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lilypotter60 July 19 2006, 00:32:47 UTC
Lily had been walking down the hallway, taking the 'scenic' route back to Ravenclaw from the library. A bag of books was over her shoulder and her wand was held loosely at her side. Lost in her thoughts, she kept one ear open for anything odd. She would have been offended if anyone had pointed out that her walk was anything other than a desire to stretch her legs. However, considering the fact that she'd also done a lap around Slytherin, it was fairly obvious she was patrolling.

As she came near to the Gryffindor portrait, she heard something. A laugh? Low voices as well. Curious, she raised her eyes to look and saw...nothing.

Smoothly, Lily set down her bag to better her balance and stepped away from it to prevent stumbling, raising her wand and pointing it towards where she'd heard the noises. She chose to put her back to the wall, thinking that the decrease in maneuverability would be better than unseen opponents taking her unawares. She moved slightly closer, quickly deciding that a wide-net snaring hex would be her best option should things turn hostile. "Who's there?" she said.

((OOC: Sorry that took forever! Silly work, interfering with my crack! XD))


going_stag July 19 2006, 03:39:06 UTC
James had raised his hand to slap Sirius again when a voice came from out of no where. He whirled, trying to tug the cloak up to cover them both, even as he brought his wand around defensively. Whoever it was had given them warning, James wasn't likely to be so kind.


toujours_sirius July 19 2006, 03:46:24 UTC
Upon hearing the voice, Sirius froze for a moment, the laughter suddenly caught in his chest. It sounded familiar, but the corridor was echoey, so he couldn't quite place it. He tried to help James with the cloak, but his outside hand was stuck holding the food tray, and his inside hand did little more than claw at the cloak and push it up just a little bit.

A giggle started to push its way up again, but Sirius managed to swallow it down.


lilypotter60 July 19 2006, 03:54:31 UTC
Lily moved closer, silently casting the spell to ignite the end of her wand. She stopped, shocked, at what she saw.

"Sirius?" she said, her wand now pointing directly at him. His head was poking out of what appeared to be thin air - invisibility cloak, no doubt, unless there was a run on floating heads. But this wasn't the Sirius she knew at Hogwarts...at least not this time around. This Sirius was young.

"Bloody hell, what in fucking Merlin's name..." She trailed off, frowning, a half-formed hex in mind. Had to be a trick. Voldemort? Not Polyjuice - that didn't make sense. No charm that she knew of - charms would only alter, not completely change. Potion then, must be. But why? Who? Maybe she'd wandered down the wrong corridor and ended up twenty years in the past. Wouldn't be the strangest thing to ever happen here. Confused, Lily backed up slightly, her wand never dropping.


going_stag July 19 2006, 04:00:32 UTC
"Keep your bloody voice down." Came James' pitched low voice. As he recognized Lily a floating bit of dark shadow revealed itself as his hair and then his face.

He had a wand pointed too, the tip just sticking out of the invisibility cloak and not immediately obvious with Sirius head dancing like a mad roast hen on a plate.

He turned now to his best friend and continued. "All I asked was for you to keep your voice down. Should have anti-cheer hexed you when I had the chance." James blinked over at Lily. "Oi there Lily, bit of random walking 'round these parts then?"


toujours_sirius July 19 2006, 04:12:12 UTC
Sirius's eyes widened as he saw Lily, her face illuminated by her wand. Oh, fuck. This was exactly what he didn't want to have happened. This was bad. This was really bad.

This was fucking hilarious.

A huge snort escaped through Sirius's nose, and his whole body started shaking again with laughter. "Sorry, Prongs!" he managed to get out before the giggles took over again.

In the back of Sirius's mind, however, a small panic was beginning to take hold. He and James were naked, sweaty, and come stained under the cloak, and Lily would probably not be so understanding if she were to find that out. Hell, neither he nor James was too sure what had just happened between them, so he imagined it would confuse Lily even more. And the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. It was bad enough that his hair was likely all dishevelled and -

And shit. He was seventeen.


lilypotter60 July 19 2006, 04:38:42 UTC
The only thing that stopped Lily from just hexing and sorting it all out later was James' voice. She paused, then made the light on the end of her wand glow brighter. There were still shadows, but at least now she could fully make out James and Sirius' faces.

"I fancied a bit of a stroll," she said, her voice casual. Only the fact that she hadn't lowered her wand and her set jaw betrayed the fact that Lily was not exactly in the mood for a nice sit down and a cuppa. "All right there, Potter?"

