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going_stag July 13 2006, 06:55:59 UTC
"Where else would I be, Pads." There was a form on the bed, a comfortable lump; James. He was lying on his stomach, a newspaper in his hand. Slowly but surely he was trying to get caught up on all he'd missed, which was why the newspaper was several years old. He'd gotten it from the library, which is where he'd been when he'd gotten the owl.

"Alright there, Padfoot? What's this surprise then?" Sirius sounded good. Familiar in a way that James hadn't automatically thought of since he'd found himself in the new Hogwarts - the future Hogwarts.

He crawled on all fours to a panel and peered out the bed. "Wha-" James stared, his voice dropping into silence. He was staring at Padfoot. His Padfoot ( ... )


toujours_sirius July 13 2006, 07:08:26 UTC
Sirius didn't say anything at first. Instead, eyes cast downward, he waited for James to have a look for himself. And really, he didn't know what to say. Things like "Hey Prongs, look, I'm your age now!" seemed completely trite and ridiculous. And Sirius still felt kind of strange.

But at James's question, he raised his eyes so they were looking straight into James's. And for the first time in twenty years, he saw recognition in them. Real recognition. It was just a flash, a brief glimmer before worry took over, but it was there. Sirius cleared his throat and then said in a voice that sounded surprisingly confident, "I took a potion. For you." As he said it, a strange burst of energy shot through his head, and he blinked a couple of times and then smiled tentatively.

Not really knowing what else to do or exactly what James thought yet, he stood awkwardly in front of the closed door, hoping that James wasn't upset, that he liked it, that this would fix things between them.


going_stag July 13 2006, 07:10:16 UTC
"I solmenly swear..."


toujours_sirius July 13 2006, 07:11:30 UTC
Sirius grinned widely. There was only one answer to that.

"...that I am up to no good."


going_stag July 13 2006, 19:51:31 UTC
The best thing about befriending certain house elves, was never having to starve in between meal times. And things seemed even looser in this version of Hogwarts when it came to house elf access ( ... )


toujours_sirius July 13 2006, 20:20:00 UTC
Sirius brought his hand up from James's waist to curl his fingers around the hair at the nape of his neck. Again, his touch was light and careful ( ... )


going_stag July 13 2006, 20:40:34 UTC
"Well yeah, but there's being tops and then there's being on top. And I'm always on top, aren't I Pads?" James grinned and pushed up a bit, holding himself just off Sirius. He leant in and bit Sirius' ear. "And I'm never too heavy." He whispered, still grinning as he rolled off to the side.

James snug himself in, head on Sirius' shoulder and just looked at him. "You never said how long? Can it wear off? Wear out?" He squirmed and then reached for an easy tickle. "Got time for a quick flight on a broom?"


toujours_sirius July 13 2006, 21:12:02 UTC
"You're on top, and I'm tops. And we both should be tipsy." Sirius tugged on a chunk of James's hair in response to James's ear nibble and then, wriggling a bit, reached his other hand into a pocket (he was wearing Muggle clothes today) for his ubiquitous flask. Uncapping it with one hand, he poured a little Firewhisky into his mouth, held it to James's lips, and then recapped it and set it carefully next to himself. He lifted his arm back over his head and then wrapped his other arm around James's shoulders - his confidence about touching James increasing by the second - and traced his finger over James's ear ( ... )


going_stag July 15 2006, 03:25:13 UTC
The first touch along his spine got a shiver, and curious look. But Sirius was being Sirius and James stuck his tongue out at him. "Fine pansies. Red though. You can have fun hunting for them and transfiguring ( ... )


toujours_sirius July 15 2006, 05:13:36 UTC
Sirius wished for a moment that anyone who had ever put pressure on James, who had criticised him for the opinions he had expressed and the choices he had made since coming to Hogwarts, had heard what James just said about Harry, and about Lily. Anybody who thought James was selfish, was just an immature teenager, was dead wrong. James had always looked out for the people he cared about, always considered what was right for them, even if that wasn't what he wanted for himself. James's consideration of Harry and Lily - and of the fact that Sirius absolutely would want to be the one to go with Harry - made Sirius burn with love and pride for his friend.

Sirius actually doubted Harry would want to go to the gravesite, although he definitely would ask. Lily, on the other hand, probably would want to go, and Sirius would want to accompany her. One's own grave should never be witnessed alone ( ... )


going_stag July 15 2006, 05:30:29 UTC

It should have felt awkward, teeth clacking, lips bruising - Sirius' hand pulling and tugging and James could feel where a nick of nail scratched at his skin. It didn't. It felt hungry and lonely and not lonely and home all at once. Gold fever, and Sirius was the world's richest vein. It felt like the rush right after an animagus transformation when the world was nothing but scent and sounds, brighter than any colors he could see with his human eyes.

James groaned and pushed to tilt them over. Sirius would understand. Padfoot always understood him. This wasn't using. It was need. Though he'd never have guessed his response to everything would be this. His hands reaching and grabbing to pin Sirius beneath him, one hand still on that collar, owning and claiming.

James pulled back, eyes a little wild, lips a little pinked and swollen. He was panting a little. "Take care of me."


toujours_sirius July 15 2006, 06:05:09 UTC
Take care of me.

That's all Sirius wanted to do. In every possible way.

The last piece of normal fell into place with a soft click.

