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lilypotter60 October 21 2006, 22:23:49 UTC

Pausing, she looked back up at him. "Why aren't you a professor?" Her tone was mildly teasing, but there was a genuine question in her eyes. "Or working at the Ministry? You're sodding brilliant at things like this, much more than I could ever be. And yet you're hanging about here, helping me charm a telly to fly. Excellent Wizard like you, Black..." she shrugged, smiling at him. "Seems a bit of a waste, not having you out there, doing something. Not that I'm complaining, mind. Completely selfish, I am, and want you to stay. But aren't you bored?" Merlin knew she was, from time to time. Less so since she'd started in the Hospital Wing, but even that didn't challenge her as much as she'd like. Lily felt as if she was going soft in a lot of areas; going from a life where your skills as a Witch were literally a life and death matter to healing House Elves of minor injuries was a bit of a transition. 'Antsy' was a good way to describe it, and she couldn't imagine that Sirius wouldn't have the same feeling. Or, perhaps not. Perhaps he was content as it was, and maybe she should be, as well.

Suddenly feeling badly for bringing it up, Lily shrugged, embarrassed, and lowered her eyes back to her notes. "Never mind. I mean, you're a grown Wizard, yeah? I'm sure you don't need me asking you that. Sorry. I just...yeah. Sorry." Feeling awkward, Lily flashed a rueful half-smile and flipped idly through the book.


toujours_sirius October 24 2006, 21:00:34 UTC
((And another two poster, yay!))

Sirius put a hand up in front of his mouth and breathed into it. “I haven’t got kibble breath.” He tried again. “Anyway, my single status has everything to do with my own volition, or perhaps the lack of decent, available partners in this school. I mean, can you really see me settled down? I suppose Jim and I were sort of settled down for a while, but we both knew our time was limited. And everyone here is half-mad, you know?” Sirius had had a nice prospect with Sara Sidle, but then the other James had gone and fucked that up for him. Brilliant. “Besides, I think it’d take a special sort to put up with my quirks, don’t you think? Not everyone is so kind as to let a giant unwashed dog take over their bed every now and again.”

He smiled pointedly at her. It was a tacit sort of thank you, as Sirius realised that it must have been a huge inconvenience to deal with him in his recent state of mind and stench. She was one of just a couple of people who was in a position to truly understand what he was going through, and he was so thankful to have that. It really did make things easier in the end.

Then again, watching her take notes, of all things, while he talked, he reckoned he must be a special sort, too. He didn’t know whether to be flattered or amused. “See, that’s where you lot went wrong. James and I, we had our own ways of learning. They just didn’t involve sitting still whilst trying not to fall asleep as some stuffy old professor drones on and on about Merlin knows what and then assigns you three feet of parchment instead of something that's actually interesting. You should have been doing research with me back then. You would've had a much more fun time of it if you had.” Not that Sirius would have been likely to give her the time of day back then; she had just been some swotty girl in his house, and later she was just the girl James was nutters over. Now, of course, she and Sirius both knew better about each other - and had been through so much together that there was no chance they could ever go back to the way they had once been.

He burst into laughter about the prospects of him being a professor. In fact, none other than her boyfriend’s ex-wife had asked him the same question, but since this RP is backdated, that technically hadn’t happened yet! Wheeeee! “A professor? Ha! I think ol’ Binns would roll over in his grave if he heard you say that - and if he actually were in his grave instead of hovering about Hogwarts boring students to death.” Sirius actually hadn’t seen Binns around lately. Perhaps he had finally got a clue and gone off to bore the types who would actually appreciate it. Sirius certainly hoped so.

“I’d be the last person anyone would peg for professor. And, yeah, submitting my CV to the Ministry would go over brilliantly, don’t you think? It’s a story that would end with my arse in a cold, dank cell surrounded by Dementors.” Sirius was actually surprised that he hadn’t been apprehended already, but it did seem as though Hogwarts had been taken over by a new board of governors, judging from all the bizarre changes that Sirius had returned to, such as a bar in Ravenclaw and noodly gods as students - to say nothing of Homsar’s professorship. Indeed, it almost seemed as though the Sorting Hat had gone and taken over everything, which was both scary and oddly promising. “Besides, I’d never work with those wankers. Corrupt and plain stupid, they are, the lot of them.”

