The prodigal Sam returns ((closed RP, Sam, Dean, Sookie, Castiel))

Apr 11, 2011 21:39

Sam set a brisk pace, zipping up the worn jacket he had acquired and tucked the makeshift bedroll against his shoulder a little tighter against the cool morning air. If he kept up the pace, he might make it back to the castle somewhere around midnight. He could have said a brief prayer and asked Castiel for a quick zap home, but the solitude of the past three days had been good for him; affording a clarity of thought he had been lacking the past few weeks. In those quiet moments, he examined his situation and what had been said to him.

“I’m afraid destiny isn’t quite done with you Sam, even after all you and your brother have given. The three of you have been pretty busy upending plans both above and below. In doing so, you’ve also thrown the power structure completely out of whack, which I admire. That took guts.

“Your friend Castiel is destined to reshape Heaven and bring it back into balance. The Powers also realize that Hell needs to come back into alignment now that Lucifer and his merry band of smoky pals are contained again. You’re part of that, Sam. You’re going to help bring things back into balance.”

“Me? I’m gonna help Cas reshape Heaven?” There was a long silence. Sam swallowed convulsively and stared. He felt sick. “Not.. not Heaven.”

Lorne lay a calming hand on Sam’s, “Like everything else, you’ve got a choice Sam. Hell’s not supposed to be the torture pit that your father and your brother endured. All I can tell you is talk to Crowley. Hear what he has to say, then make your decision. Remember, all she can do is keep you and Adam out of the cage. That doesn’t guarantee you’ll both make it out of Hell.”

Sam loved his family. He loved them so much that sometimes it made him ache. As infuriating as they could all be, he didn't want to be parted from them, not forever. He’d talk to Crowley. He’d talk to him and make his decision then. Not before.

Sometime well after midnight, the weary hunter walked into the common room of Gryffindor tower. Exhausted, he stretched out on the nearest couch. He’d go find Dean, he just needed to sit down for a minute.

Sam was fast asleep less than five minutes later, snoring softly in the darkened room.

sam winchester, dean winchester, sookie stackhouse, castiel

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