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Comments 49

toujours_sirius October 14 2006, 04:56:52 UTC
((Note: This set of replies contains a dream sequence involving the Marauders. The sequence reads like a fanfic, and I just want to clarify that it is a DREAM and is by no means intended to backstory Remus, James, or Peter. The events that occur and the mannerisms of the characters are shown as perceived by Sirius through the mechanism of his dream, and therefore any incongruences they have with the chars as they have appeared at H_H may be chalked up to the distortions that often lie in dreams.))

For reasons Muggle scientists had long studied, but only partially uncovered, the human brain needs to dream. And Sirius, having taken Dreamless Sleep Potion for the previous several days, had not dreamt in a while. Perhaps that was why, as he drifted off to sleep in the chair, Lily dozing next to him, the dreams that washed over his resting mind were especially vivid.

~*~Three sets of feet raced up a staircase, the sounds of their rapid steps absorbed into the wood with a series of dull thuds ( ... )


toujours_sirius October 14 2006, 04:57:26 UTC
((Continued from the previous post...))

“Why weren’t you two under the Invisibility Cloak, and why was Wormtail with Peeves instead of under there with you?” asked Remus, looking first at James and then Sirius. A muscle in his face twitched, and he blanched slightly.

“We wanted to see if we could get out of the castle without getting caught,” replied James, catching Sirius’s eye and smirking. Sirius smirked back. “And Wormtail was keeping lookout for us.”

“Well, now you’ve got your answer, haven’t you? And it’s ‘no’, so don’t try that one again. If anyone ever were to find out about this, we’d all be - ” Remus’s voice choked up in his throat, and his shoulders seized up and began to shake ( ... )


lilypotter60 October 14 2006, 05:14:49 UTC
One couldn't have nightmares nearly every night for four months without being able to recognize the signs of someone awakening from one. Concern on her face as she quickly clamped down on her own emotions, Lily looked up at him. "Hey," she murmured. "What's wrong?"

Her hand went out to find his and she studied him intently. "Bad dream?" It was ironic, really, how hypocritical Lily could be. She refused to tell Sirius about her own sleeping problems, and yet was now expecting him to share what had caused him to jerk awake. She justified it to herself as simply wanting to take care of a mate who was hurting; the last thing Sirius needed was to have to worry about her. Lily's eyes were filled with worry and sympathy and she squeezed his hand gently.


toujours_sirius October 14 2006, 05:26:10 UTC
Sirius squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them again, shaking his head slightly as if to clear his mind, or perhaps get rid of something haunting it.

He shook his head more firmly. "No, nothing. Just...was confused for a moment. I - I reckon I'm used to your bed now, so I wasn't sure where I was." He paused, realising how wrong that came out, and barked out a short laugh. "I mean that in the most innocent of ways, Evans."

His heartbeat had begun to slow, and the images were less crisp now. He squeezed her hand.

"You sleep well?"


lilypotter60 October 14 2006, 05:37:06 UTC
"Nice try, Black, but I'm not buying it." One eyebrow went up slightly and she nudged him slightly. "And not only because the words 'innocent' and 'Sirius Black' don't belong in the same sentence." Pulling away a little, Lily's eyes continued to scan his face as if searching for some clue in the set of his mouth or the depths of his gaze.

"Honestly, Sirius," her voice was quiet and laced with a small portion of the absolute worry she'd felt since Sirius had showed up at her door. "Was it - " cutting herself off, Lily tried again. "What was it?"


toujours_sirius October 15 2006, 04:41:18 UTC
Sirius had never lost Gay Chicken before. Nor had he lost Het Chicken...until now. And to Lily, of all people, although that was also precisely why he lost. The idea of him kissing Lily Evans, Lily Potter, James's wife - it was ludicrous. (Of course, Sirius had freakin' played Jenga with Homsar, but for some reason, the idea of that seemed a lot more sane than him kissing Lily!)

Some degree of victory, or at least his reputation, had to be salvaged, though.

He watched Lily carry on, taking that time to quell his laughter and compose himself. After she was done, he cleared his throat, blanked out his expression, looked at her, and said, "Not all talk, am I?"


lilypotter60 October 15 2006, 04:50:38 UTC
Bursting out into laughter again, Lily flopped down on the floor beside his chair and tilted her head back to look at him. A wicked gleam was still in her eyes as she shrugged. "Well...let's put it this way, Black. I'd rank it just above when that Ravenclaw bloke, Billy Thomas, tried to french me by the boy's loo in fourth year and far below my first kiss in third year with that fifth year Hufflepuff Quidditch player whose name I can't recall." Her expression serious and her tone playfully patronizing, Lily nodded, "So, yes, Black, I do suppose you managed to put something behind those words of yours. Don't know how proud I'd be of it, but..."

Giving him a cheeky grin, Lily leaned back on her arms and nudged his leg with her foot. "Right. So, before my stunning victory, what were we talking about?"


toujours_sirius October 15 2006, 05:15:30 UTC
Couldn't win gracefully, could she? Well, she only had herself to blame for what she got next, then!

"Hmmmm, Evans, well, I suppose you ought to know that I'd rank you just above Marissa Thompson - yes, your old roommate - and just below - " here came his trump card " - one Perry Cox."