She didn't know if this was some trick by Voldemort or if she really had gone back twenty years of if Sirius had done this to himself somehow... Her eyes got wide. "Shit, Black," she hissed.


going_stag July 19 2006, 04:46:15 UTC
James nodded. "Tea and biscuits, Potter. You alright there?" His eyes flicked from her to Sirius as his words and thoughts (He'd called her Potter to imply a truce in their bickering) were interrupted and James shifted so his body was blocking Sirius'.

"Present for me, Lily. Padfoot went and got himself temporarily younger. Very temporary. You can stop thinking the Queen of Darkness has fancied himself a bit of Padfoot Polyjuice Potion and he's trying to break into Gryffindor. Besides, Harry's not there anyway, and anyone trying would get a face full of hexes. They're still Gryffindor's for all things've changed."


toujours_sirius July 19 2006, 05:02:35 UTC
At Lily's admonishment, Sirius suddenly felt very self-conscious, and his laughter died away. But that wasn't something he wanted to betray to Lily. He nodded and looked off to one side as James spoke, not wanting to meet Lily's eyes, as he was sure she was examining his face.

Feeling a bit more collected after James's explanation, he grinned and met Lily's eyes. "What do you think? I was a sexy bloke, no, Evans - er, Potter?" Sirius had been calling Lily 'Evans' for a while now, but he felt as if he should follow James's (surprising and heart-jolting) lead.

And then the moment was awkward once again. Sirius shifted from one foot to the other. He had to do something.

With his inside hand, he felt around on the food tray, grabbed something up, and stuck his hand through the opening in the Invisibility Cloak, careful not to disturb it and reveal the fact that they were completely naked underneath.

"Strawberry?" he asked, holding out his hand to Lily.


lilypotter60 July 19 2006, 05:16:29 UTC
Lily's wand dropped at James' explanation and she ran her free hand through her hair. "Bloody sodding hell," she muttered. She'd noticed (of course she'd noticed) James referring to her as 'Potter', and she relaxed slightly.

"Potion?" her question was directed at James, though her eyes were searching Sirius. "How long? And where did you get a sodding age-reversal potion, anyway?" She felt a brief flash of hurt that Sirius hadn't come to her to brew it for him, but shook it off. She looked at Sirius quickly, raising an eyebrow just slightly. She knew he'd catch her meaning - they were going to talk about this. But later.

She paused a long minute, just staring at the two. Merlin, this was familiar. Her lips quirked into a smile and she laughed, reaching out to take the strawberry. "Yes, you both are quite dashing, though you look as if you've been up to something." She held up her hands, grinning, "And please, for Merlin's sake, don't tell me what it is. Plausible denial, yeah?"


going_stag July 19 2006, 05:25:54 UTC
"What you don't know you can't blame on me." James replied with an equally quick grin. But he turned and nodded to Sirius, giving the impression of folding his arms under the cloak.

"Go on then, tell her. You'd hardly tell me, but she's got a wand pointed at you and she hasn't made any promises." Not like James deciding on purpose that Sirius wouldn't find himself hanging upside down by one leg if he could help it.

While waiting he groped under the cloak at the tray and picked himself up his own bloody strawberry. No way was he going to watch Lily Evans eat one and not enjoy one too. Competition, thy name was occasionally James Potter. Which was why he was slowly licking red juice off his fingers.


toujours_sirius July 19 2006, 05:41:21 UTC
Sirius shook his head. "A bloke never reveals his beauty secrets. But don't worry, it's perfectly safe, and it lasts a week. So stare and get your jollies while you can, Ev-, er, Potter."

The eyebrow raise and overall sceptical look were not lost on Sirius, and he knew he'd be in for it after the week was over. At least she didn't seem particularly angry. And she didn't want to know the details of the no good that he and James had just been up to.

He picked up another strawberry off the tray, poked it up and out of the cloak, and popped it in his own mouth. He was still bloody starving and wasn't just going to stand there while the other two ate strawberries and his stomach growled.


lilypotter60 July 19 2006, 05:49:11 UTC
Lily laughed as James and then Sirius pulled out strawberries, "Do you two have a bloody kitchen in there with you?" She sucked for a moment on the end of her berry before taking a small nibble. She winked at Sirius, "Fine, then, love, be like that. But if you get covered in tentacles or small furry warts, don't come crying to me for an antidote."

She considered the two for a moment, cocking her head. "I'm going to guess I don't want to know why you are both still hiding under the cloak, yeah? Though talking to two floating heads is a unique experience, I assure you," she grinned.


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