((Continued in the next post...))


toujours_sirius October 24 2006, 21:01:38 UTC
((Continued from the previous post))

He leant forward to try and catch Lily’s eye. “No - I…I don’t mind your asking about it. It’s a fair question. And…and it’s something I’ve been trying to work out for a long time, because…well, I don’t really know what to do with myself is the truth of the matter. I’ve never worked, except for pumping petrol in Reno and all the stuff with the Order. Dunno what I really fancy. I mean, after we left Hogwarts, I never had to worry about it - just joined the Order and was done with it. I knew I wanted to stop Voldemort, to stop the rubbish talk about Mudbloods - ” he spat out the word “ - and to stop all the attacks, the things our people were doing and becoming.”

Reclining again, he sighed softly. “And then I was gone for all those years, and now Dumbledore is popcorn and Voldemort is…well, I haven’t seen him in ages. Dunno if he’s even here any more. And the only thing I’ve got left to do is look after Harry.” And you, he added to himself, deciding that Lily might possibly interpret such a statement as meaning she was incapable of caring for herself, which they both knew was far from the truth. “Which - well, of course it’s what I want, but he’s also quite formidable on his own, which leaves me with quite a bit of time to spare, I’m afraid. So yeah, I’ve thought about it. I just…don’t have an answer quite yet.”

He looked down at his hands for a moment and then back up at Lily. With a small smile, he said, “But I don’t mind that you brought it up.”

After a quick sip of tea, he added, “Anyway, I think you’ve got a good point with the Hippogriff talons. That should serve as a good magical conductor, especially for the limited purposes we need it for. So, we could encapsulate a piece of one in a small, hard bubble within the changer and then link the button to that with a Channelling Charm - you remember those, right? Sixth year? Dunno quite what strength, and therefore what incantation, we’d need, though, which means…Arithmantic calculations. Not quite my favourite, but…hey, that’s what you’re here for, right?” He raised an eyebrow at Lily.

Well, he could always ask Homsar - Arithmancy was supposedly his specialty - but he still had his doubts about Homsar’s Arithmantic abilities - indeed, about Homsar’s abilities in general (except his Jenga abilities; those were already well proven, many times).


lilypotter60 October 29 2006, 08:12:32 UTC
"Kibble breath," Lily asserted, grinning. "Don't worry, though. I love you anyway." Her quill was still scratching across the parchment as Lily idly made more notes, connecting some ideas with looping circles and arrows, crossing out others as she discarded them. "And of course I can see you settled down. How many times do I have to tell you that? Somehow, though, Black, I don't think the girl who came back from the dead and the bloke who was transported to Reno via a shoddy curtain should sit around, calling everyone else half-mad." She glanced up, laughing, "I doubt we're leading the sanity parade, here."

She returned his pointed look with a smile of her own. "Well, then, they're rubbish and not worth your time. Your quirks are charming, Black. Infuriating and annoying at times, but charming just the same." In truth, Lily would have been bewildered at the thought that taking care of Sirius could be termed 'inconvenient'. He was her friend, he needed her, so she did what she could. If anything, Lily felt badly that she couldn't do more to help. All teasing aside, there really wasn't anything Lily wouldn't do for Sirius, without hesitation. And if anyone wanted to chat up her best mate, they had sure as bloody hell feel the same way.

