(no subject)

Aug 14, 2012 18:59

think this may become a habit for Tuesday's... we'll see.  back at the mall killing time before the movie starts.  Normally I wouldn't leave my place till closer to time, but I didn't get notice from the friend until I got to the mall, that the movie was for 10:05p, ... here it is 4:30p... So I had dinner at the Thai place in the food court.  Tried their new "swee thair chili bass fish" dish... was actually very excellent, and I think my new fabourite from tha place.... just have to try it with sprite instead of rootbeer next time. (not sitting very well right now :(  stupid McDonald's rootbeer being so thick and gelatin-eee.)

anyways, I'm at the mall, had dinner, and be I'm killing time. in the mean time, because I was chatting with a potential bf who lives in thunderbay, during dinner, my phone was getting low on power. thankfully I brought a charger, ... but the problem at the mall, is there's

very few power outlets anywhere. and fewer stll that work, or are accessible while I'm on my scooter.  But, I prevailed and found one that's working and in a spot where I can back my scooter up and be out of the way while the pedestrians walk by.   if I was a panhandler, I'd almost be tempted to put my cup out and shack it for attention.   But, I'm above that... (no I'm not proud, but I'm not in such dire straits that I would have to stoop that low to have to beg to survive. at least in such a manner. I'm already begging and sacrificing sanity and health to survive, but I'm not to the point of death.... yet......)

anyways, cup aside, I'm out of the way, on my keyboard (god I love this thing.  the 'mini' keyboard was a waste of $20 as I can't even get it to work now.)(but I can type away as if I'm on my machine at home and not be slowed down one bit. I'm *squeeze-ing* on the inside.) young my thoughts for the day, looking at everybody walking buy. all the closet fags coming to check out the cruising in the bathrooms, the wellfare moms and their brats, the addicts and prostitues, the seniors who live just down the hallway (yeah, did you know they turned the hotel that was attatched to the mall, into a seniour citizens residence?) and the differently abled folks who have nowhere else better to be on a wet rainy afternoon.  I was a little hessitent to setup shop here in this little corner, expecting mall security to come along and kick me out, or get me to move along for loitering.... but so far,.  *touch wood* I'm in the clear.

as for the food court of this mall, the Chinese place is toast. its been gone now for a couple of months once they closed the highschool up the street. and Druxys closes early now too. which sucks because I was kids hoping for a sandwhich tonight, instead of the thai chilly fish.

the business section of this mall too also has some "issues" with trying to keep businesses in the spots.  (doesn't help that the malls been sold a few times and the last two sets of owners have raised the rents to exorbitant heights, and there's no way you can afford to setup shop unless your laundering money for some crime organization and can write the rent off as tax write off.

their supposed to be putting in a ramp to connect the upper and lower portions of the food court, but I've yet to see that happen. you have to go outside and around the entire distance of the mall and back into different doors in order to get onto the other floor/section.  sucks ads, cause there's good food down there to eat! plus the community dental clinic.  lol

((uh oh, something in either the rootbeer (most likely), or the thai fish (least likely) isn't sitting well in my stomach, and is making me dizzy))
(also, trying out the cut feature on this app, not used to it, so will see if what I typed gets eaten, or if it stays... lol)

oh right, haven't mentioned what movie we're supposed to see tonight. lol,   last week, I ended up seeing "Total Recall" twice in one night!, no it wasn't ThAT good that I'd spend that kind of money, I went to see it with two different groups of people. that's why.  I missed hearing and was dissapointed that they didn't have the classic line "Get your ass to Mars" in there anywhere.  They did have the three titted female, a woman who "looked" sort of like the lady mask he wore and even had her respond "two weeks"... but that was just one of the easter eggs/head tilts to the original arnold schwarzenneger film. Now all that said, as a seperate re-imagining, it was a pretty decent film, but as I've told a Fe other people since watching it, it had plot/development holes big enough you could drive a planet through them.... 1)if the 'no zone' is contaminated, how do they keep the contamination out of the two mega-polis population centers? 2) how and when did they build "the fall"? before or after the contamination? of was the contamination BECAUSE of the construction of the fall? 3) the 'mind fuck' of "is this really a psychotic break' or real" wasn't quite as surreal either...  This might be because they stuck to closely to the original novelette, or because they changed the wrong things without adapting the supporting story items to compensate for it...   And lastly,  I didn't find that there was the same overwhelming and looming sense of dread/dependance and rebellion as the first film.  I mean, without knowing how the atmosphere was kept clear, the threat of impending doom only fell upon the droid army, and welll, since when has that been threatening in the last 40years? Find't starwars get us over the fear of fighting a droid army?  And the last bits of freedom being removed, just didn't have the same bite to it either... I mean, come on, by that day and age, squashed dreams, necessitated compromises and personal space willll have entirely changed so there isn't the impetus there either for fear.  Sure, threatening my life will make me angry, perhaps even enough to fight back... but until you give me a reason to fear a complete snuffage due to lack of oxygen,... what can you do to me to break me? not much.

Now, for what the movie did have... lots of awesome scenery and backdrops.... lots of CGI work, lots of Collin Farrell, and remarkably little nudidty, language or violence. Yes there was a lot of "BLOW SHIT UP" and destruction, but I mean, the violence was so quick and not even filmed all that much, so it was almost negligable... that or I'm just remarkably desensitized to it now....

Aside all that, was a decent story. political commentary (again, as ever and hallways) though this time was very blatant, rather then secondary.  I mean Arnold's film was about withholding technology that would remove any dependance on the controlling corporation.  The machine and ice core that would make enough breathable oxygen to make mars a breathable planet.  This remake, didn't even make reference to any air filtration system, or primary resource, other then land. and well I'm sorry, land has been fought for over the past 20,000 years. its nothing New...  Had they kept the "breathable atmosphere" prominent in the story they could have shown that AND the political fight for freedom/land and been an even better story/film.   But they didn't. so its a mediocre\ok film instead.)

New topic.....  speaking of fags checking out the bathroom cruising... I'm trying to decide if I want to go drop a load myself, or just stay long enough to drop a load and then head over to the theater where its a lot noisier... lol,  I've only seen one good looker head to the bathroom, and he left awhile ago. the rest have all been twink boys, or grizzled old men even I'm not that desperate to chance it with yet... at least not here in the mall.... if it was the nature preserve and in the woods outside,,... that would be a different story... oh the storyies I could tell, and may one day write down in here... but not today... lol
But back to the question of dropping a load, or dropping a load... I've been masturbating laying down so much lately at home to compensate for the lower back nerve damage, I don't know if I'll be able to drop a load sitting on a toilet anymore... may just have to be a load afterall. lol :(

old topic, my phones just about charged up. that's a good thing. as I'm pretty sure the outlets at the theater don't supply power unless their turned on for the cleaning staff.

oh the sun finally came out too! sweet.  wonder what the weather will be like tonight after the movie?


and finally, once again, none of this is was I was about to or going to type. lol.  always the case lately.   have two things in mind to do... one is to type some serious thought about something, and the next is to ist make some general comment about the past few days... and well, lately... serious thought, is just that... thought....


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