WART #120

Mar 15, 2008 01:14

"Dude. Come on, we talked about this, you agreed already!" Brenda gave Jaime a nudge.

Jaime nudged her back. "Nuh-uh. I said I was gonna check out the equipment. And I did. It's all clear. You're sure, right? So I'm just gonna--"


"Um." He sighed. "Okay, fine, I'm just gonna sit down over here." He started shuffling through a stack of CDs.

"Good, 'cause I saw one I wanna start off with last time we were here!" Brenda pulled down a stack of CDs and found the one she wanted third disc down. She put on Me and My Shadow, the Robbie Williams version. "That one's for you, pal."

Jaime snorted. "Ha ha. Hell of a crowbar. It's an expression." Then he spotted an album and grinned.

"Speaking of who you were talking about, I think I found their theme song." With that, he queued up They're Everywhere by Jim's Big Ego.

There was a pause after the song ended. "Dude. It's you."

Brenda laughed into the microphone. "Don't mind Jaime here, folks, he talks to himself all the time. Like our pal Paco says, boy ain't right. He just never learns. But me, I learn!" With that Brenda cued up another CD: Alanis Morrissette's You Learn.

If facepalming was audible over the radio, that was the next sound anyone heard. Horrified, Jaime immediately cast about for a diversion and found it in a stack of Flooed-in requests. "Hey, got a couple of requests here," he said quickly. "Uh, one from Mia Fey, who says it's 'to anyone who's considered giving up.'" He quickly put in Float by Flogging Molly, and then wrote quickly on a note to Brenda: Don't call everybody's attention to it!

The page Jaime was scribbling on was an anonymous request, so Brenda grabbed the CD. "Aaaand here's another one, to Stephanie Brown. No name on the sender, though. I Miss You by Blink 182."

Jaime sobered, forgetting about the one-siding completely. Steph was gone now. "Miss her too," he said after a moment. "Like to think it just means people leave or go home, but - they still aren't here."

"Yeah. And it's so easy to miss - I just thought I hadn't seen her around," Brenda said quietly. "I miss everybody back home, but at least I know they're there."

"Well--" Jaime spotted an album in the stack and pulled it out, grinning. "Might as well play stuff for people back home.

This one's for Paco, only 'cause he liked to drive everybody nuts singing the chorus," he said, putting in Banditos by The Refreshments. Paco had done that - loudly and intentionally off-key and usually directing it at the "stupid people" in question.

Brenda groaned. "Ohh-KAY. I miss the folks back home a little less than I did before you reminded me of that... I've got two - here's one for Milagro, who loves the Hannah Montana. I'm sending her I've Got Nerve, 'cause does she ever!" She took a deep breath. "And this one goes out to my - to La Dama. It's Special, by Garbage."

Jaime smirked at the dedication to Milagro. "Got that right," he agreed, but his smile faded a bit at the second dedication. He reached over and squeezed Brenda's shoulder gently, not saying anything. Not that there was anything he could say. As the song wound down, he grabbed at the nearest request rather than call attention to dead air. "Another anonymous request. No name, no message, but here ya go," he said, playing Shout by Tears for Fears.

"Oh, here's another request." She cleared her throat. "For M, from N. I don't understand you, don't understand us, don't understand me. But I'm enjoying learning. The song's Sick of Myself, by Bowling For Soup. Thanks, M! I've got another one. This was kind of my theme song when I was 13. Don't Let Me Get Me, by Pink."

No sarcastic comments from the peanut gallery this time. Besides, the first request had reminded Jaime of something, and he was flipping through the liner notes of the album it came from. "Hey, just remembered - St. Patrick's Day's coming up, right? There's something I've gotta play for that." He queued up Traditional Irish Folk Song by Denis Leary, followed by (No More) Paddy's Lament by Flogging Molly again. Just because.

"Ahhh. St. Paddy's with no wisecracks from Paco about my red hair. It'll be a joy. Oh, this is kind of sweet: From Laura to Alan, 'I'm here whenever you need me.' The song's Security by Joss Stone." She shuffled through some papers. "That's not the only one, either. Here's Paul Weller's You Do Something To Me, from Jack Harkness 'For my tea boy.' Is that a euphemism? Jaime, you know this stuff, don't you?"

"Huh? Uh, I don't think so," Jaime said, taken aback. He recognized the name, but..."Personal thing, I guess." He snagged another one from the pile. "Got a request from Konata here to play What's Up People? by Maximum the Hormone." Again, no idea, but there was a disc attached and he played it anyway. ((Note: This is the second theme to Death Note, not that Jaime would know.))

She shrugged. "Oh, here's a song I like! Sing Along, by Dave Matthews and Blue Man Group. Gotta love Dave Matthews, right? And an anonymous request for something a little off the beaten path, Leslie Fish's Blowin' Nose Blues." ((Warning: lyrics are explicit))

There was one more request in the pile. "Think this is the last one," Jaime said, picking it up. "From L, to no one in particular: Milord by Edith Piaf."

Brenda looked over the now-decimated stack of CDs. "Wow. I can't believe we played the whole thing," she chirped. "This has been a blast, folks. We've been your hosts for this evening, Brenda and Jaime - "

"Wait, one more thing." Jaime grabbed another CD. "Um, this is for Lola. From me. Because, well, you know." Before he could waste more air time or lose his nerve, he put in Angel on My Bike by The Wallflowers and sat back, grateful that no one could tell how red his ears were over the radio.

"Awww. Jaime, that's so sweet! I can't think of a nicer note to end the show -"


And suddenly, Tomo came charging in, having found the radio station by a combination of sheer luck and house-elf extortion.

She shoved Jaime aside and grabbed the mike. "Hey, Hogwarts! This is Tomo Takino, coming to you live on White Day! Did you forget? I bet you did! Only know one guy who actually remembered to follow through out of this whole place!"

"HEY! NO SHOVING MY FRIEND!" Brenda grabbed the microphone back from Tomo. "And this is not for you to advertise your crazy-ass made-up fake "Send Chocos to Tomo" holiday!"

Jaime opened his mouth to speak, but then reconsidered and decided to let Tomo dig her own grave. Which she did as she promptly grabbed the mike back. "IT IS NOT MADE-UP! IT'S A LEGIT HOLIDAY! You're just mad because you didn't get any chocolate today!" she added cheerfully.

"Oh, here it comes," Jaime muttered.

Yes, it does. The windup, and the pitch. Brenda's open hand met Tomo's cheek with a ringing SLAP. "I'm mad 'cause a total idiot busted in here and wrecked a perfectly nice night - yo, hero boy, feel free to jump in here anytime!"

"WAUGH!" Tomo stumbled back, slipped on a couple of notes that had fallen to the floor and promptly crashed to the floor herself. Hard. "...ow..."

Jump in and do what, kick the human speed bump on the floor? Jaime shook his head and covered the mike with a hand. "Yeah, well, you asked for it, Fido," he told Tomo before turning back to the mike. Sorry, he mouthed to Brenda. "Uh, please ignore the crazy and feel free to call - uh, Floo in any requests. We'll be here."

"I'm okay!" Tomo called out weakly, still face down on the floor.

"Physically, anyway," Jaime muttered.
((Forgot to add, Tomo-smackdown TOTALLY done with permission - it was the mun's idea in fact! It was just time for one.))

jaime reyes, tomo takino, brenda amparo, radio

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