-bang have also just ended, and we're all excited!
Voting for Writer's Block #3 is now up here; Writer's Block #4 is up here (voting for #3 and submissions for #4 will go on concurrently).
Now: on to the fic! Sam/pretty_panther brings us a great Molly/Arthur fic, probing the darker side of their relationship, in A Father's Guilt.
Brina/brinchen86 brings us some more Weasley love, although this time in a Fred/Hermione variant; Live is a lovely piece of friendship blossoming into something more.
If you're in the need of something a bit darker, go for Jalen/jalenstrix's Excelsior, which features a conversation between Quirrell and Dumbledore.
For something a little different from most of our other offerings, check out Bienvenue a Beauxbatons by Julian/asphodel_rain, which features the Beauxbatons welcome letter in French.
Until next time, may your ink stay black!
hh_sugarquill sortedchallenge hogwartsicons
By evening12
Welcome, welcome to another column of Fanart Spotlight! Let's not waste any time and see what's been happening at sortedchallenge. If you like Tumblr Graphics, than you are in for a treat because Challenge 9 was all about Tumblr Graphics. Hufflepuff and Slytherin took home everything from 1st place to the special award. Slytherin's Tiffany/fangss snagged herself a 1st place finish with a Tom Felton graphic.
Kristine/flipflop_diva and Nikki/nowheretogo26 of Hufflepuff placed 2nd and 3rd, while their housemate Caitie/caitieness tied for "best coloring" with Slytherin's Beth/djmayhem_aubrey. Take a second and check out all of the winning graphics.
To finish off business at sortedchallenge, let's talk banners! Evy/slumber and Tiffany/fangss delivered some great banners for Challenges 1, 6 and 7. Come to pick up your banner, or admire them, right this way. Here is a small sample.
Still in the mood for more graphics? Why not stop by hogwartsicons? I was rather pleased to see Tiffany/fangss of Slytherin bring back the 10 Variations to the mix. Here are some of my favourite variations.
10 Variations: Draco Malfoy
Gryffindor's Jess/rhye also brought some icons to the mix.
Stop by Jess' post to see the rest of the icons and leave some comments.
Art-wise, things have been slow at hh_sugarquill so I decided to do a little something different. I went back in time, and looked for some lovely pieces of art that everyone should see :D
Spring might be creeping up on us, but I am still showcasing a piece of art that was created in December 2013 and has some holiday vibes. Rene/isaac_of_nine of Gryffindor created a piece in which Tonks surprises Remus with some holiday cheer.
Check out Rene's post to see the art in its full size and leave some comments.
Here is a piece by Ravenclaw's Delphine/nearlyconscious from September 2012, which showcases a young Tom Riddle.
Check out Delphine's post to see the art in its full size and leave some comments.
I'm off for this edition of the Daily Prophet, but keep on sharing your wonderful pieces of art and you might find yourself in the spotlight next time!
By interchanges
Lots of activities going on at hh_clubs. Let's take a look at some of them, shall we?
Muggle Cultural Society's Lost in Translation is investigating slang words. Write your own definitions of 5 slang words, to be used in the next MCS activity~ Due March 26, 11:59pm UTC.
Restricted Section is looking for some new cover artwork. Design a cover for one of the books found in Harry Potter and submit it before March 27 at 11:59pm UTC.
Over in History of Magic, we're creating ghosts. Fill out a survey about your ghost and then attach a picture of them, whether from a dollmaker or a celebrity. Due March 28 at 12am UTC.
Have you been participating in Young Death Eaters' Death Eater Adventure? Make sure you complete part 3 before March 28 at 8am UTC!
Do you have a lucky charm? Tell us about it in Charms Club's activity. Due March 28 at 1pm UTC.
Think you know all there is to know about magical creatures? See if you can pass CoMC's Pop Quiz! Submit your answers by March 29 at 6pm UTC.
