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Comments 74

lilypotter60 April 6 2007, 22:34:41 UTC
Since she'd left, Lily hadn't allowed herself to think about Sirius. She had very firmly guided her mind onto other paths; and whenever it had started to wander she'd picked up another book or jotted another note or done anything to get her thoughts away from him.

Because she honestly didn't know what to do. No answers magically appeared, no connections were made, no resolutions found. So she turned to books, to research, to the soothing sound of quill on parchment and she strove to forget.

For how many hours she'd been bent over the tomes, Lily honestly couldn't have said. But she knew the instant Sirius had approached. Whether it was by his gait or if she caught a breath of his familiar scent or she'd just sodding sensed him it was unclear. But she felt his eyes on her just as surely as if he'd touched her. And, for one of the first times she could remember since her return to life, Lily wished he'd stayed away.

Pulling her book closer to her - The Effects and Advantages of Seers Within Magic Theories - Lily didn't look up ( ... )


toujours_sirius April 6 2007, 22:50:59 UTC
The silence of the late-night (or perhaps early-morning) library pulsed loudly in his ears. There was no way she hadn't heard him, and she very clearly wasn't asleep. After about half a minute, Sirius slowly walked over to the seat next to her, pulled it out, and sat down, careful not to make any sharp movements or loud noises. He wasn't sure if he was doing that for the library's sake or for Lily's.

"You coming home?" he asked softly, his gaze absently fixed on the page of her book. It was a mere cover for all of the other questions hovering in his mind - questions about their fight and where to go from there - and on top of that, all the things he wanted to say to her about how much he really did love and respect her, how he'd never perceive her as a toy, how he was confused and guilty and just wanted to do what was right. But for now it was all he could say.


lilypotter60 April 6 2007, 23:21:42 UTC
The question made her wince slightly. "Eventually," she murmured. Lily turned a page, pretending to read. "Why aren't you in bed?"

Then she paused, looking around, a vague look of surprise as she realized exactly how deserted the library was. "What time is it?" She knew she'd been there a while, but a quick glance to her watch revealed exactly how long. Scrubbing her face, she stifled a yawn and curled herself further up in her chair, the book open in her lap. All tangled up in the very clear avoidance tactics she was using was the real need to get some work done. Hoping that Sirius would just leave - and completely uncertain as to why he'd come to find her in the first place - Lily did her best to focus on the page in front of her.


toujours_sirius April 6 2007, 23:29:34 UTC
"It's late. And you weren't there. And I wanted to make sure you were all right." He reached a hand over and lightly rubbed the middle of her back. "Have you eaten?"

Questions still unasked, answers still not given. But first he had to attend to the basics, and he was willing to bet she hadn't had a good meal and was exhausted, and so his primary goal was to get her out of the library and comfortable. Then they could deal with their problems.


toujours_sirius April 7 2007, 05:31:19 UTC
Where Lily's brain was overactive, Sirius's had shut down. He couldn't think about this any more, not without a good night's sleep, and maybe not even then. He was immensely relieved that Lily had agreed to come home, but beyond that, he couldn't dwell on their issues, and he certainly hadn't the resolve to try and fix them.

Silently, he walked with her back to their suite, automatically descending staircases and making turns without thinking much about what he was doing. When they arrived, he quickly kicked off his shoes, pulled off his shirt and trousers, and climbed into bed, thankful that he wouldn't be the only one in it. And when Lily joined him, he immediately wrapped his arms around her and pulled her as close as he could get her without causing asphyxiation.

"I love you so much," he whispered and then craned his head down to kiss her. "I'm sorry about...about today." Another pause, and another small, and very sleepy, bark of laughter. "You still want me to be your assistant?"


lilypotter60 April 7 2007, 05:43:59 UTC
Upon reaching their rooms, Lily pulled off her clothes, quickly dressing in a pair of pajamas. She crawled into bed beside him, gratefully accepting the embrace, snuggling closer and curling her arm around his waist. This was nice. At least, it would be for a little while.

Returning the kiss, she smiled slightly. "I love you, too. And don't be." In truth, his words were going to haunt her.

If he comes here, straight off the end of a Killing Curse, looking for you and Harry, wondering if you lived or if Voldemort killed you, what...what are you going to do?

Reason number one hundred why she wasn't going to be sleeping tonight.

Tipping her head back, she kissed him again. "Course. Though you might want to ask for combat pay."


toujours_sirius April 7 2007, 05:50:06 UTC
That comment merited another sleepy laugh. "Makes dealing with boggarts and grindylows look like a piece of cake, huh?" His hand trailed lazily up and down her arm before stopping and settling just above her elbow.


lilypotter60 April 7 2007, 05:54:59 UTC
"That's the plan," she told him, eyes caressing his face as sleep started to overcome him. It sounded silly and girly, but she did love to watch Sirius fall asleep. Something peaceful always overcame him, something that erased all those years of torture and loneliness. "Make everything else look easy in comparison. Dark Arts creatures have nothing on me."


lilypotter60 April 8 2007, 01:53:03 UTC

"I'm not hungry," she shrugged, fingers playing around the rim of her mug. And she wasn't. Too many things were churning through her brain; the thought of eating made her stomach, already clenched up in so many knots, flip unpleasantly.

Taking a sip of tea, Lily leaned her head back, closing her eyes. Merlin, she was just so tired. And actually, most of it had nothing to do with Sirius. Cox's statements to her during her Office Hours - the fact that she was treating her job in the Wing like a game, the inference that she wasn't good enough at what she did - had shaken her, but they had also made her push herself harder. Barely a spare moment was spent without a book in hand or away from either the Wing or her office. Even now, underneath her concern about Sirius and about their relationship, a mental clock was ticking away, reminding her of all the things she had yet to do ( ... )


toujours_sirius April 8 2007, 02:05:01 UTC
She was trying to steer him from her unwillingness to eat, and while he knew better than to push her too hard, he couldn't let the situation go entirely. His eyes lingered on hers for a moment, and then he said in a mild, casual tone, "Well...promise me you're going to eat something before noon, yeah?" He looked back at his plate and took another bite of pancake. "I just don't want you to end up in a hospital bed again." His eyes flicked to hers once more and then to his teacup, from which he took another sip.


lilypotter60 April 8 2007, 02:13:31 UTC
"No," she said, trying to keep the edge from her tone. Shrugging a little, Lily attempted a rueful smile. "I'll eat when I'm hungry. Stop worrying, Black." The mention of her stint in the Hospital Wing made her stiffen slightly, lips curving downward.

"I'm fine," she snapped slightly, standing up. "I'm going to go get dressed."

Apparently Sirius shared Cox's opinion that she couldn't handle her own life. Sodding arrogant prats, the both of them. Lily turned to walk towards the bedroom.


toujours_sirius April 8 2007, 02:23:08 UTC
Sirius sighed heavily and then put down his fork and knife. After one more sip of tea (Merlin knew he'd need it the way this conversation was going), he quickly got up and gently caught her around the waist. "Hey. I worry because I care about you, all right?" he said, trying to keep his voice soft and nonthreatening. "And you didn't eat yesterday, and you haven't eaten today, and I just don't want you to get sick." Figuring a drop of humour might help, he added, "I may be your assistant, but I doubt you want me taking over your class because you're not fit to teach it. If it's up to me, the lot of them will be learning how to make Self-Propelled Spitballs instead of studying up on Kappas or whatever it is you want them to learn."


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