"Ha! Study with you two? That's a laugh, Black." Settling back in her chair, book open on her lap, she shook her head and grinned. "First, we'd have spent the whole time being snide with one another. And, as fun as I find that, it would have seriously cut into my research time. Second, you barely looked at me in school, unless you had to. Somehow I highly doubt you'd have asked me to join your study group." The thought of her sitting side by side with Sirius back in their school days, struggling together to grasp some Arithmancy concept or asking for his help with her Transfiguration was more than a little amusing. "I was a stuck-up prat most of the time, Black. And when I wasn't, you were an incorrigible show off. Good thing we've grown out of that, yeah?" Teasing, Lily raised one eyebrow as she looked over at him, a fond expression on her face. One more thing to be thankful to James about - if not for him, she'd never have given Sirius half a chance. But she'd seen how James had adored Sirius; and, more importantly - to her, at least - watched how devoted Sirius was to James. It was a rare thing to find a friend like James had had in Sirius, and because she had loved James, she loved Sirius as well. That, of course, had turned into her loving Sirius in his own right, for the man he was apart from her husband. Now she couldn't imagine her life without Sirius as her friend, as someone she relied on and counted as part of her family. Good things came out of tragedy; the bonds that she had formed with Sirius as a result of everything they'd been through together couldn't be broken, and had already weathered just about everything Lily could imagine could be thrown at them.

All of this, then, was the reason that Sirius' remarks on him being taken back to Azkaban caused Lily's expression to grow dark and dangerous. "You're not going back there," she said in a low voice. "Not while I have my wand. There's nothing in this world that could take you back to Azkaban, you hear me, Sirius?" She looked for a moment as if she was going to march out of her room and to the Wizard Prison and take on the Dementors herself. Her wand was actually gripped in her hand and the Expecto Patronum charm half formed in her mind. Then, taking a deep breath and forcing her fingers to relax, she gave a short laugh. "Besides, Black," Lily said with a half-smile. "I'm your get out of jail free card, aren't I? A bonified eye witness. Even if the Ministry could find their own arses long enough to try and arrest you, you're innocent. Not that I think they will. Hell, my Gringotts account has been active for months and no Ministry drones have come sniffing around for the amazing resurrected girl. Somehow I think that they're even less effective now than they were in my day."

((OOC: Surprise! Two-poster!))


lilypotter60 October 29 2006, 08:16:12 UTC
((And the rest...))

Lily's tea was cold, and she warmed it up quickly with a tap of her wand. Taking a sip, she shrugged. "I believe the phrase is 'preaching to the choir', mate. Except I have the illustrious notes of 'prefect' and 'Head Girl' to add. Oh, and instead of 'maximum security prisoner' and 'wanted fugitive' I have 'corpse'. But, other than that..." she trailed off with a teasing grin. "But at least you've had a real job! I've never done anything but study and fight. Even knowing what I want to do, I'm not sure I'll ever actually be able to do it. Kind of hard to explain a seventeen-year lapse on my resume, yeah?" Waving that aside, she leaned forward. "Anyway, that doesn't change the fact that you'd be a good Professor. You're smarter than I am," she held up a finger in playful warning, "and don't ever expect me to admit that again, but it's true. And look at you with this," nodding towards the telly, she shrugged again. "Doing quite well if you ask me. And if anyone could evaluate a potential professor, it'd be me, yeah?"

His words about the Ministry made her laugh a little, a tinge of bitterness in her smile. "Corrupt, stupid, and short sighted. But...they're running things. It's something I'd started to think a lot about, towards the end. I mean, don't get me wrong - there's nothing I'd like more than to take the lot of them and force them to spend one day trying to live under the asinine laws they've passed. Or to have them look me in the eye and justify standing by and letting Voldemort get away with what he did. Or how they can be so bold as to presume they can dictate that Remus shouldn't be given the same rights as you or I. But, I don't know," she sighed and ran a hand helplessly through her hair. "Perhaps there's a better way than fighting against them or in spite of them. They have the potential to do so much good in the world; maybe they just need someone to help them see that. And I couldn't think of anyone better than you."