DADA has a follow-up activity going on called Resisting the Imperio. Unlike the last activity, where you had to do what people told you to, in this one you have to NOT do it! There's been some clever submissions so far - check it out before March 30, 11pm UTC.
For all these activities and more, check out the current tag or the latest weekly roundup.
We're in that part of the month where activities have ended, but not all results have been posted yet. However, there are a few interesting recent results.
Herbology Club recently had a Coloring Pages activity and Olivia/deshi_basara of Slytherin colored in the below image gorgeously!
Astronomy Club recently created stars, and I really liked Andie/tralfamadore of Ravenclaw's submission:
The recently-discovered Zeraen star is located near the constellation Centaurus, approximately 5,000 light-years away from earth. Researchers believe this star is nearly nine billion years old. Overall it is incredibly bright, with one clear surface patch, or starspot, due to the low temperature and disproportionate luminosity in this area. The star has a significantly high iron content as well, nearly one and a half times the abundance that exists on the Sun. There are three known planets orbiting Zeraen.
For more results, check the results tag.
Don't forget to sign the new Potions Club roster as the club is now being run by Tiffany/fangss. Look out for the new Owl Post Secret, Healers' Association of Hogwarts, and Divination Club rosters to be posted soon.
There's been reports among Ravenclaw students that every night they hear someone going up and down the stairs, and bustling in the Common Room, hours after everyone has gone to sleep. This Sunday morning a certain brown-haired girl was found asleep in her nightgown on the Common Room couch with no recollection of how she got there. Is she a sleepwalker or is something more sinister going on?
Green is the new black
Beer isn't the only thing that turned green this past St. Patrick's Day. According to our sources, thanks to an experiment gone wrong, there were a lot of students walking around Hogwarts with green teeth and faces on the Irish holiday. Who was behind this catastrophe? We'll give you twin guesses.
Bath Beware
Rumor has it that the Head Girl is on a rampage following yet another soapless encounter in the Prefect's Bathroom. It went like this: A typical Thursday afternoon when she wanted to enjoy a bubble bath. She gets together all her bath things and heads for the Prefect's private domain. Lo and behold, some fiend has absconded with all the soap and bath salts. Again!
Got gossip? Tell us here!
Source: Queen-Obsession on DeviantArt
By starfaerie82
Warmer weather and the return of many song birds make your mornings less stressful and your sleep cycle a bit more refreshing. The new season ushers in the time for planting and growth in the rest of the year ahead. Plan out new projects now before things get too busy, and remember to treat yourself to something nice every now and then.
The seasonal change has you clearing out the old to make way for the new in your life. This could be physically, emotionally, spiritually, or some combination of them. A bit of spring cleaning makes the heart feel lighter and the body feel more comfortable in its surroundings. After all that activity, take a well deserved rest and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.
Warmer weather may tempt you away from studies or other important things, but remember to keep your priorities in line and you will get through the seasonal change relatively unscathed. Making way for the new and clearing out the clutter of the winter months will make you feel more free to enjoy a good book when you get a little down time.
The ebb and flow of the mercury in the thermometer has you feeling a bit testy and ready for something like warmth already! It has been a long, cold, dark winter, and you could do with a bit of light and warmth for once. Be patient; spring is just around the corner and will blossom in full glory very soon.
Your creative fires awaken with the first blush of the dawning warmth of the season. New projects and ideas flourish and vie for your precious attention as you forge ahead in life. Don't lose those ideas! Write them down and file them away for safekeeping until such time as you can use them. Trying to do it all at one time will leave you frustrated.
Change might just drive you crazy, but it is all for good, so relax! Take a few deep breaths, take each new thing as it comes along, and most importantly, remember that you can and will weather this storm. Trust that your friends are not leading you astray but trying to help you have a little fun. Life is one great big journey and you won't get anywhere unless you step out the door.
Balance in everything! This is the thing you do the best, of course, after carefully weighing the good with the bad of each and every decision and option. Take a leap and go with your gut on something for once! It won't hurt you and you might even find something new that you'd have never tried before. One crazy whim won't undo your carefully balanced life too much. Go ahead, give it a go.