And Sirius ached.

Suddenly frantic, he ran his hands up and down James's chest, pressing his thumbs into James's nipples, running his fingers across James's ribs. He pushed himself up a bit and started kissing James again, but he couldn't open his mouth wide enough, move his tongue fast enough, suck on James's lips hard enough.

One of Sirius's hands could only move so much, as James was lying on that shoulder, his hand around Sirius's collar, the slightest of his finger movements making Sirius feel wilder and wilder. But his other hand was free, and he reached down and started rubbing over James's groin, pushing against the hardness, pressing down at the top.

But it was over trousers and that wasn't good enough. Sirius wanted to get a proper hold, to grip James with full strength, to be able to squeeze and pull and tug and everything. He started working at James's trousers, trying to unbutton and ( ... )


going_stag July 17 2006, 02:36:16 UTC
James blinked. "I love you too, arse-wipe. Fuckin' 'ell, Pads. Way to let me enjoy the fuckin' moment, you soulless pounce."

He exhaled and grinned and then brought their joined hands up and licked what was there, a wicked look in his eye. James laughed. "I got something to feed you."

Still grinning, he let his weight sag more. He'd get up in a minute, but he was relaxed and happy and food could actually wait five minutes.


toujours_sirius July 17 2006, 03:40:17 UTC
"Hmm, I thought all of my debauched ramblings were pretty damn clear on that subject." Sirius turned his head a little and kissed James lightly. "I love you, too, Prongs. But that doesn't fill my empty stomach."

He matched James's wicked look with one of his own. "Sick fuck," he said as he pulled their hands towards his mouth and took a lick of his own. He wrapped his mouth around one of James's fingers and sucked on it, looking straight into James's eyes. The frantic, lustful feeling had gone, and in its place he felt a kind of relaxed naughtiness.

"Cheapest appetiser on the market. We taste good, yeah, Prongs?"

Now that he had somewhat returned to his senses, he was aware of how much of their naked bodies were touching each other. And that was completely all right with him. He lay his head back against the mattress, sighed contentedly, and patted James's arse a few times.


going_stag July 17 2006, 04:42:41 UTC
"Like I'm your fuckin' pet." James replied, wiggling said ass on purpose and a few other things beside. He shifted enough to peer about them at the trolley still covered with food and two more quarters of his humongous sandwich.

"You done with your hor'derves yet, Pads?" James' finger thrust lazily in and out of Sirius' mouth and he looked over with an equally lazy and naughty countenance.

They could have cleaned up. But he didn't want to yet. Instead, James tapped Sirius' lips and brushed his own hair out of his eyes.


toujours_sirius July 17 2006, 05:16:06 UTC
"Mmmm, I'm your fuckin' pet. Got your collar on, haven't I?" Sirius tilted his head back a little, exposing his neck.

Holding James's gaze, he flicked his tongue over James's finger as it pushed past his lips. Soft. Wet. Suggestive.

"I dunno," he said and then moved his mouth over to the next finger and sucked on it a couple of times. "I've always been quite fond of first courses." He glanced briefly at the food table. And then he had a bit of an idea.

With his other hand, he felt around next to him for a wand. After several pats, his hand fell on something long and hard, and he gripped it and pointed it towards the food table.

"Accio bowl of chocolate mousse!" Quickly, he dropped the wand and held his hand out to catch the bowl that came flying towards them. After setting it down blindly next to them, he dipped two fingers into it and licked some of the chocolate mousse off of them. Then he extended those fingers towards James.

"Want a lick?"


going_stag July 18 2006, 22:08:36 UTC
The portrait closed behind them with a soft woosh and James dropped the cloak from around their heads, enough to try and slap some sense back into Sirius.

"Merlin's Hairy Ass, Pads. Breath you fucked wanker. We've got to get from here to the Prefect's Bathroom and you can't think straight." He moved his wand, and murmured the muffling spell under his breath, directing it all under the cloak while his other hand held the material tightly around them.

He had to repeat the spell three times, cause he stopped to smack Sirius sober when things were getting too loud. Hopefully their luck would hold out, no one had come through the portal looking for the source of the noise and no one was tramping down the hallway.


toujours_sirius July 18 2006, 23:00:53 UTC
The air was certainly a bit fresher outside of the Invisibility Cloak, but Sirius continued to crack up, stopping and staring in shock for a moment when James first slapped him, but then degenerating into uncontrollable, hysterical laughter once again. He felt so giddy, so happy, so young, so alive. He tried to take some deep breaths, but each one kept hitching in his chest and turning into spastic giggles ( ... )


lilypotter60 July 19 2006, 00:32:47 UTC
Lily had been walking down the hallway, taking the 'scenic' route back to Ravenclaw from the library. A bag of books was over her shoulder and her wand was held loosely at her side. Lost in her thoughts, she kept one ear open for anything odd. She would have been offended if anyone had pointed out that her walk was anything other than a desire to stretch her legs. However, considering the fact that she'd also done a lap around Slytherin, it was fairly obvious she was patrolling ( ... )


going_stag July 19 2006, 03:39:06 UTC
James had raised his hand to slap Sirius again when a voice came from out of no where. He whirled, trying to tug the cloak up to cover them both, even as he brought his wand around defensively. Whoever it was had given them warning, James wasn't likely to be so kind.


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