Sirius paused and then said in a light tone, "Right. What were we talking about, then?"


lilypotter60 October 15 2006, 05:37:27 UTC
Somewhere in the back of her mind, Lily knew it was a bad idea to poke Sirius. He knew her far too well and it was playing with the proverbial fire. But...

"Marissa? That's funny, Black, because she ranked you somewhere below Peter." Oh, such fun, this was. She'd missed their own special brand of harassment. "And forgive me if I don't take offense to the fact that you rate my boyfriend as a better snog. First, he's so much more experience on me I'm surprised he's not bored by now. Second," she smirked, "I'm reaping the benefits of it, so it's not so much an insult as a good reminder of what I've to look forward to."

Steeler trotted over, bringing his chew toy. Playing tug-of-war with him, Lily glanced up at Sirius. "We're talking about your nightmare," she returned, just as lightly.


lilypotter60 October 21 2006, 22:21:49 UTC
Shuddering slightly as Sirius dug into the kibble, Lily picked up a scone and absently spread some jam. Sodding kibble? She resolved to keep a closer watch on Sirius, make sure he was eating properly. Even if she had to make him dinner every night. There was no reason a bloke should be sitting about, munching on dog food. "Yeah," she responded dryly, giving him an incredulous look, "just what every bird wants. To hang out with a bloke who has kibble-breath. Dream come true, it is." Winking at him, Lily took a bite of her own, non-dog-food, snack. "This could be a reason for your single status. Not saying that your charm, wit, and stunning good looks don't make up for your odd eating habits," laughing, Lily shook her head playfully. "But I bet you'd have the gender of your choice lining up if not for the dog food crumbs on your robe. Not everyone is as understanding as I am. I'd say you were the one who lucked out, Black ( ... )


lilypotter60 October 21 2006, 22:23:49 UTC

Pausing, she looked back up at him. "Why aren't you a professor?" Her tone was mildly teasing, but there was a genuine question in her eyes. "Or working at the Ministry? You're sodding brilliant at things like this, much more than I could ever be. And yet you're hanging about here, helping me charm a telly to fly. Excellent Wizard like you, Black..." she shrugged, smiling at him. "Seems a bit of a waste, not having you out there, doing something. Not that I'm complaining, mind. Completely selfish, I am, and want you to stay. But aren't you bored?" Merlin knew she was, from time to time. Less so since she'd started in the Hospital Wing, but even that didn't challenge her as much as she'd like. Lily felt as if she was going soft in a lot of areas; going from a life where your skills as a Witch were literally a life and death matter to healing House Elves of minor injuries was a bit of a transition. 'Antsy' was a good way to describe it, and she couldn't imagine that Sirius wouldn't have the same feeling ( ... )


toujours_sirius October 24 2006, 21:00:34 UTC
((And another two poster, yay!))

Sirius put a hand up in front of his mouth and breathed into it. “I haven’t got kibble breath.” He tried again. “Anyway, my single status has everything to do with my own volition, or perhaps the lack of decent, available partners in this school. I mean, can you really see me settled down? I suppose Jim and I were sort of settled down for a while, but we both knew our time was limited. And everyone here is half-mad, you know?” Sirius had had a nice prospect with Sara Sidle, but then the other James had gone and fucked that up for him. Brilliant. “Besides, I think it’d take a special sort to put up with my quirks, don’t you think? Not everyone is so kind as to let a giant unwashed dog take over their bed every now and again.”

He smiled pointedly at her. It was a tacit sort of thank you, as Sirius realised that it must have been a huge inconvenience to deal with him in his recent state of mind and stench. She was one of just a couple of people who was in a position to truly understand what he was going ( ... )


toujours_sirius October 24 2006, 21:01:38 UTC
((Continued from the previous post))

He leant forward to try and catch Lily’s eye. “No - I…I don’t mind your asking about it. It’s a fair question. And…and it’s something I’ve been trying to work out for a long time, because…well, I don’t really know what to do with myself is the truth of the matter. I’ve never worked, except for pumping petrol in Reno and all the stuff with the Order. Dunno what I really fancy. I mean, after we left Hogwarts, I never had to worry about it - just joined the Order and was done with it. I knew I wanted to stop Voldemort, to stop the rubbish talk about Mudbloods - ” he spat out the word “ - and to stop all the attacks, the things our people were doing and becoming.”

Reclining again, he sighed softly. “And then I was gone for all those years, and now Dumbledore is popcorn and Voldemort is…well, I haven’t seen him in ages. Dunno if he’s even here any more. And the only thing I’ve got left to do is look after Harry.” And you, he added to himself, deciding that Lily might possibly interpret such a ( ... )


lilypotter60 October 29 2006, 08:12:32 UTC
"Kibble breath," Lily asserted, grinning. "Don't worry, though. I love you anyway." Her quill was still scratching across the parchment as Lily idly made more notes, connecting some ideas with looping circles and arrows, crossing out others as she discarded them. "And of course I can see you settled down. How many times do I have to tell you that? Somehow, though, Black, I don't think the girl who came back from the dead and the bloke who was transported to Reno via a shoddy curtain should sit around, calling everyone else half-mad." She glanced up, laughing, "I doubt we're leading the sanity parade, here ( ... )


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