Knowing that you are the one who is right in your head is completely different than saying it out loud and stubbornly sticking to it. People perceive your stubbornness in many different ways, and almost none of them are good. Consider keeping some of your opinions to yourself and see where it leads you in life. You might just be happier.
Taking care of business! This is your theme in the season of change from winter to the warm, carefree days of summer. You're getting rid of things that you can't/don't use and rearranging the furniture so it makes more sense to the flow of your home and family. You are whizzing through your to-do lists like nobody's business and you feel accomplished.
Working through a difficult time in your life may seem like the journey that never ends. Rest assured, with support from friends and family, and a little grim determination, you can slog through the swamps and come out the other side unscathed and a better person for the journey.
Finally! You are moving toward the lighter half of the year and the promise of longer days, picnics with friends and family ... Oh the possibilities are almost limitless! First of all, congratulations on your renewed lust for life. Secondly, slow down and take one thing at a time before it all overwhelms you and nothing happens.
You've been longing for the feel of the grass on your bare feet. All those heavy shoes and socks are, quite frankly, cramping your style. Time for a renewal of your energy, a new direction in life. Pamper yourself. Splurge on a spa day with your best gal pals, have a night out with the guys. Whatever treating yourself looks like in your world, go for it!
By lotrangel17
Welcome to another edition of Flourish and Blotts.
It's the middle of the month, so no results to talk about. The Flourish Mods always post a weekly recap like this post at the end of every week. These posts have a nice rundown of shops and deliveries so you should give them a look. If you are a shop owner or just like making tags during Hogsmeade Weekend, be sure and check out the Term XXVIII; April Hogsmeade Information post. There is lots of information there about our upcoming Hogsmeade Weekend and what's going on for Flourish during that time. There are still an amazing amount of slots open, so please give it a look and maybe sign up.
We welcomed another new shop with Cloud Nine - A Hufflepuff Shop by Empress/empressempoleon. It's always nice to see new shops come along, so please take a moment and check out this new one that includes some great tags like these:
We also saw some great cataloge updates the past two weeks. Secret Hideaway • Hufflepuff Shop by Nikki/nowheretogo26 added some really cute panda and kitty tags with Catalog Update #70. Check out these adorable tags:
Another great update was Flight of Fancies | A Ravenclaw Shop by Juliette/elusive_j, which had this great Update with some cool tea tags. Check out these tags and get your British on:
In deliveries, we saw an awesome 269 point earner from Riddikulus || A Slytherin Shop with Delivery 11 by Tiffany/fangss. This included a new stamping tag that is awesome and some great Disney tags.
Selcouth - a Gryffindor Shop by Renee/isaac_of_nine had a nice Delivery with some great tags like these:
As always, there are still lots of shop spots open. If you have ever thought you might want to give it a try, now is the time. All you have to do is go HERE and apply! We have spots for 3 Lion, 3 Badgers, 6 Eagles and 4 Snakes right now.
Yes, it's been a quiet two weeks at Flourish, but remember there are always lots of new things going on. If you want to see them all at once, just click the Catalog Update tag link. Now, head over to Flourish & Blotts and get some early Spring sigtag shopping done!
By starfaerie82
Happy Spring my friends! With the warmer weather, those of you in hibernation ought to be waking up with lots of energy to put to use all over the community. Here's a rundown of everything that's going on.
Our March activity, the Last Icon Maker Standing, has moved on to round three! Can you believe it? Are your favorite icon makers still standing or did they already get eliminated? Keep an eye out for who has made it through to round four, coming soon from our lovely mod team!
We have no new hopefuls to vote on this month, but that doesn't mean we can't encourage our friends to put in their applications! They will need to have the Standard Book of Spells Grades 1-5 in their vaults, then they can fill in the application and get their very own animagus form. It's really that simple! Alternatively, if you have a form already and you are feeling as though it simply doesn't fit you any longer, then you can submit an application to gain a new form. But first, you need to head over to the essay submission post and follow the rules for submitting your request.