Stifling a small groan at the prospect of Arithmancy, Lily summoned over a few more books and began to flip through them as well, adding to her notes and beginning some calculations. "Merlin, I hate how this subject keeps coming up," she muttered, biting her lip in thought. "Something this dull should only be useful in the classroom." She snorted softly. "And yes, Black, I remember Channeling Charms. Since sixth year is a bit closer in my memory than in yours, and since I actually went to most of the classes and paid attention - unlike some other people I can think of," teasing, Lily looked up and grinned. "Give me a moment, and I'll have some preliminary numbers we can use."


toujours_sirius November 4 2006, 03:23:08 UTC
((Don't die of shock, now...it's another two-poster!))

Sirius poured another handful of dog food into his mouth and then grunted as he chewed. "I'm really not the settling-down type, Evans, so you can stop with your silly romantic notions." He paused, and then one side of his mouth curved up slightly and a wicked gleam shone in his eyes. "Well, I reckon there's one exception, which is that, ever since I realised how awful my family was, I've had this naughty little dream of finding myself a nice Muggle to settle down with, just as a way of sticking it to them. Couldn't ever work out whether a bloke or a bird would stick it to them harder. I mean, a bloke would shock the hell out of them, and a bird...well, we could have lots of little Mudblood - " again, he spat the word out in a derisive tone " - children...."

The gleam in his eyes softened into a faraway sort of look. "Well, there was this one girl...." He trailed off, lost for a moment in his memories of a summer that had started out boring, but had ended up anything but that. Then, blinking and shaking his head, he quickly said, "Anyway, they're all dead now - my family, that is - so it doesn't really matter any more, does it?"

He snorted at her version of studying with him and his mates. "Snide? Is that what you thought we were? Or is that what everyone who wasn't as cool as we were thought that 'cool' meant? Well, either way, I would've paid you some attention had you...I dunno, not been so swotty and such a goody-two-shoes." His tone was teasing as well. "But you're right, you were a stuck-up prat. I, on the other hand, was not an incorrigible show-off." He tossed a kibble high into the air and caught it in his mouth. He twitched one eyebrow at Lily as he crunched it up.

His expression softened as she talked about what she would do to keep him out of Azkaban, and he smiled warmly at her. "Thanks. Your plan is ace...assuming, of course, the Ministry berks don't decide you're an Inferus." He rolled his eyes. At this point, he wouldn't put anything past the Ministry. "But hey, my going to Azkaban wasn't all bad. I mean, I'm sure the humiliation of my going to Azkaban far outweighed any satisfaction my mum might've got from thinking I was a Death Eater after all, and only good things could have come out of that, right?" Sirius had already been in a fairly good mood in spite of the nightmare he had had earlier - goofing around with Lily had made it rather hard to stay sullen - but thinking of his mother's distress at the news of his incarceration truly made his heart feel even lighter.

((Continued in the next post...))


toujours_sirius November 4 2006, 03:23:50 UTC
((Continued from the previous post...))

He did smile darkly, however, at Lily's comments about her job experience. Barking out a soft laugh, he said, "Hmmm, I dunno whose CV is worse, then." He took a sip of his tea and then continued, "Pumping petrol hardly counts as a real job, I'm afraid. And it certainly doesn't qualify me for anything in our world - and barely for anything in the Muggle world. But I thank you for both the flattery of thinking I'd be a good professor and the insult of thinking I'd do well at the Ministry. The only thing I'd ever want to do was make a law condemning Azkaban. Or maybe lock a few of them up in a room with Dementors and let them see what it's like. I mean, they put people in there, but they don't know how it is. Yeah, they might come by for an inspection and feel a little chill...maybe have a fleeting bad memory. But they don't know." He was silent for a moment and then repeated in a quieter tone, "They don't know."

He was silent again as memories of those twelve miserable years came to the front of his mind, twelve years of being alone and cold and haunted by his worst experiences, playing over and over and over in his head. Twelve years of feeling guilty and hopeless, of purposely repressing every happy thought for fear that it would be taken away from him, replaced by his discovery of James and Lily's bodies, or the moment when Peter blew up the street, or one of many arguments with his family, or the day when he truly realised Regulus was lost to him, or one of the many instances when someone in the Order, someone who had become his friend, someone whom he had trusted with his life, had been killed.

