open notice to the school, posted in various locations

Dec 21, 2008 14:28

Dear students,

A recent conversation led me to ponder how strange it is you should all be admitted to a magic school without being immediately issued magic wands.

As it happens, I have an old shoebox of wands in my office. No frills, no runic enhancements, no sparkles, just plain wands. I understand the wand is intended to fit the wizard, and all that jazz, so you'll likely want to try out a few before picking one.

I ask only that if you take me up on this offer, you keep the innuendo to yourselves.

- Mr. Wednesday
Professor of Ancient Runes

(( No need to RP out getting a wand from Wednesday, this is mainly an excuse to handwave your char having a wand if you don't want to play out the inevitable wand-shopping trip to Hogsmeade etc. Nothing against such trips, of course, if you enjoy them XD

However if you'd like to RP with Wednesday I shall try to respond without too unreasonable a delay between tags. *g* ))

mr wednesday

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