You still have time to join in on the fun with the Habitat Packs term-long social activities! Everything you need to know to join in is on the post. The latest social post for the habitat packs had a special St Patrick's Day theme.
That's all I have for you this time around. Signing off!
By flipflop_diva
HiH, do you know what day it is?
That means that things are about to start heating up, and fast! So let’s review what’s been going on so we are all on the same page.
1. Most important item first: The theme for this next Hogsmeade is “Around the World in 80 Hours” and it’s all happening April 4-6 (which, as I mentioned, is in 11 days!)!
2. The banner contest just ended, but you can still go look at all the pretties and comment on ones you like. Who knows? Maybe our lovely mayors Liz/erzsebet and Alex/gryffinwhore will agree with you.
3. If you want to help out with Hogsmeade - and who doesn’t? - you can still sign up to host an activity or sign up to be a social director. You have until tomorrow, March 25 at 8p UTC to sign up. As of a couple days ago, the mayors were in desperate need of people to fill both categories, so go help them out so they won’t cry.
This will be them if you don’t sign up.
4. If you want to earn points for your House - and who doesn’t? - as well as ensure that all your graphics are used by everyone in HiH, then go sign up for a Hogsmeade Flourish Shop. Right now, there are only 8 people signed up. ONLY 8 PEOPLE SIGNED UP. That’s depressing, you guys. More of you can sign up than that. Even a catalogue of 5 to 10 tags is good!
And don’t forget that for the first time ever, Flourish at Hogsmeade will open a full day ahead! That’s right! Flourish at Hogsmeade will open Thursday, April 3, so if you’re worried about having enough time to do everything, you can order allll the tags you want early.
5. Well, actually, there is no #5 yet. But keep your eyes peeled to hogsmeadewkends because announcement of the banner winners and the schedule and all that other fun stuff will be coming soon.
And in 11 days from now, I will meet you all at Hogsmeade! Till then, HiH!
If you would like to write an article for a future issue of the Daily Prophet, please comment at the signup sheet.
Term XXVIII, Issue 06 Page 3
gryff_lions|Flourish Shoppes|Pirates
By xonceinadream
Hello dear Gryffindors. I hope you're all doing well out there.
First things first, of course. We've had a couple new baby lions around the common room! Welcome to the most awesome house of Gryffindor to Julian/asphodel_rain, whose introduction is here (complete with a shiny Doctor Who gif!), and Michiko/heartsignite, who hasn't posted their introduction yet.
Interested in being more involved around HIH? There's a post here with open positions that are available for Gryffindors. Whether you're interested in writing, graphics, or just being social, there's a position there that could be for you.
How about points? You've gotta be interested in those, right? Well, we got that for you too! Martine/la_loony had part two of her March Activity Round-Up. Plenty of activities still to go. And Jess/rhye updated The Spreadsheep for us!
Jess/rhye also made a social post to describe yourself in three book quotes. Jaime/daughterjudy also posted some updates and had a cute Pinkie Pie gif for Pi Day! With those posts, remember that the Common Room is always open to your posting if you have anything fun to share!
Since we've had so many new members, and some older ones who might not have done this, don't forget to get your Pirate Name and don't forget to post your contact information at the Owlery.
Until next edition!
the_puff_house|Flourish Shoppes|Puffs of the Round Table
By kaitydid33087
Hello once again Puffs! Hope you're all doing well!
Knight Week has come and gone, and we completed an amazing 100 quests! Way to go Puffaluffs! The prize post will be up soon!
Clearly we did awesome during Knight Week, so lets take a look at all the activities we won!
- Care of Magical Creatures Club: What's the answer?
- Herbology Club: Coloring pages
- Shutterbug Society Club: The story behind the photo
- Sorter's Anon Club: House Unity pic-athon
- Astronomy Club: Create a star
- Slug Club: Guess Who?