But he didn't want to dwell on those times. He wanted to make happy memories and to enjoy those memories. So, after another sip of tea, he sat back and grinned at Lily. "All right, well, you go about your maths and I will just...." He looked around the room, his eyes finally falling on Steeler, who was chewing on one of Sirius's shoes in a corner. "Aha! I will just have a bit of a romp with the little naughty bloke over there."

Before Lily could protest, Sirius had transfigured himself into his Animagus form and bounded over to Steeler, barking playfully and running circles around him. Before long, Steeler had abandoned the shoe and was engaged in a very rousing game of tug of war with a sock that had been lying nearby.


lilypotter60 November 8 2006, 03:53:27 UTC
Pulling a face of disgust at Sirius, Lily watched in amusement as he continued to eat the kibble. Well, if it was good enough for him. Reaching over, Lily snagged a few pieces and popped them in her mouth, chewing them with relish. "Hm," she mused, washing them down with a bit of tea, "not bad. Bit dry, but overall..." Winking at him, she hooked her legs over the arm of her chair and leant her head back against the armrest. Studying him, book and tea and parchment balanced on her stomach, she rolled her eyes. "It's not a silly romantic notion, Black. Merlin, if I'm the settling down type, then there's no reason you wouldn't be." His grand exception made her laugh. "So, the choice comes down to shock factor or breeding stock, then?" Her expression made it clear she was teasing. "Ah, and you have to watch those Mudbloods - Merlin knows how they might turn out." Grinning at him, she tossed a remaining bit of dog food in his direction. The conversation did make her pause, however, and Lily settled back, musing.

"Is it really that simple, do you reckon? Just...decide that you want something and everything else falls into line?" She studied her tea cup, her finger tracing absently around the rim. "If you decide you want a Muggle, is that it, then? Do you think love is that simple?" Raising her eyes to his, she laughed softly. "Perhaps it is, at that. If you want something badly enough, maybe all you need to do is decide on it. Or maybe love is just the result of two people choosing each other." One slim shoulder went up in a half-shrug and Lily laughed again. "In any case, I think you should have a whole passel of sprogs, Black. I'd like to be an aunt; and, as I've no intention of ever having more of my own, it'd be my last chance to actually watch a sprog grow up. You'd be a brilliant father."

She caught his look and sat up slightly in interest. "Oy, don't tell me that some bird actually caught the infamous Sirius Black's heart? Do tell, love." Then a soft expression crossed her face and she gave him a puzzled look. "Course it matters, Sirius. You should be happy; you should have someone to share your life with. Driving your family batty - as much as I fully approve of the plan - shouldn't be your driving force. You've your own path to live, yeah?" Lecture done, she settled back down and re-opened her book. "Don't say never, Black. I'll bet you my last Knut that you'll find someone you can't live without."

She looked back up. "No, Black, 'snide' is what you were. 'Cool' never crossed my mind." Her own eyebrow went up at his display of kibble-catching prowess. "And of course not, how silly of me. You and James would never show-off. Must have been thinking of someone else, then." With a quick grin, she returned to her figures.

Flipping idly through the book as she searched for the correct formula, Lily only spared a snort of derision at the thought the Ministry might declare her an Inferus. "I'd show them that I act on my own free will," she muttered darkly. "Bloody idiots. Take more than some soft Ministry Wizard to prove that; and it'd take more Aurors than they've on the payroll to take you anywhere near a Dementor again." There wasn't an ounce of teasing in her voice. If anyone showed up looking to take Sirius away again, they would be met with just under five and a half feet of furious, dangerous Witch.

"What does pumping petrol entail, exactly?" her eyes darted up to his before returning to her work. "And, more importantly, did you have to wear one of those dashing jumpsuits?" Smirking slightly, eyes dancing, Lily turned the page.

