Dear Chance,
An attack of conscious, for which you are partially to blame, has caused me to destroy most of the photographs that might be particularly embarrassing for the good Doctors. I am attaching a few of the more choice photographs, so that you know how very difficult it was for me to get rid of these.
Still in shock over crimes against art,
P.S. This damn owl tried to bite me on the nose. Birds are evil.
Dear Thomas,
Apologies in advanced for the ill-tempered owl that delivered this letter. I called him a foul-smelling flying rodent, and I believe he understood me. In my defense, I was speaking in Klingon. Apparently, magic birds understand insults in any language.
I was writing to apologize for
thinking you were a hologram at my sorting- had I realized that was not the case, I wouldn’t have made such personal medical inquires.
Actually, I probably would have, but I would have had the decency to act embarrassed. Thank you for being such a good sport about the whole thing.
All the best,
Jadzia Dax
Hello Gentelman,
My name’s Jadzia, and I’ve just
accepted a position at your company. I just thought I would write ahead and introduce myself. I look forward to working with you!
Jadzia Dax
Dear Rose,
I loved
what you did with my tricorder, and thought you might be interested in painting this data pad. It’s been broken for almost a month, and now there’s no one around who can fix it at all. I’d much rather it be turned into something nice to look at than take up room in my bag.
All the best,
Dear Lenara,
You came up in conversation the other day, and I know you can’t, and I can’t, and we can’t...
I don’t even know what to write. I highly doubt this owl can travel through timestreams anyway. Although I wouldn’t be surprised. Even if it could, this was a bad idea.