The Return of... a bunch of people (closed socktastic RP)

Mar 14, 2008 21:05

It was better not to ask where they'd been, or what they were doing back now. Chalk it up to a seriously gone-awry spell and you'd have the gist of it.

The result, however, was that five of Hogwarts's denizens had returned. Tyrion Lannister waddled inside the castle, looked around, and cast a glance at his companions. "Seven hells, I need a drink," he said, and scurried off down the hall in search of Slytherin.

Luna Lovegood watched him go and shook her head. "Some people are just not very grateful," she groused under her breath. "I brought us all back, didn't I?"

It took a gargantuan effort for Meg Murry not to roll her eyes. "Yes, you did, but you maybe could have stopped after the first fifteen minutes of futile persuasion to see if Mr. Lannister and Mr. Vorkosigan would help you replicate an arse baby."

"I just need a uterine replicator--whatever that is--a ball of twine, some chocolates and a new wand, and I'm sure I'll have one eventually," Luna said, unperturbed.

"Well, I'll leave you to it," Meg said with a shrug. She waved cheerfully at Brienne of Tarth, who nodded her head in slight acknowledgement, then hurried off to Ravenclaw, where she intended to owl home to let Mother and Charles Wallace know she hadn't officially fallen off the face of the earth... again... Yet.

After Meg's departure, Luna shook her head. "Hmmm. I wonder if they've caught any nargles lately," she said. She waggled her fingers in a lazy wave at Brienne. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you later," she said vaguely, and turned to wander aimlessly off down the hall.

Brienne could do little to acknowledge her companions' departure, however, because she was currently carrying the aforementioned Mr. Vorkosigan in her arms. He'd buried his face against her shoulder and was snoring and drooling contentedly. Brienne was afraid to wake him, because it had been her experience with Miles, in their brief acquaintanceship, that he had two levels: on and off. There was nothing in between, and the last time she'd woken him up, during the hell that most normal people would like to think of as the last few weeks, he'd grabbed her, yanked her head down, and planted a big wet kiss on her startled mouth. Then he'd grinned at her impishly and said, "You know, I've always wanted to do that."

Which could explain why, as she tried to shift him to a more comfortable position, he kept moaning inarticulately and burying his face even deeper into her shoulder.

Brienne sighed. Of course her companions would leave putting Miles to bed up to her. Sometimes it wasn't fair, being a responsible adult.

Grimly, she marched down the hall to Slytherin, intending to put Miles to bed and then probably do some sword practice. Either that or take a nap. She hadn't made up her mind which.

((OOC: This means I'm back. I'm not sure how active I'll be, but I'm going to try. Really hard. Again. I know I said that last time, but I mean it now. Besides, where else can I get my daily dose of crack?))

miles vorkosigan, luna lovegood, meg murry, brienne of tarth, sock, tyrion lannister

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