As absorbed as she was in the complicated Arithmancy theories, Lily didn't miss the change in Sirius' voice. Head coming up, her eyes were immediately on his face, expression concerned and sympathetic. If there was one thing that Lily hated the Ministry for, it was what they'd done to Sirius.

((Another tag full of two-posty goodness))


lilypotter60 November 8 2006, 04:01:23 UTC
((It just never stops...))

She'd never been a fan of the Dementors. Putting Dark Arts creatures in control of Wizards considered too dangerous to be out in the general population made no sense at all; not to mention the fact that there was no crime worthy of that level of torture. It was cruel and inhumane even to the guilty. Lily wouldn't advocate even the worst criminal be put in with Dementors - not Peter, not the Death Eaters, not even Voldemort. In her mind it was cowardly - letting foul, fetid creatures like the Dementors feed off of human beings rather than figuring out a fair and just system to exact justice - and perverse. Dementors should be contained, not put in control.

"No, they don't," she agreed, just as quietly. However, all her beliefs didn't mean that, seeing what twelve years of emotional torture had done to one of the dearest men in her life, she wouldn't have locked each and every one of the sodding idiots who had made the decision to throw an innocent man into Azkaban in a small cell with as many Dementors as she could find and throw away the key. Hell and women scorned had nothing on a Witch who's family has been hurt.

About to go over to him and...hug him or volunteer to think of ways to sneak into the Ministry and leave dungbombs on each of their desks or something, her efforts were foiled by Sirius transfiguring into a huge black dog and eschewing her company for Steeler's. "Right. Just leave me to do the bloody work whilst you play," grumbling, Lily nonetheless watched the two with a fond expression for a moment before going back to work.

As much as she complained, she could do Arithmancy with a fair amount of skill. As such, it only took her a few moments to find exactly the formula she wanted; less than a quarter of an hour later, Lily put her quill down and double-checked her figures. Perfect. At least, she assumed it was perfect. She'd had to do some fudging of the numbers as there wasn't a ready made answer for what they were trying to do. Still, Lily was fairly confident in her math. Putting her books aside, she stood and went over to where Padfoot and Steeler were fighting over a sock.

Shaking her head in amusement, Lily dropped to the floor and scooped Steeler up. Wrestling the puppy on the floor, she sprawled out on her stomach, her face now level with Steeler's. "You two are more trouble than your worth," she told him soberly, laughing as he licked her face. "And you have to really go after him if you're going to try and take Padfoot down. He's a big galoot." She rolled on her side, fingers tickling her puppy's tummy. Glancing up at Sirius she grinned. "Aren't you?"


toujours_sirius November 28 2006, 23:36:54 UTC
((Part uno))

Lily...was really freakin' weird! As Sirius saw it, eating dog food was fairly normal and acceptable for himself; he was a dog Animagus, and anyway he had eaten far worse during his two years on the run (not to mention some of the utter crap he had consumed during his time in Reno - hot dogs and Twinkies, anyone?). But for Lily...well Sirius was amused by her moxie cojones bravery freakitude. Smiling, he shook his head at her. James must have had a laugh a minute with this girl. Of course, Sirius had seen this side of her before, once he had come to know her, but that was a long time ago, and the events of the prior several months had afforded him far more face time with her than he had had during the war and before that.

He laughed softly. "There are many reasons I'm not the settling-down type," he said, but didn't elaborate further.

"Hey, you're the expert on love, not me. But I doubt it's anything close to simple; it wouldn't cause so much confusion if it were, would it? Those ideas I had - they were just dreams, silly notions, anything to have a jab at my family. Was I serious about them? Maybe at times. It's hard to say." He chewed on another kibble as he contemplated the topic further. "I think maybe love is about luck - two people happening to feel the same way about each other at the same time. It's - it's like an eclipse: The right stars happen to align at the right time. Some people's stars align more than once; some people's stars never align."

Sirius paused and then started laughing. "Yeah, all that came straight from my arse. I haven't got a clue what I'm on about. I went from having fun with my mates to a war to Azkaban to running away to living in my parents' house to bloody Reno. I really haven't got the experience to speak on this subject." Not even Homsar counted for much, as Jenga and love were entirely different Quidditch leagues.