- And we took Stamping by storm!
- As well as Sorted challenge number 9! Congrats to Kristine/flipflop_diva for taking 2nd, Nikki/nowheretogo26 for taking 3rd, and Caitie/caitieness for taking Best Coloring!
Thank you to Sam/samantha and Dani/pinkphoenix1985 for running a succesful Knight Week! We couldn't have done it without you guys!
Don't forget to do the in-house activity! You have 'til March 31 at 11:59pm UTC to do so!
Keep up the amazing work Puffs! We've done an amazing job so far this term!
'Til next time Puffs!
ravenclaw_house|Flourish Shoppes|Vikings
By susako
Hello, Claws! Susan here again with a quick roundup of where our feathers have been flying over the past couple of weeks. For Science!
High Fliers
→ March Week 4 had 15 top sorters and Christina/pianoisloved was our Star Sorter!
→ March Week 3 had 10 top sorters and Bonster/jacklemmon was our Star Sorter!
Creative Claws are Creative
→ Jalen/jalenstrix wrote a Quirrell fic for the challenge 'becoming a master in your craft'.
→ Sam/pretty_panther took a different look at the Arthur/Molly relationship.
Whew, dark stuff!
Up in the Tower
→ This month's in-house! Crack stamp to your heart's content.
→ Help out by volunteering to be a banner maker for In-House awards.
→ Oh, and if you are graphically inclined, Susan/susako reminds everyone to volunteer to be a banner maker for sortedchallenge.
→ Bry/starfaerie82 is looking for some Hogsmeade strategy suggestions.
→ Andie/tralfamadore posted a Happy Friday discussion post!
We're a bit quiet this issue! Where is everyone? Flying off being awesome, I hope! Stay sweet, Ravenclaw!
cunningfolk|Flourish Shoppes|Vampire
By autumn_mist
Welcome to another edition of "Cunningfolk", where I tell you all about the fun things going on over in the Slytherin Common Room.
• CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER FOR William/mmailliw and Julia/snidgetsong for becoming our NEWEST Star Sorters of Term XXVIII!! Speaking of Star Sorters ... have you been collecting your tags? Now everyone who votes on an applicant gets a shiny tag to display!
• Have you been checking out either the Motivational Monday or the Snake Attack Sunday posts? If not, you should!
• Don't forget about our current In-House event going on now! Its an easy way to earn points for our noble house!
Now on to Slytherins Around HiH!
• Krystal/autumn_mist has posted a new event for the Charms Club that can be viewed HERE. Make sure you're on the ROSTER to get those bonus points!
• Cyn/cyn_ful has posted a fic entitled All I Want For Christmas Part 6, which may be viewed HERE
• Tiffany/fangss has posted 10 Variations: Draco Malfoy, which may be viewed HERE
• Congratulations are in order for Tiffany/fangss for taking FIRST PLACE and Beth/DJMAYHEM_AUBREY for winning BEST COLORING in Challenge #9
• Congratulations are in order for Tiffany/fangss for taking FIRST PLACE and Yulia/YU_LIA for taking SECOND PLACE in Challenge #8
• Congratulations are in order for Tiffany/fangss for taking SECOND PLACE and Beth/DJMAYHEM_AUBREY for winning THIRD PLACE in Challenge #7
• Don't forget, you can order a MAX of 10 sigtags from ALL our Slytherin shops located at hh_flourish if you find any that strike your fancy. Our current shop keepers are:
Krystal/autumn_mist with Accio Malfoy
Cyn/cyn_ful with Ultimate Surprises
Tiffany/fangss with Riddikulus
Rachel/moony_blues with MoonyDoodles
Sam/surmise with Ɣ∃ʁɨϯɐᎦ (Veritas)
Olivia/deshi_basara with three a.m.
OR if you are graphically inclined yourself, why not apply for a spot?. There are currently still FOUR spots available!
And always remember Slytherin House - You ROCK!