Well, there was Jim, but that relationship had been so comfortable, so easy, that, ironically, it always seemed to escape Sirius's angsty analysis.

His laughter turned to choking at Lily's suggestion about his having children, and it was only after a few good gulps of tea that Sirius was able to speak again. "Oh, no. No, no, no, Evans, absolutely not! My family line does not need to perpetuate, and I'd make a rubbish dad, I really would. Harry's enough for me. Go bug Remus; he's a far more likely candidate than I'd ever be." Actually, Sirius sincerely hoped Lily would never repeat his suggestion to Remus, as he reckoned Remus would probably not appreciate it.

Then his face softened into a smile that was both wistful and oddly shy, and his eyes took on a bit of a faraway look. "Her name was Amelia. I dunno if she caught my heart, but...well, no one forgets their first time, right?" His face took on a knowing look. "She was a lot of firsts for me...and she was a Muggle, too."

He waved his hand in the air dismissively. "Well, that was a very long time ago. Anyway, I'm happy enough. What I've got now is well more than I thought I'd ever have during the time I was in Azkaban, and even afterwards. Roof over my head, food and tea - " he raised his bowl of kibble, which was nearly empty, and his mug of tea " - you next to me instead of a Dementor...Harry...." One huge piece was still missing, of course, and so Sirius left James's name unsaid. What Sirius did have was truly more than he had ever expected, and now he could only hope that someday it would be complete.

He shrugged. "This is my path. It's good enough for me. And so when your Gringotts account is empty after you've bet that last Knut, well...I'm a generous man, and I won't even say 'I told you so'."

((Continued in the next post))


toujours_sirius November 28 2006, 23:37:52 UTC
((Part deux - and yes, I know, Spanish and then French. Yay for not making sense!))

He smiled as Lily continued to tease him about his attitude in his younger days. She had always been one to speak her mind, and that was something which clearly hadn't changed! His smile turned appreciative when she started to rail against the Ministry and assert that she'd never let a Dementor come near him. He didn't say anything, but he was both touched and relieved, and once again he was reminded that he was not alone any more.

Not being alone - it was something he hadn't truly felt since before he had gone to Azkaban, not even during the year he had been living at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, because even then he had been on his own in the house as people came and went. No one had really paid that much attention to his frustration and depression, and it was not something he had actively sought guidance on, outside of imploring Dumbledore to let him get out and do something for the Order, for Harry.

Pumping petrol, however, was a far lighter topic. Grinning, Sirius replied, "Pumping petrol is absolutely mindless. All you do is ask the customer what they want, put the petrol hose in the opening to their car's petrol tank - no dirty jokes, please, Evans - " he grinned and rolled his eyes at Lily " - and squeeze the nozzle." He groaned. Pumping petrol was basically one huge dirty joke. "When it's done," he continued, " you cap off the tank and take their payment."

His eyes went slightly distant and he looked away for a moment. "I know it's not much of anything, but it's all I could get without a proper U.S. Muggle identification card, and...well, and it's what I had to do to earn enough money to come back here to be with Harry."

The look in Sirius's eyes turned fierce, but then it softened as he grinned again. "Merlin, now I sound like some sort of prostitute. And no, Evans, I'm sorry to tell you that there was no jumpsuit involved. I did have a work shirt, though - with a tag with my name that was sewn on. Quite becoming, that one was." He snorted softly. "I've still got it in my room, actually."

Playing with Steeler was incredibly liberating. In his Animagus form, Sirius operated on sense and instinct more than on detailed thought and assessment. It was nice to free himself for a bit and just run around, roll, wrestle, and play, especially with Steeler, who was full of energy.

Still in his dog's body, Sirius settled down next to Lily, huffing slightly, but in a contented sort of way. Looking down at her, he panted and then craned his head forward to lick her sloppily on the face once more in reply.


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